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Some Suggestions I Came Up With Over Time Playing Warframe...


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Hello Everybody :D

i have some suggestions and ill do them quickly


1.The inner Liset changes:

                  a) separate Arsenal for archwing, conclave and coop - what i mean by this is just convenience. As we already have the conclave separated ( in the conclave mission select there is a conclave loadout option ) there should be a quick way to access archwings...


                  b) make Cephalon Simaris accessible from Liset (same as conclave ==> be available to select quests from Liset. IMO going to relay to buy things is a good concept, its just annoying to go to him every time for new quests)


2.Sentinel rework... hard to explain.. i'm sad that if i want vacuum ability i have to pick carrier sentinel.. other sentinels look awesome too... my proposal would be this: Make precept mods unable to find in normal gameplay aka. make them only obtainable by making that sentinel, and then make them equip-able on every sentinel.. basically like sentinel weapons


3.Drop changes.. Oh boy...

       a) Beacons. Why are they still in the game? They are dropped by Prosecutors. My suggestion here is to swap beacons with Vauban parts... nothing else to add here... Vauban is really hard to get (mostly cause of the waiting... missions aren't hard).

       b) Void resource drops. this is more of a niche... Since void missions are unique, my suggestion here is to have random resource drops. instead of Rubedo, Alloy Plate, Control Modules and Argon Crystals --->> Random (common), Random (uncommon), Random (rare) and Argon Crystal, in form of either locked drops per mission (example Ferrite (common drop), Circuits (uncommon drop), Morphics (rare drop) and Argon Crystals. Argon Crystals are always here since there is no other place to farm them. All resources should be in here since Orokin Faction is a combination of Grineer and Corpus. Exceptions should be Cryotic (excavation exclusive), Omega isotopes (relay defending planet exclusive), Tellurium (archwing exclusive) and maybe Oxium (but i would personally add it to Orokin Drone).


4.Foundry. My OCD is telling me to write this down.

Make same items be craftable more than once at a time. (creating 2 or more Formas at once).

Give us hide and unhide options and a hidden tab (so i don't see things i'm saving to sell in there.. i accidentally crafted more than once an item i was saving for a set to sell)


5.Invasions. Its realy annoying to have to do one mission 3 times and then you have to wait for a reward... can you make those missions like normal Alerts but with side choosing? and can you please deliver the rewards after i complete the requirements?


6.Lotus response to crosfire missions. She says to ally with one side when i am supposed to clear both factions.

i would personally love it if she said something like: Grineer and Corpus are fighting.. now is our chance to wipe them both out... leave no one standing.


7.Warframe augments in Exilus slot. Please, exilus slot is kind of a waste of space. Can you please let augment mods into exilus slot? Or remove the limitation of this slot. Please just remove the limitations of Exilus slot. I'm sure everyone would love this.



8.Inventory. Can you please remove those unnecessary nav segments? or let us remove them? we used one to unlock a certain planet, would be nice if it didn't pile up in the inventory.


9.Quests. Quests are not replayable.. so if you wanna get one of those warframes back (mirage, limbo...) or you really want those Ether Daggers (but you deleted ether dagger blueprint cause you needed cash fast) you cant get them again... this needs a fix asap! I understand some of those rewards (Orokin Catalysis) are big and dunno if they should be obtained from second run of the quest (i would love it, but that's not the point i guess and it wouldn't be "balanced" or whatever)


these are some of my suggestions.. Please don't hate me and i would love it if anyone could give me their opinion on these :D

Edited by OnyX1705
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7.Warframe augments in Exilus slot. Please, exilus slot is kind of a waste of space. Can you please let augment mods into exilus slot? im sure everyone would love this

Exilus slot lets me move my bullet jump mod so that I can put my augment in.

I keep Bullet jump because vertical shortcuts.

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1. A. Liset space is really small. To allow a bit of room to move around you cannot really add stuff. Otherwise it would just be a complete stack up of things to access and wouldn't be organized.

B. I'd rather see us spawning in either the Dojo or the Relay where Simaris is and only use the Liset for cuztomisation of your personal equipment and transport


2.I don't think that will work out. Would be the same as being able to shuffle all the Warframe powers on each and every Warframe. It's all a compromise. I get your point, but I don't think that this would ever be implanted.


3. A.Beacons were to be given use later on. I agree that the prosecutors and the rare beacon drops have lost their values long ago, it may be better just to remove them for a while and get them back later on. As to Vauban parts, the beacons drop a bit too often for that. Vauban would become next Oberon in drop rates. Also, what connection do Vauban and the prosecutors have? Why would Vauban drop from them?

B. This would only make farming for resources harder. If I'm in need of a specific resource and the wiki says: Its just random in the Void" I'll go mad. Don't go add more RNG to the RNG infested Void.


4. Good point, completely agree


5. With the stupidly long building times of Fieldron, etc and the ridiculous idea that BPs are only one time use, this is really required. Especially since invasions aren't so much of a big deal today as they used to be. If you would like to keep 3 runs, up the rewards


6.Would be fun the first time, maybe also the second time, but then it would just get boring cuz we know it is gonna happen


7.Yeah, exilus is just a bunch of crap, make it augment.

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2.Sentinel rework... hard to explain.. i'm sad that if i want vacuum ability i have to pick carrier sentinel.. other sentinels look awesome too... my proposal would be this: Make precept mods unable to find in normal gameplay aka. make them only obtainable by making that sentinel, and then make them equip-able on every sentinel.. basically like sentinel weapons


3.Drop changes.. Oh boy...

       a) Beacons. Why are they still in the game? They are dropped by Prosecutors. My suggestion here is to swap beacons with Vauban parts... nothing else to add here... Vauban is realy hard to get (mostly cause of the waiting... missions aren't hard).

       b) Void resource drops. this is more of a niche... Since void missions are unique, my sugestion here is to have random resource drops. instead of Rubedo, Alloy Plate, Control Modules and Argon Crystals --->> Random (common), Random (uncommon), Random (rare) and Argon Crystal, in form of either locked drops per mission (example Ferrite (common drop), Circuits (uncommon drop), Morphics (rare drop) and Argon Crystals. Argon Crystals are always here since there is no other place to farm them. All resources should be in here since Orokin Faction is a combination of Grineer and Corpus. Exceptions should be Cryotic (excavation exclusive), Omega isotopes (relay defending planet exclusive), Tellurium (archwing exclusive) and maybe Oxium (but i would personally add it to Orokin Drone).


6.Lotus response to crosfire missions. She says to ally with one side when i am supposed to clear both factions.

i would personally love it if she said something like: Grineer and Corpus are fighting.. now is our chance to wipe them both out... leave no one standing.


2. Rather than giving vacuum to all sentinels, i prefer vacuum become Frame's passive. And Carrier get a new unique mod.

This way we'll see more Kubrows/Katbrows.


3. b. Good idea, i'm sick of getting control module while farming for Argon


6. We'll have to wait i guess, since DE is kinda slow adding new lines for existing NPC. We could just hope slow means quality.

Edited by Dartiel
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you got me at "Hello"


to more serious response


1a and 1b is acceptable

2 is a great idea

3 is contoversial

4 for lock idea is good

5 invasion reward after run is a must i think

6 and 7 meh

8 your just being picky :P


overall u made a good point ..

Edited by Pnoyleet
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Maybe incorporate Simaris with other Syndicates in that syndicate console?

Isn't that the point of the Void? RNG is everything :D and trust me.. when you stack up on Rubedo and alloy plate... you would wish the resources were random with Argons fixed xD i don't even wanna mention Control Modules... i got 1k of those... what do i do with them?? xD Also i don't think you would go in the Void to farm Rubedo or Alloy plates.. Void is only for Primes and Argons.. but imagine doing a survival and you needed plastids and guess what.. you got some plastids :D or morphics.. or whatever :D

Well.. perhaps there is no Vaubans' connection with Prosecutors, but think about it.. Vauban is the hardest warframe to get... even harder than most primes.. and its only time limited.. i agree.. it would become next Oberon.. but prosecutors dont spawn that often and when they do it should be chance based... same as Ash and Manics... again.. a pain to farm.. just because of spawn rates.. manics are not that hard to kill...

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a.Beacons currently have no use, but it is said that they will be given a new purpose

b.I too would like all resources to drop in the void.


4.Hide button would be more than awesome


6.Dialogue Bug


7.welp, I think its clear that we will never get an augment slot so just enjoy the exilus slot as it is


8.yes pls

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5. I disagree, payment afterwards represents divvying up the spoils of war, no matter how irritating it may be it makes some sense (at least for more valuable items). It might be nice to receive rewards that get better depending on the number of times you complete it.


7. I also disagree here, the purpose of the Exilus slot is utility, not an outright upgrade to your warframe. Removing the restrictions so that top tier-players can fit one of every type of Primed mod on their warframe would fly in the face of DE's non 'pay to win' policy; people with the slot might have a distinct and potentially game-altering advantage over people without the slot under a system without restrictions, people can buy the slots with platinum to get ahead meaning that other players are forced to or otherwise suffer unbalanced gameplay. However, I concede that if the Exilus slot was unrestricted except for Conclave PVP where there was no extra slot I think it would work just as fair and well as it does now.


As for the rest I wholeheartedly agree, especially on the Vauban/Prosecutor suggestion - I've been half-heartedly checking the alerts for a year and I still haven't finished the set. 

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5. I disagree, payment afterwards represents divvying up the spoils of war, no matter how irritating it may be it makes some sense (at least for more valuable items). It might be nice to receive rewards that get better depending on the number of times you complete it.

That could work too... just doing something 3 times to get 1 MMass is a bummer...

Edited by OnyX1705
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7. I also disagree here, the purpose of the Exilus slot is utility, not an outright upgrade to your warframe. Removing the restrictions so that top tier-players can fit one of every type of Primed mod on their warframe would fly in the face of DE's non 'pay to win' policy; people with the slot might have a distinct and potentially game-altering advantage over people without the slot under a system without restrictions, people can buy the slots with platinum to get ahead meaning that other players are forced to or otherwise suffer unbalanced gameplay. However, I concede that if the Exilus slot was unrestricted except for Conclave PVP where there was no extra slot I think it would work just as fair and well as it does now.

Exilus slots do not have to be purchased with plat... you can buy them from Ceph Simaris for 50k Standing.. bp uses 2 formas and 1 argon and 1 orokin cell... tell me, after all that mind numbing forma waiting to get the exilus key is not worth removing the limitation? 

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As for the rest, Thank you :D

if people disagree with Vauban-Prosecutor combo, another archwing boss or another quest would be nice.. just that waiting alert for parts is rly annoying and timewasting

Edited by OnyX1705
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Exilus slots do not have to be purchased with plat... you can buy them from Ceph Simaris for 50k Standing.. bp uses 2 formas and 1 argon and 1 orokin cell... tell me, after all that mind numbing forma waiting to get the exilus key is not worth removing the limitation? 

I realise this, but if the slot were unrestricted, then it might increase the chance that people would buy it outright since there is a definite advantage to having it. The thing is, as it stands, the exilus slot is not necessary to build a functional loadout, it is something extra which is probably intended for use on one or two favourite frames rather than every frame in the arsenal.

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I remember a long time ago when the syndicates used to also say a line before a you do their missions I don't know if they purposely took out this dialog or it is bugged and they have yet to add it back in but none the less i feel so lonely when playing syndicate missions ;-;

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I remember a long time ago when the syndicates used to also say a line before a you do their missions I don't know if they purposely took out this dialog or it is bugged and they have yet to add it back in but none the less i feel so lonely when playing syndicate missions ;-;

I feel you bro :(( now im sad.. i want that back in the game 

i mean.. Lotus has nothing to do with the mission... it should be the synd leader talking instead of Lotus.. right?

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I realise this, but if the slot were unrestricted, then it might increase the chance that people would buy it outright since there is a definite advantage to having it. The thing is, as it stands, the exilus slot is not necessary to build a functional loadout, it is something extra which is probably intended for use on one or two favourite frames rather than every frame in the arsenal.

What about Orokin Reactors and Catalysis? those are almost the same thing... but you cant go without those... 

btw my sugestion is to change exilus slot to augment slot.. and then i went like.. or remove the limitation... either of those too would be usefull and people would do Ceph Simaris missions more to get Exilus (or in this case an Augment) slot.. you get my point? the bp isnt cheap.. it need 2 formas.. thats a pain to build.. try it.. and then tell me you are satisfied being limited to only use Rush in that slot... (mind you Rush is the ONLY good exilus mod.. maybe aside with handspring)

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I agree with at least most of those things. I always keep thinking to myself "this should really be accessible through a different approach". As amazingly original and unique Warframe is, it has a lot of things that make inventory and loadout management unnecessarily slightly more difficult than it should be.


Why do we need to keep so many nav segments if we don't ever use them anymore?!


Why the hell does the Ascaris Negator not just go away? nobody needs that useless gizmo anyway. it served its purpose and now it's just sitting there like a trophy that melted and now looks ugly after losing its golden colours to rust and decay.


Now as for sentinels, I agree with the suggestion purely because it is a technological gadget that is very useful, but at the same time there is only one sentinel model that everybody uses regularly and nobody who strives to be objectively better ever uses anything that's not #CarrierMasterRace because this game makes it very clear that loot is important and Carrier makes looting literally a no-brainer. Making sentinels more openly diverse, individually speaking (if that is the right term), would take all the other sentinels out of the trash container of forgotten items otherwise known as "mastery fodder".




Diversifying the void is also a good idea, and it makes sense by my logic because of exactly the same reason as the OP said.


The foundry really needs a rework too, like many other things. and the OP makes sense because the foundry is basically a manufacturing module. instead of a per-item basis, what it needs is to have, say, 6 production slots, and to have none of them restrict what item the other slots can manufacture. for example, if I want to build Energy Restore gear 6 times, couldn't I just have 6 runs simultaneously instead of having to wait 7 minutes?


Or, alternatively, if we don't get manufacturing slots, how about manufacturing automation? I'd like to be able to manufacture a bunch of the same item and not do it like we're in the middle ages that we have to put stuff in and take them out manually, we're playing in the time setting of several thousand years into the future.


And don't get me started on how hard it is to get Vauban. after several weeks of waiting just for one last part, only to see another alert for a part I already have, I finally broke the platinum wallet and bought a pre-built, pre-potatoed Vauban off the market. Vauban is the one thing I ever felt like it's the same as decorations or cosmetics that I have to buy from the market instead of acquiring it through grinding. it's the only frame that takes weeks of WAITING just to give up and buy it for Platinum, regardless of the price.


Invasions... it can be argued that they are as they are because it's a game, and that makes perfect sense. in fact, I think it should be this way because this is a game. Invasions have a unique mechanic in the way they are launched and ended. the OP makes sense, but keep invasions the way they are, it's fine.


Now I don't remember ever doing Crossfire missions, probably because I don't bother due to the fact there are a lot of other mission types. but if the Lotus's lines in ths mission type are inconsistent with the mission objectives, that's most likely to be considered a bug or at least a mistake in design.

either way, bugs need to be fixed.


Exilus is not a waste of space. it creates more space by collecting a bunch of useless mods and making them rather very useful. one can argue more mods may fit into it, but then again, it could make otherwise difficult things become way too easy. I'm happy with how Exilus slots are right now, though arguing that the idea should be expanded is acceptable.

Edited by TheFailReloaded
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I agree with at least most of those things. I always keep thinking to myself "this should really be accessible through a different approach". As amazingly original and unique Warframe is, it has a lot of things that make inventory and loadout management unnecessarily slightly more difficult than it should be.


Why do we need to keep so many nav segments if we don't ever use them anymore?!


Why the hell does the Ascaris Negator not just go away? nobody needs that useless gizmo anyway. it served its purpose and now it's just sitting there like a trophy that melted and now looks ugly after losing its golden colours to rust and decay.


Now as for sentinels, I agree with the suggestion purely because it is a technological gadget that is very useful, but at the same time there is only one sentinel model that everybody uses regularly and nobody who strives to be objectively better ever uses anything that's not #CarrierMasterRace because this game makes it very clear that loot is important and Carrier makes looting literally a no-brainer. Making sentinels more openly diverse, individually speaking (if that is the right term), would take all the other sentinels out of the trash container of forgotten items otherwise known as "mastery fodder".




Diversifying the void is also a good idea, and it makes sense by my logic because of exactly the same reason as the OP said.


The foundry really needs a rework too, like many other things. and the OP makes sense because the foundry is basically a manufacturing module. instead of a per-item basis, what it needs is to have, say, 6 production slots, and to have none of them restrict what item the other slots can manufacture. for example, if I want to build Energy Restore gear 6 times, couldn't I just have 6 runs simultaneously instead of having to wait 7 minutes?


Or, alternatively, if we don't get manufacturing slots, how about manufacturing automation? I'd like to be able to manufacture a bunch of the same item and not do it like we're in the middle ages that we have to put stuff in and take them out manually, we're playing in the time setting of several thousand years into the future.


And don't get me started on how hard it is to get Vauban. after several weeks of waiting just for one last part, only to see another alert for a part I already have, I finally broke the platinum wallet and bought a pre-built, pre-potatoed Vauban off the market. Vauban is the one thing I ever felt like it's the same as decorations or cosmetics that I have to buy from the market instead of acquiring it through grinding. it's the only frame that takes weeks of WAITING just to give up and buy it for Platinum, regardless of the price.


Invasions... it can be argued that they are as they are because it's a game, and that makes perfect sense. in fact, I think it should be this way because this is a game. Invasions have a unique mechanic in the way they are launched and ended. the OP makes sense, but keep invasions the way they are, it's fine.


Now I don't remember ever doing Crossfire missions, probably because I don't bother due to the fact there are a lot of other mission types. but if the Lotus's lines in ths mission type are inconsistent with the mission objectives, that's most likely to be considered a bug or at least a mistake in design.

either way, bugs need to be fixed.


Exilus is not a waste of space. it creates more space by collecting a bunch of useless mods and making them rather very useful. one can argue more mods may fit into it, but then again, it could make otherwise difficult things become way too easy. I'm happy with how Exilus slots are right now, though arguing that the idea should be expanded is acceptable.

THANK YOU very much dude :D much appreciation ^^

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1. A. Not enough space in the Liset for an AW Arsenal. Maybe DE could put one in the Orbiter?

    B. Would be convenient. But then youd give less purpose to the Relay room DE designed for Simaris. So they might not do            it? 

2. No. I dont think Sentinels need a rework. I dont think Vacuum is what would make all Sentinels good.

3. A. Yes, beacons should be removed from drops. No I dont think Vauban parts should drop in their place.

    B. I dont see any problem with the Void's current resources, except that Argon and Control Modules are both considered a           green resource. Its annoying.

4. This sounds nice to have.

5. Wouldnt mind this. Invasions are pretty slow considering not many players currently take interest in them aside from farming     anyway.

6. I recall she uses lines from Exterminate missions for Crossfire. Would be nice to have new lines, but I dont really see a               problem with it right now.

7. Would be nice to put Augments there. But I disagree that the Exilus Slot is currently a waste of space.

8. Oh god yes. It bothers me so much that they pile up in my inventory.

9. I agree that quests should be replayable (for gameplay reasons, not rewards.) This would need work on.


Edited by Bongever
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