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Game Too Easy? Why Is That?


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This game is easy because: 


- it is too easy to retreat and regenerate shields + repostion + snipe  from far distance   , where enemies become weaker

- you have mostly endless time to complete a mission  ( include time or othere limitations like in defense missions, slow down warframe that is possesed by artefact , the red glow one ... ) 

- shield regeneration is wayyy to high, and the "shield regeneration mod" is useless in my eys

          -> low regeneration and this mods might be useful, so u have to skip some other mod that makes you overpowered  (might be one solution)

- missions dont require special tactics or teamplay, its just: kill everything u see

- ultimates are often too strong, so no one cares about small mob, run into middle, ulitmate,  win  

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The game is too easy because of the gear they allow you to have. Your gear scales to 10x or whatever the damage, 5-10x the health, all the while the mobs stay the same.


This problem gets worse if you spend money on the game and buy reactors/catalysts. I've had similar experiences to the person who said they took off their sentinel to test something and had a ton of fun in the game.


Well I would love it if that same level of difficulty was accessible with all of my hard earned gear (rank 10 serration/hornet strike and I have 97% of all the mods in the game).


Simply allowing a difficulty setting would fix this. Slide the difficulty up and now the enemies have more health, do more damage,  have improved accuracy, and sit there not firing less - have you ever noticed a lot of times mobs just sit there not shooting? What's with that? It's lame.


My sentinel has better weapon mods than a lot of players. OH and I almost forgot about forma LOL - People already have warframes where *every* mod slot has a polarity. In another week people are going to have sentinels that can solo half the game.


Don't give me gear then ask me to take it off if I want a challenge/have fun.


p.s. I've spent $40 on the game but have only bought slots and reactors/catalysts. I have all the frames except Vauban and Exal Prime. I'm building Frost Prime (I got lucky and hitched a ride with people who spent way too much on keys - but that's because I have good gear and often times they needed me).I'll hit mastery 9 this weekend once my Frost Prime is done building and it's from farming/playing everything, so yes I do enjoy the game, but at least code in a difficulty slider -- it can't be that hard, can it? if [ difficulty = 3 ] then [ mob health = mob health * 3 ] end -- Can't be that simple I know but figure it out and make us happy!

Edited by .PiTHON.
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But that got me thinking. Why isn't it challenging? What exactly makes it so easy for some people to blaze through pluto levels and murderize everything without ever taking health damage? What is it that the enemies lack to make things challenging?



1. Skills. A lot of warframes can afford to just press 4 and kill dozens of enemies at once. The problem is that's most of the wave. The enemies then drop at least 100 energy worth of power balls and since there's no cooldown you can do it all again.

There's little tactical skills available. Frost has Snow Globe, Banshee has Sonar. That's it. All of the other tactical skills (bullet attractor, radial disarm, radial blind) are poor and not worth using.


2. Mods. 220% damage is bad enough, but you have 8 slots that you can fill with all sorts of readily stackable damage types and other dpm-increasing trinkets. The power level you can achieve goes far and away beyond what any enemy can resist (aside from high level defense missions, but those are just bullet sponges most of the times).


3. Poor resource design. There is only one enemy in this game that can even come close to being a threat to anything other than your shields, and that's the toxic ancient. Shields, your regenerative hit points, start recharging very quickly and scale to a point where you'll never need more than Redirection 5 on any warframe. Energy in 4-man teams is so abundant that even with a maxed flow mod you'll eventually sit at max power unless you spam abilities like a madman. Health, your non-recharging hit points, is scarce and requires a specific warframe to readily recharge, prompting people to skip builing for it entirely.


4. Invincibility tricks. A boss is not a threat when I can go invisible and kill it without being in any danger. Rhino was a (not so well executed) step forward, but there are still a lot of frames with either invincibility or near-invincibility. I would suggest something, but nothing will fix this other than mass redesign.

Edited by krisp
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1. Skills. A lot of warframes can afford to just press 4 and kill dozens of enemies at once. The problem is that's most of the wave. The enemies then drop at least 100 energy worth of power balls and since there's no cooldown you can do it all again.

There's little tactical skills available. Frost has Snow Globe, Banshee has Sonar. That's it. All of the other tactical skills (bullet attractor, radial disarm, radial blind) are poor and not worth using.


2. Mods. 220% damage is bad enough, but you have 8 slots that you can fill with all sorts of readily stackable damage types and other dpm-increasing trinkets. The power level you can achieve goes far and away beyond what any enemy can resist (aside from high level defense missions, but those are just bullet sponges most of the times).


3. Poor resource design. There is only one enemy in this game that can even come close to being a threat to anything other than your shields, and that's the toxic ancient. Shields, your regenerative hit points, start recharging very quickly and scale to a point where you'll never need more than Redirection 5 on any warframe. Energy in 4-man teams is so abundant that even with a maxed flow mod you'll eventually sit at max power unless you spam abilities like a madman. Health, your non-recharging hit points, is scarce and requires a specific warframe to readily recharge, prompting people to skip builing for it entirely.


4. Invincibility tricks. A boss is not a threat when I can go invisible and kill it without being in any danger. Rhino was a (not so well executed) step forward, but there are still a lot of frames with either invincibility or near-invincibility. I would suggest something, but nothing will fix this other than mass redesign.


I cannot upvote this post enough times.

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Why Warframe is easy?

1.It's easy because it offers no learning curve. After a few Grineer missions, you will know how AI move along with their weaknesses in each unit. Afterward it's just an arm race, more defense, more damage in order to finish the mission in a timely manner.

2.It's easy because it's designed to be so. Warframe is a power ride. It empowers players to feel like they're invincible space warrior killing an army of AI single-handedly. It serves as a fulfillment of our fantasy.

Fantasy-fulfilling is good in order to get players hooked to the game. However, Warframe barely has anything to offer afterward. Same AI, same mission types, just more health and damage.

What we need is AI designed to create learning curve. Enemies that forces players out of their rhythm without totally taking control away from them. Scorcher is a good concept. He defends Grineer against close range attack. Seeker's bomb needs a shorter fuse. Detector unit that can find cloaked Tenno. Advanced defense unit that can defend ultimates.

Force players out of their comfort zone. The game will be more difficulty.

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When you start playing and until you have a few decent mods, the game is pretty hard. Then the difficulty starts dropping.


Personally I find it somewhat easy because I don't get out of my comfort zone. The fact that I can replay lv18 missions with maxed out gear means I become complacent. I'm not complaining though, I like being able to choose the difficulty of the missions I play.

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When you start playing and until you have a few decent mods, the game is pretty hard. Then the difficulty starts dropping.


Personally I find it somewhat easy because I don't get out of my comfort zone. The fact that I can replay lv18 missions with maxed out gear means I become complacent. I'm not complaining though, I like being able to choose the difficulty of the missions I play.



This is pretty much the core issue of Warframe Difficulty summed up in one post:


The game is balanced around having a medium amount of mods/weapons/good frames.


DE knows that if they balance the game around people lacking a lot of stuff, then Everybody finds the game Too Easy except newbies.


If they balance the game around everybody having the most awesome and uber mods, then Most people will think the game is too hard and quit when they can't participate good enough to do missions and stuff.


The only solution for DE to really do in this case, is to add more Void III type stuff, OR, add optional ways to increase the challenge for greater rewards.


The problem with Void III is the barrier to entry -- Keys are hard as crap to get without plunking down $$$.


The current Challenge of Warframe is fine, though perhaps just slightly too far in the "Hard" direction on some map types/factions (Infested tends to be over-the-top in most areas/missions unless you have just the right frames, equipment, etc).


We just need to add more for the "uber" players to do. Then maybe they can leave the easy stuff behind and stop begging DE to make the game Hell for those of us who don't have that uber stuff.

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OK, I have to put something out there. For one thing the game can be easy or hard depending on a variety of factors, and

the solution comes not from making it more challenging for the just the speed runners (although it would be an interesting Idea to put in a speed running mode for just those who want to do that) Rather its better to find elements in the game that affect what kind of person is playing . for example say I have money and decide I m going to buy several items and slots to use them. That is one type of player who will find the game easier, but for those who are a bit more into earning what they want. they will find it a bit hared to get to where they want to be. It really all depends on if you want people to earn or buy power. SO do what you will and remember that this is still in beta. Also to the players please be a little more sincere and specific about what your arguing the developers are obviously trying there best to find a solution...   ;D    

Edited by Hawkstriker
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Like most sentiments here, I think the main body of the problem lies with the AI. It doesn't matter how beefy an enemy is, or how many holes he can blast in you if he gets the chance, if the enemies are idiots, it's gonna be easy.


As the DEs have stated, this is not desinged to be played as a cover-crawler peek-and-shoot FPS, but someone forgot to tell that to our enemies. Grineer and Corpus still try to cower behind static cover - cover that, by the way, still reveals enough of themselves to take potshots - and as a result end up getting charged or picked off with ease. In almost no situations do I see groups of enemy AIs actually trying to co-operate or attempting to cover each other and work their superior numbers to their advantage. When fighting the Grineer, a squad of lancers will usually all attempt to stack on the same chunk of cover, or all move and fight like copies of each other. The fact that all Grineer are clones notwithstanding, this makes for very easy combat.


I think melee-based enemies should recieve a buff. I know that melee is mainly meant to be the Tenno's playing field, but every time I see some Corpus in light armour attempting to run up against my super-katana with an oversized cattle prod, I can't but think "Why? Why would you think this is a good idea, Corpus?". To this flavour, I believe the block mechanic should have a more active role in the game. Melee-based enemies should do more damage, but if I'm blocking, the melee attack should be completely negated. I know lots of players enjoy building themselves up as ninjas that charge through using their sword to triumph over "dishonorable" firearms, but there should be some portion of skill to it.


Back to the main point, I think that enemies need to be able to analyze their environments more and apply strategies and tactics more whilst in combat.

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I also think its good to make them seal you of more often so that the player could take the time to destroy them instead of just rushing through although you would have to consider the the boss argument where the player makes a certain number of runs and never seems to get the item of desire, but thats a whole different discussion. Personally I think more levels for the weak to get stronger and harder for the strong to have more of a challeng, but thats just me.   :D   

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