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How Much Does Unranked Primed Flow And Continuity Go For?



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The thing that people seem to constantly forget is how volatile this market is,


Demand is the biggest factor in causing price spikes. Seeing as Prime Flow and Primed Continuity are both highly desired mods, with little supply.. it leads to the price gradually going up.


That and when people want it really badly, they will bump their price up to beat out anyone else from having a chance to buy it.


As far and trying to get a grasp on price, use warframe.market as a GUIDELINE ONLY. The prices there has just as much variation as trade chat, if not more. But it is a much more accurate representation of the current market.

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Just recently sold my unranked Primed Continuity for 450p, didn't take long for a buyer to come up, at most 5 minutes. Both of those mods haven't been in Baro's stock in awhile so the demand is pretty high and supply is low. And like the person above me said, people have more plat to spend with this recent prime access. 

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