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Bringing Back Arcane Helmets For New Players


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Lol, if had read all comments like you said you had (which I don't expect you to anyway), you'd know that Arcane helmets aren't equatable to Founders packs, since arcane helmets were obtainable without paying. Also, there is nothing saying DE wont release them again, whereas Founders pack wont come back, guaranteed.







Arcane helmets could be gotten through both, payment (platinum) and for free (alerts) I'm not asking forfounders pack coming back, I'm simply saying that "give him/her/us/them a chance for not being there on time when it could be gotten" is a silly reason to make these changes. If everything followed this logics, every player should have 3 months to become founder after their account creation date (in order to get same chances of being a founder as any old player). That is not gonna happen, and thus, keep using that reason is simply ridiculous.

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No. If you don't have one of those helmets, that's sad, but do not take mine. The 'buff' those helmets give are negligible at best, but it is my helmet and it will stay how it is, thanks :) If you want to petition anything, it's to bring them back so you can get one. The *@##$ing of the Warframe community can get insane.

Cept he does have them. He wants new players to be able to get them again.


"If you want to petition anything, it's to bring them back so you can get one." Between you and Legacy I doubt either of you actually read the opening post or the thread.


"But do not take mine" Yeah you aren't reading.

Edited by TyrantBelial
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Yup, but that means that the argument for "People paid for these" isn't entirely valid either. It can go both ways, and no matter how it's approached, not everyone can be pleased.

Which is why we have this discussion.

In case you don't know, another possibility was mentioned where the arcane helmets could be treated as helmets with new rank 10 arcanes, and these could be obtained usually through future raids. This doesn't demote the value of the helmets, since you now have a rank 10 arcane.

Again, just a possiblity.

I feel like you just ignore what everyone have been saying if they disagree with you in this.

It would be unfair for those who paid plat for these.

The stats don't make a huge difference, most of the time you can't tell if someone is using one of these.

People were told Arcanes were going to be removed.

Old players were given a small reward for playing, because lets be honest, Arcanes don't even give you Exp.

Remove Arcanes is like showing the middle finger to those who paid.

If you played TF2 you would know the meaning of a Vintage item.

What about the primes that have been vaulted? It's a disadvantage for new players who missed them.

DE said they didn't want cosmetics to affect the player's choice, thus arcanes were removed.

OP, please understand that arcanes are not coming back, and those who own them got to kept them as a reward for playing the game back then.

Stop beating the dead horse.

Edited by DarkLordX2
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Cept he does have them. He wants new players to be able to get them again.


"If you want to petition anything, it's to bring them back so you can get one." Between you and Legacy I doubt either of you actually read the opening post or the thread.


"But do not take mine" Yeah you aren't reading.

Ehh, you're right, I did skim over it, lol. Re-read it, and sorry. I'm used to people just putting out terrible ideas, and hit tl;dr before I saw his new idea. Sorry OP!

Edited by nefrai
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Arcane helmets could be gotten through both, payment (platinum) and for free (alerts) I'm not asking forfounders pack coming back, I'm simply saying that "give him/her/us/them a chance for not being there on time when it could be gotten" is a silly reason to make these changes. If everything followed this logics, every player should have 3 months to become founder after their account creation date (in order to get same chances of being a founder as any old player). That is not gonna happen, and thus, keep using that reason is simply ridiculous.


I don't think it's silly. I think everyone should get a chance to obtain them. They shouldn't be exclusive. This has nothing to do with founder's packs. Not the same logic. Again, if you really did read every post, you'd know that.




I feel like you just ignore what everyone have been saying if they disagree with you in this.

It would be unfair for those who paid plat for these.

The stats don't make a huge difference, most of the time you can't tell if someone is using one of these.

People were told Arcanes were going to be removed.

Old players were given a small reward for playing, because lets be honest, Arcanes don't even give you Exp.

Remove Arcanes is like showing the middle finger to those who paid.

If you played TF2 you would know the meaning of a Vintage item.

What about the primes that have been vaulted? It's a disadvantage for new players who missdd them.

DE said they didn't want cosmetics to affect the player's choice, thus arcanes were removed.

OP, please understand that arcanes are not coming back, and those who own them got to kept them as a reward for playing the game back then.

Stop beating the dead horse.


I take everything people say and try to consider them. That doesn't mean I have to agree with them.

New players who come to this game will eventually find out what arcane helmets are, and will wonder why the hell they've been removed from market/alerts. It's disheartening to them, I would know, I have friends in that situation.


Arcanes can come back, there is nothing to say they can't. Just like vaulted Primes (minus Excal) and event weapons.



Ehh, you're right, I did skim over it, lol. Re-read it, and sorry. I'm used to people just putting out terrible ideas, and hit tl;dr before I saw his new idea. Sorry OP!


No problem, man. (also, the possibility of returning the arcanes via the way new arcanes are found in raids wasn't my idea, I believe is was Brsrkr's (if I spelled that correctly))

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Cept he does have them. He wants new players to be able to get them again.


"If you want to petition anything, it's to bring them back so you can get one." Between you and Legacy I doubt either of you actually read the opening post or the thread.


"But do not take mine" Yeah you aren't reading.


Read the whole topic, from the opening post to the end, passing through most of "founders pack isn't the same" (but could be used anyways as a counter) the ice cream truck example, mod cleanse, no hate, and etc and the main reason I see toput back or delete arcane helms is the same.


If arcane helms get turned into enhancements,then players who own it will find a way to put a "Vanguard enhancement" on a syandana, and make a loki wear it. Players could even make it stack with a rhino helm  using vnguard enhancement order to get a +50% sprint without mods, or any other thing, just putting a bigger gap between new and old players. just keep arcanes like they are, and if someone wants one, just let him choose fro another player instead of forcing us to an even bigger grind. Let US, the new players choose here. or at least let us have a voice.


EDIT: Also, why putting arcane enhancement only in raids were low level players are almost never alloweddue to our high chances of screwing up or finish up dead? isn't it the same as forcing us to buy from older players in order to get a decent mod-free enhancement?

Edited by ----Legacy----
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Read the whole topic, from the opening post to the end, passing through most of "founders pack isn't the same" (but could be used anyways as a counter) the ice cream truck example, mod cleanse, no hate, and etc and the main reason I see toput back or delete arcane helms is the same.


If arcane helms get turned into enhancements,then players who own it will find a way to put a "Vanguard enhancement" on a syandana, and make a loki wear it. Players could even make it stack with a rhino helm  using vnguard enhancement order to get a +50% sprint without mods, or any other thing, just putting a bigger gap between new and old players. just keep arcanes like they are, and if someone wants one, just let him choose fro another player instead of forcing us to an even bigger grind. Let US, the new players choose here. or at least let us have a voice


Well, at the risk of overcomplicating things, DE could implement a system were players could only use a certain amount of arcane enhancements.


I mean, you aren't losing out on anything here.



Stop asking for things to be removed because you can't get them. I'm perfectly fine with them being released again but don't steal my head.


Great, another person who can't read.

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Also, just after they removed, they became tradeable just so new players could have a chance to get them.

Lets take Prisma weapons for example, although these aren't entirely exclusive, they are only available for a brief period of time, that makes them unavailable for anyone who miss them, and only by trading they can get to own one of these.

Unfair, isn't it? But I don't see anyone complaining about them, because there isn't a problem unless the player thinks so.

So what if new players have to pay for these, how do you think the market works? I have this and you don't, you want it you buy it.

And now, I have a question for you sir, if you think Arcanes should be released again, just tell me, because I want to know, I truly do, why don't you just give away all your Arcanes to new players? What's stopping you from doing so? I'd like to hear your answer.

Edit: typo

Edited by DarkLordX2
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And now, I have a question for you sir, if think Arcanes should be released again, just tell me, because I want to know, I truly do, why don't you just give away all your Arcanes to new players? What's stopping you from doing so? I'd like to hear your answer.

in wich universe that would solve the problem?

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this thread, or rather most people make me sick beyond belief 


people who disagree with OP are instantly marked stupid illiterate idiots, thanks guys


Exclusive//earlier available//event items were there for people who were there END OF STORY



Everybody can still perfectly play this game to huge effectiveness even without Arcane Helmets, Arcanes or Event Weapons


Nobody by any means is forced to use said items and you should be happy that you can freely put any effect of the current arcane raid rewards  (soon to be buffed etc, apparently) on any cosmetic of your desire (apparently soon getting replaces by slots so this part of the discussion is pointless).


I don't know why people can't let people have their miniscule rewards for their own because they earned it, because they were playing and supporting the game at the time of its release.


Constant whining about Arcane Helmets and Primed Chamber(etc.) giving a little edge over other players - so effing what? You aren't entitled to anything - if you want it SOOOOOOOOOOO bad go buy it off a player


Primed Frames (including prime founder access) give no edge in terms of abilities, only small buffs to non-ability stats and obviously looks - if you werent around? too effing bad m8 ==> None of these small "disadvantages" as a new player hinder you in ANY remotely meaningful way, if your MINMAX OCD is killing you over 15% more base energy, that is your and only your problem


Devalueing items that were / are exclusive, by making everything how YOU want it, always accessible ruins any kind of "value" (and yes even if its just to show off a skin for example) and just shows how egoistically instant-gratification-addictedly you act - many items are coming back eventually - tonnes of event mods and weapons have gradually been returning - you just want the easy way out








While we are at it:


"Aren't Raids forcing new/inexperienced (read= bad players) to buy Arcanes from high level players (read= not so bad players)?"


Nobody is forcing you to do anything, welcome to the real world, hitler is already dead, we won't bring him back so you can take pictures with him.


Why the eff do we actually even have "REWARDS" for anything anymore? Thought you supposed to earn stuff ourself somehow, why not give everyone all maxed mods, weapons, skins, frames and anything else they desire cos SOMEBODY somehow isnt / wasnt able to get it. People don't have time, because jobs, are too bad for whatever reason, let's compensate them ===> THIS IS NOT HOW REAL LIFE WORKS, nobody is gonna give you jack just because you came too late or weren't able to do anything



GAIS GAIS - I couldnt get my school degree, cos reasons, this is unfair, everybody should have free school degrees!!11111


^thats how stupid this looks

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this thread, or rather most people make me sick beyond belief

people who disagree with OP are instantly marked stupid illiterate idiots, thanks guys

Exclusive//earlier available//event items were there for people who were there END OF STORY

Everybody can still perfectly play this game to huge effectiveness even without Arcane Helmets, Arcanes or Event Weapons

Nobody by any means is forced to use said items and you should be happy that you can freely put any effect of the current arcane raid rewards (soon to be buffed etc, apparently) on any cosmetic of your desire (apparently soon getting replaces by slots so this part of the discussion is pointless).

I don't know why people can't let people have their miniscule rewards for their own because they earned it, because they were playing and supporting the game at the time of its release.

Constant whining about Arcane Helmets and Primed Chamber(etc.) giving a little edge over other players - so effing what? You aren't entitled to anything - if you want it SOOOOOOOOOOO bad go buy it off a player

Primed Frames (including prime founder access) give no edge in terms of abilities, only small buffs to non-ability stats and obviously looks - if you werent around? too effing bad m8 ==> None of these small "disadvantages" as a new player hinder you in ANY remotely meaningful way, if your MINMAX OCD is killing you over 15% more base energy, that is your and only your problem

Devalueing items that were / are exclusive, by making everything how YOU want it, always accessible ruins any kind of "value" (and yes even if its just to show off a skin for example) and just shows how egoistically instant-gratification-addictedly you act - many items are coming back eventually - tonnes of event mods and weapons have gradually been returning - you just want the easy way out

While we are at it:

"Aren't Raids forcing new/inexperienced (read= bad players) to buy Arcanes from high level players (read= not so bad players)?"

Nobody is forcing you to do anything, welcome to the real world, hitler is already dead, we won't bring him back so you can take pictures with him.

Why the eff do we actually even have "REWARDS" for anything anymore? Thought you supposed to earn stuff ourself somehow, why not give everyone all maxed mods, weapons, skins, frames and anything else they desire cos SOMEBODY somehow isnt / wasnt able to get it. People don't have time, because jobs, are too bad for whatever reason, let's compensate them ===> THIS IS NOT HOW REAL LIFE WORKS, nobody is gonna give you jack just because you came too late or weren't able to do anything

GAIS GAIS - I couldnt get my school degree, cos reasons, this is unfair, everybody should have free school degrees!!11111

^thats how stupid this looks

Raw, but true.

They missed their chance, I have them, they want them, they buy them.

Don't like they way it works? Deal with it and move on.

Edited by DarkLordX2
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this thread, or rather most people make me sick beyond belief

people who disagree with OP are instantly marked stupid illiterate idiots, thanks guys

Exclusive//earlier available//event items were there for people who were there END OF STORY

Everybody can still perfectly play this game to huge effectiveness even without Arcane Helmets, Arcanes or Event Weapons

Nobody by any means is forced to use said items and you should be happy that you can freely put any effect of the current arcane raid rewards (soon to be buffed etc, apparently) on any cosmetic of your desire (apparently soon getting replaces by slots so this part of the discussion is pointless).

I don't know why people can't let people have their miniscule rewards for their own because they earned it, because they were playing and supporting the game at the time of its release.

Constant whining about Arcane Helmets and Primed Chamber(etc.) giving a little edge over other players - so effing what? You aren't entitled to anything - if you want it SOOOOOOOOOOO bad go buy it off a player

Primed Frames (including prime founder access) give no edge in terms of abilities, only small buffs to non-ability stats and obviously looks - if you werent around? too effing bad m8 ==> None of these small "disadvantages" as a new player hinder you in ANY remotely meaningful way, if your MINMAX OCD is killing you over 15% more base energy, that is your and only your problem

Devalueing items that were / are exclusive, by making everything how YOU want it, always accessible ruins any kind of "value" (and yes even if its just to show off a skin for example) and just shows how egoistically instant-gratification-addictedly you act - many items are coming back eventually - tonnes of event mods and weapons have gradually been returning - you just want the easy way out

While we are at it:

"Aren't Raids forcing new/inexperienced (read= bad players) to buy Arcanes from high level players (read= not so bad players)?"

Nobody is forcing you to do anything, welcome to the real world, hitler is already dead, we won't bring him back so you can take pictures with him.

Why the eff do we actually even have "REWARDS" for anything anymore? Thought you supposed to earn stuff ourself somehow, why not give everyone all maxed mods, weapons, skins, frames and anything else they desire cos SOMEBODY somehow isnt / wasnt able to get it. People don't have time, because jobs, are too bad for whatever reason, let's compensate them ===> THIS IS NOT HOW REAL LIFE WORKS, nobody is gonna give you jack just because you came too late or weren't able to do anything

GAIS GAIS - I couldnt get my school degree, cos reasons, this is unfair, everybody should have free school degrees!!11111

^thats how stupid this looks

You are aware OP changes his opinion right, and there are other ways to,implement them, your arguement is rather hypocritical in itself imo

Also lets not get the thread locked and everyone reported, please at leas try to keep the hate down(make DE's life easier)

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I don't get what peolple are arguing about?

Just allow the stats from old arcane helmets be removable with Arcane Distillers and be able to move those stats to anything you want. Simple.

I think the method of getting them is bothering people, like it was turned into by basically me and another dude, have a raid reward, and my suggestion after that was give a secondary slot justify those types or arcades only on helmets
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