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Coming Soon: Devstream #61!


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- any news about the orbiter?
- will we get names and maybe backstory of the syndicate leaders?
- have you considered making epic prerendered trailer? It would bring new players. :D
- have you considered adding vehicles (outside the archwing) as the enemies? Like Grineer tanks, or Corpus (piloted) mechs?
- scythes desperately need buff, especially Hate. Something so hard to get should be worth the effort. Have you considered it?
- when we'll get Volt rework? He seriously needs it more than Saryn or any other frame right now I think.

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When are you finally gonna fix Halikar?


It still doesn't do the promised charge damage, powerthrow still doesn't work on it (the explosion does no damage), and the targeting is extremely buggy.


It has been dysfunctional since release, please fix this, this is my 6th time reminding you that it's not ok to release broken content and call it a day.

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Concerning this thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/536955-isnt-the-mantis-a-step-too-far-into-the-rng-direction/


The method of obtaining pieces for landing craft pushes RNG-walls to a new level.


Should we treat the new landing craft as a more cosmetic choice (and so is intended to be purchased with plat)?


Will there be changes to how landing craft can be obtained in the future?



It just feels that these were never meant to be actually obtained through gameplay.

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When can we expect syndicate melees?

When will the Kavats be coming?

When will the Kavats be coming?

When will the Kavats be coming?

When will the Kavats be coming?

When will the Kavats be coming?

When will the Kavats be coming?

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When will we be able to edit posts on smartphone so I can fix the bug where I end up posting the same thing over again?

When will we be able to edit posts on smartphone so I can fix the bug where I end up posting the same thing over again?

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Many questions:


-Can we be allowed to equip two melee instead of "two ranged-one melee" ?

-Is some kind of melee 3.0 or 2.x on the horizon?

-Syndicate melee? (please don't tell me Arbitters melee starts with "bolt")

-More gamemodes for Conclave? (Interception, archwing racing, yo mamma jokes contest)

-Can we have this?: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/531786-new-raid-type-chase/?hl=chase

-Are new imposibly cool weapons in development? (like a katana-nunchaku-chainsaw that shoots shurikens on fire and lighting or a bazooka that shoots puppies on fire)

Edited by Nazrethim
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I posted a topic on this in general feedback, which I have linked to below.


My question is: Will DE consider allowing Arcane Distillers to remove the old grandfathered Arcane Helmet buffs from the old helmets so we can put them into other helmets for the same frame, such as allowing us to move the Arcane Trinity Aura buff into the Trinity Prime Helmet, or the Arcane Rhino Vanguard buff into the upcoming Premium Skin Rhino Helmet? So that we can finally....FINALLY.....use the helmet we cosmetically like the most.



Edited by weezedog
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*Cough* I mean, when will Kitties be in-game? o,,o


DALOS, on 14 Oct 2015 - 2:47 PM, said:snapback.png

When can we expect syndicate melees?

When will the Kavats be coming?

When will the Kavats be coming?

When will the Kavats be coming?

When will the Kavats be coming?

When will the Kavats be coming?

When will the Kavats be coming?



MafiaOfBannanas, on 14 Oct 2015 - 2:44 PM, said:snapback.png

Any news on a clan downgrade?

Edited by VengefulLore
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Are there any plans to include more interesting & reliable ways for higher-level Tenno to acquire Kubrow eggs? While there is the occasional egg alert, they're only primarily available as rare drops from dens in low-level Earth missions. The rarity of the eggs means you'll be repeating the lowest-level content available and it just turns into some of the most tedious & grating grinding in the game. What we last heard of Kavat companions is that they'll also require Kubrow eggs, so I'm hoping you'll consider adding them as more common drops/rewards from higher level missions. Thematically, it'd make sense to add them to Uranus since y'know, genetic experimentation and incubation and all that.

Edited by Variablemania
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