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[Update!-23/11/15] Naga - Snake-Like Warframe (Warframe Concept)


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Hello! I was surfing on the web, and I found this interesting art by REMINOV:





After looking at this art, I had a thought to make a concept of frame that would be same-looking as this art and have abilities that would involve tails, so here it is.



If you don`t know, Naga is a part human, part snake humanoid from Indian mythology. Example in games: Naga Siren (DoTA 2). 

I think she should have human body composition, but with tails added (I don`t know how many of them would be).



I would try to improve this concept, so I will be glad to see your comments about it.

Link on Art: http://drawcrowd.com/projects/bfbc68d0b27d6b6bd86d9ab4d437f0d5918c091a



Well, a lot of things happened during this month, so I will try to tell you about it in a short form. I found a great artist for making an art for my Warframe concept, Aliuas, and she did a very good job for this. So, Aliuas sketched a few of warframe helmets, and I chose one of them as a default (other might be the alternative ones), here they are (my chosen one is the second):



After some of time, she said that she had already drawn a linear drawing of a warframe in a full height, here it is:


After couple of hours she started to color this drawing, as a basic color pallet resource she used a grey-brown-black snake image and a steel image (you will see on following image). The coloring of a warframe is almost finished, but that is just a front side of a frame, so we have to wait until it is going to be finished. Here it is (don`t pay attention on snake`s glasses and cigarette, the artist likes humor):


Well, that`s all for now. I asked the artist to make a helmet in profile, so that you could imagine how it might look in 3D. I can predict that all the work will be done in a week or two.




As stealthy as a snake, she kills enemies without any mercy. Her poison permeates to the very inside of the opponent and makes him suffer in endless agony, and her shrill attacks leave no chances to stay alive. Naga was born for the stealth type of combat, in which she would manipulate the enemies and attack them from shadow.


Health: 100;

Shields: 125;

Energy: 150;

Armor: 200;


1st Ability: Poisonous Rotation;

Cost: 25 energy;

Naga uses her deadly tails to attack an area around her. Attacks are dealing puncture and toxic damage, and have a chance to knock down enemies in range of the ability.


2nd Ability: Camouflage( didn`t come up with other title);

Cost: 50 energy;

Because of the nature of the snake, Naga can disappear from enemy`s vision.

Similar to Loki`s invisibility.


3rd Ability: Vampirism;

Cost: 50 energy;

Naga bites the opponent with her fangs and regenerates herself with absorbing enemy`s vital force. After that, she manipulates him because of neurotoxin that subdues him.


4th Ability: Dance of Tails;

Cost: 25 energy (activation) + 2.5/sec.;


Naga goes in fury and attacks all enemies with her sharp tails that are shredding enemy`s flesh. Melee combat ability that works the same as Valkyr`s and Excalibur`s 4th ability, deals slash, puncture, and toxic damage.


Translation for russian-speaking community (Для русскоязычных):




Так вот, многое произошло за этот месяц, поэтому я постараюсь сейчас всё вам вкратце рассказать. Я нашел художника с ником Aliuas. Он проделал неоценимую работу над этим проектом. В общем, через некоторое время он прислал мне черновики шлемов фреймов, и я выбрал один из них, как основной (другие шлемы могут стать альтернативными, но я в этом не сильно уверен). А вот и они (Тот, который я выбрал - второй):



Через некоторое время, он сказал что он закончил рисовать контуры арта, вот они:


Через пару часов, художник риступил к раскраске арта, взяв цвета для палитры из картинки серо-коричнево-черной змеи и стальной текстуры (эти картинки вы сможете увидеть на следующей арте). Арт почти готов, но это только лицевая сторона, нужно еще немного времени, чтобы закончить его. Вот и он (не обращайте внимание на очки и сигарету змеи, художник любит пошутить):


В от, в общем-то, все, на данный момент. Я спросил художника, не сможет ли он  сделать арт основного шлема в профиле, чтобы вы могли представить, как он будет выглядеть в 3D. Могу предположить, что вся работа над проектом будет закончена на протяжении одной-двух недель.




Скрытная, подобно змее, она убивает врагов без пощады. Её яд внедряется в самое нутро противника, заставляя его страдать в агонии, и ее пронзительные атаки не оставляют шансов остаться вживых. Нага была создана для скрытного боя, в котором она манипулирует врагами и атакует их из тени.


Здоровье: 100;

Щиты: 125;

Энергия: 150;

Броня: 200; 


1 Способность: Ядовитое вращение;

Стоимость: 25 Энергии;


Нага использует свои смертельные хвосты, чтобы атаковать область вокруг неёю Атаки наносят пронзающий и токсичный урон, и имеет шанс сбить врагов с ног.


2 Способность: Камуфляж(сошелся только на этом названии);

Стоимость: 50 Энергии;


Из-за змеиной природы, Нага может исчезать из вражеского поля зрения. Работает как невидимость Локи.


3 Способность: Вампиризм;

Стоимость: 50 Энергии;


Нага впивается в опонента своими клыками и регенерирует себя с поглощением жизненной силы врага. После этого она манипулирует ним из-за нейротоксина, который подчиняет его волю.


4 Способность: Танец Хвостов;

Стоимость: 25 Энергии (активация) + 2.5/сек.


Нага впадает в буйство и атакует всех врагов с её острыми хвостами, которые кромсают вражескую плоть. Способность ближнего боя, работает, как 4 способность Валькирии и Экскалибура, наносит пронзающий, режущий и токсичный урон.

Edited by daniil77721
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You need to atleast get the artists approval before you use their image in a concept, come on man. At least link to the artist at the very least or remove the image

I understand this, but the problem is that I have seen this art in social media without citation on the artist. I searched for him, but I found nothing.

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I understand this, but the problem is that I have seen this art in social media without citation on the artist. I searched for him, but I found nothing.



Second image from the top, took me less than 5 minutes.  I used google image search.


I like the concept.  Would love a bit more visual detail though, maybe have on of the Fan Artists make up a quick sketch of what you think a Naga Warframe would look like?  The image in the OP doesn't fit Warframes aesthetic, sadly. 

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You need to atleast get the artists approval before you use their image in a concept, come on man. At least link to the artist at the very least or remove the image

I've tracked down the artist but can't post a link to the profile because of various lewd pictures. However a link directly to their post should do it: http://drawcrowd.com/projects/bfbc68d0b27d6b6bd86d9ab4d437f0d5918c091a The artist's name is Reminov.


Edit: ....Went the same way Noa did, arfter a detour to JoyReactor and pinterest.

Edited by Postal_pat
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To be honest, I don`t know how would it be looking like in Warframe, I saw this art, and I thought that DE could make something like this. And even if i would have a picture of warframe`s appearance in my mind, I am not sure that my drawings would help to realize how the warframe would look like because I am not an artist.

Edited by daniil77721
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So, I came up with some ideas about appearance and drew some of them.

I took Nyx`s body as a foundation

Here is the front of the warframe:


Here is the back of the warframe:


This is how tails would look like while inactive. I came up with this design for mobility. 

And, also, here is my crappy drawing of the tail:


Edited by daniil77721
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