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Hack? Bug?


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Could have been someone with a radiation proc.Can you describe the person that killed you? What the frame looked like and stuff?

It was a 2v2 match. Enemy was frost and valk. Frost had marker but the valk didn't. Default valk but colored dark. Was using a scindo

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Was there a host migration at some point, possibly before you joined?


I've seen markers not appear above enemy heads for a while after I've spawned, and on many occasions following host migrations.



Also, was it a permanent bug, or did it fix itself after a while?

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Was there a host migration at some point, possibly before you joined?


I've seen markers not appear above enemy heads for a while after I've spawned, and on many occasions following host migrations.



Also, was it a permanent bug, or did it fix itself after a while?

I don't keep track of host migrations because they happen 5 times every game. 


I left after a while because it never changed and it was getting obnoxious. 

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I had it happen joining a session sorta mid-game. It was weird for a moment, but after a little the beacons came up no problem. Not sure if it was lag or something else, but haven't had it happen otherwise.

Well I'm glad(maybe the wrong word) that I'm not the only one who has seen this. Hopefully it will be fixed. 

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its a rare bug that can occure mainly becouse of hostmigration


i seen it on ctc, sometimes for some minutes you cant see the marks above the head of enemies, everytime that happens there is no cephalons spawning.

Thanks for the info guys. Just ANOTHER issue with host migration. I should have known. 

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The Mark is usually removed after casting Hysteria, when its duration is over, the team mark disappear



Ive experienced this a few times


there was one match i played against another valk and we both cast hysteria and he killed me. both our markers dissapeared but mine came back so i believe it is reset on death.


I think the bug has been around for a while with the hysteria thing

Edited by Lordricker
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