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Best Frame


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Vauban with Immortal Skin, currently Gambit Helmet (because I don't have Armistice, just won't show up in alert). I usually use the Stalker Sigil on front because it looks really cool, and whatever syndicate sigil i'm currently ranking for on back. Telos is my favorite Syandana and I usually use the full set of Prisma Daedalus armor from the void trader. 


Vauban is my go to for long team missions when I know things are going to be difficult and I need to bring my very best game. With the right team Vauban is the most amazing CC support possible. 


The others in my top five are Volt, Oberon, Limbo and Ash. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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I don't really have a favorite. I generally play the frames im most in the mood for using. Also how I play the frame varies as well. The only frames I don't play much are limbo and ash. Recently I've been trying to play a teleport ash more though. He's just kind of squishy though.

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There's a difference between best frame and favorite frame... Your title threw me off.

Favorite frame... I'd have to say nyx, just because I have a lot of thers that I love, but I always go back to her.

As for best frame overall... As much as I hate to say it, probably irradiating Loki. CC, invis, distraction. He's just...SO SQUISHY

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