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[Poll] Which Warframe Needs A Rework The Most?


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Fair enough point but compare her CC with the other CC frames and you would realize that a rework is in order - sonar is good and silence is a decent one time stun but if you take a look at frames like excal who's 2nd move blinds for a substantial amount of time she seems like the second option. I havnt seen a squad looking for a banshee for a long time.

Her 1 is an AOE ragdoll. Ult is an AOE stagger.


Groups will never say no to a Banshee, simply because of how strong Sonar is (on top of the CC).

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I'm glad we both like Hydroid's 1. Like I said, it just needs a bugfix tweak. His rework is needed for everything ELSE.


I don't think you've run the numbers on Rhino's Charge properly. With no mods, Tidal Surge goes further, but Rhino Charge scales much faster because of the variables involved, and quickly surpasses Tidal Surge in every area except width. Though I will admit width counts for a lot. So I say again: Tidal Surge should not cost twice as much as Charge if it preforms the same basic function to the same general effectiveness. Either give it a rework to justify the cost, or drop the cost to 25


I do appreciate that you have enough mind to consider a frame's value in missions other than Survival/Interception. Unfortunately, I don't see your arguments about Hydroid's puddle as strongly as you do. While it might seem unfair to compare Hydroid to Loki and Ash, the latter two frames really only need one bonus: their ability to move while stealthed. Thus I will redirect you to my suggestion for a Hydroid puddle rework: 


Hydroid's invincibility isn't bad in theory, but it needs something ELSE to go with it


So instead of just critiquing each other, I wanna just throw an idea out there, an idea for a rework of Hydroid's 3:

Activation and deactivation would work the same. Hydroid would be able to move around at a decent walking pace while in puddle form, and he would be able to pull enemies under with him one at a time using, I dunno, the melee attack button or something. The initial hit of this pull-under animation would deal a decent amount of damage


What do you think? My idea is that this mode would allow Hydroid to A) have an option to stealth it up, Loki style B) let Hydroid or isolate specific threats in crowds like Limbo is supposed to do, and C) give him an escape move that actually, you know, escapes the immediate area instead of just trading energy for shields



Now as for Hydroid's tentacles, way to completely miss my point (which MIGHT be my fault, I'm not sure if I described my point properly). Hydroid's tentacles are supposed to flip-flap around and grab more enemies after the ones they deal Finisher damage to. But they never do that! Their flip-flapping animation just spins around and doesn't touch anyone! Enemies sidestep it without even trying!


The tentacles need to be tweaked so they will aim themselves at enemies deliberately, and maybe have a wider hitbox at the tip of the tentacle, instead of just slapping the ground a couple dozen times

Edited by TARINunit9
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I'm honestly surprised to see oberon on here! He's my most multi-purpose frame.


He has decent health, armor and shields. I can cast reckoning with increased strength and range for only 25 energy. Doing so when I'm in trouble buys me several seconds of freedom to kill knocked-down and irradiated enemies. Works a charm. On most missions it just kills them all. Plus health orbs!


Being able to heal himself and his teammates is an added bonus.


Seriously. I so rarely get taken out when I play as that dude.


What fixes would you guys recommend? I don't want to lose the frame I love (or for everyone to start using him :P)

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I'm honestly surprised to see oberon on here! He's my most multi-purpose frame.


He has decent health, armor and shields. I can cast reckoning with increased strength and range for only 25 energy. Doing so when I'm in trouble buys me several seconds of freedom to kill knocked-down and irradiated enemies. Works a charm. On most missions it just kills them all. Plus health orbs!


Being able to heal himself and his teammates is an added bonus.


Seriously. I so rarely get taken out when I play as that dude.


What fixes would you guys recommend? I don't want to lose the frame I love (or for everyone to start using him :P)


Nothing big. His second ability would be better as a ranged circle rather than just a tile square that doesn't last long.


I'd say make it last forever but give it a threshold on damage.so It disappears after it reaches that cap, we can increase the cap with power strength.

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Nothing big. His second ability would be better as a ranged circle rather than just a tile square that doesn't last long.


I'd say make it last forever but give it a threshold on damage.so It disappears after it reaches that cap, we can increase the cap with power strength.


Aw yeah, I will grant that I find hallowed ground to be pretty useless. But I sacrificed duration for efficiency so I thought that was why.


I never use smite either. If I want that thing over there in particular dead I will shoot it, haha.

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IIRC, it's one of those powers you can cast while reloading that doesn't interrupt your reload, like Frost's snowball or Ember's Fire Flower impression

Interesting. I didn't know that. Will come in handy next time I take torid out for a whirl.


I almost always use bows though.

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For the record, Banshee is only underutilized by people who don't realize what Banshee is capable of. The immense damage boost provided by Sonar and Resonance, which you can mod to 9x at max range relatively easily, can render T3-4 60+ trivial. Aside from actual aim, many AoE weapons are capable of hitting the weak points such as Amprex, Atomos, new Ignis, etc.

Edited by Kastorius
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The issue is why bring Limbo when another frame has the same capabilities, but without the downsides? Sure, he can restore energy to allies via Banish, but Trinity can do the same thing in less time and without locking allies into only using abilities. Sure, he can use Cataclysm to protect a pod, but Frost can also just use Snowglobe to do the same thing, while still allowing item pickups inside and allowing allies to shoot out of it at will.


There's legitimately no reason to bring him to anything. Any gimmick, any kind of gameplay he has going for him, another frame can already do it, in a better way, and without the downsides associated with the rift mechanics.


Also his kit is super clunky.



It's close between Limbo and Mag for me.


But Limbo definitely takes it in the end.


No other Frame makes me immediately want to just put my controller down and walk away until the mission is over (fail or success) as when a Limbo joins my squad. Especially on defense missions, because you know they are going to treat him like Frost with the mindset "I'm Helping!!!" then lock down everything around the pod making it impossible to pick stuff up, then proceed to never use any of his other (also annoying for allies) abilities for any strategic purpose then try to guess what they actually do; get confused when it doesn't make sense to them so they stop using anything other than his lockdown on the pod like it's a Frost bubble.... :-P


I really like Mag, I want her to get the Excal treatment and make her glorious. But Limbo either needs removed, or chopped up and reworked, hardcore.





Always loved the frame and concept, hated the implementation.


^These, hopefully this gets DE's attention cause (as of writing) Limbo is taking up 26% of the poll with 2nd place (Mag) only having half of that.

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I'm honestly surprised to see oberon on here! He's my most multi-purpose frame.


He has decent health, armor and shields. I can cast reckoning with increased strength and range for only 25 energy. Doing so when I'm in trouble buys me several seconds of freedom to kill knocked-down and irradiated enemies. Works a charm. On most missions it just kills them all. Plus health orbs!


Being able to heal himself and his teammates is an added bonus.


Seriously. I so rarely get taken out when I play as that dude.


What fixes would you guys recommend? I don't want to lose the frame I love (or for everyone to start using him :P)

I'm with you man.  I've been preaching that he's one of the best brawlers out there and actually pretty well balanced compared to the rest. 

Not to OP, not worthless, and respectable self sustaining heal.


Smite for sure when reloading.  Cheap "get lost" CC


His #2 is situational and as close to worthless in that one situation that you would use it, but most forget that he is also the only offensive frame that can heal himself and party so I'll take that trade.  (Trinity while a better healer, has no real offensive powers, you could possibly add Nekros here but meh) 


Also there are other frames that suffer from the worthless skill syndrome.

You can't tell me Chroma's #1 is worth the effort of pushing the button.  Hell his #4 is borderline now with duration/efficiency change.

His game play is 23232323 all day.


I would say Limbo as well.  If you want to troll and piss people off, bring him to the battlefield.  Although if built with the correct range, his cataclysm around the pod was pretty useful in void defense missions as energy fountain and safe haven, but that's about all i've ever used him for once....or twice :)

Edited by shinebox
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IIRC, it's one of those powers you can cast while reloading that doesn't interrupt your reload, like Frost's snowball or Ember's Fire Flower impression

You're correct. Smite is a one-handed skill, meaning Oberon can reload and do multiple other things without interrupting the cast.

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Limbo, by far, all of his abilities are useless or a waste of energy

Waste of energy? Have you even played Limbo? Casting rift walk at the start of a match will get you full energy before it has ran out. Putting other players in the rift will give them energy. Putting an Excal, Valk, Trin or any frame really into the rift will do alot. An Excal in the rift while using their ult means that they are doing to deal alot of damage and take none at all.

You can put a Trin in the rift and they can still EV giving everyone energy. Soo yea... Limbo means you are going to have an immortal team thats going to deal a lot of damage. 

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Waste of energy? Have you even played Limbo? Casting rift walk at the start of a match will get you full energy before it has ran out. Putting other players in the rift will give them energy. Putting an Excal, Valk, Trin or any frame really into the rift will do alot. An Excal in the rift while using their ult means that they are doing to deal alot of damage and take none at all.

You can put a Trin in the rift and they can still EV giving everyone energy. Soo yea... Limbo means you are going to have an immortal team thats going to deal a lot of damage. 


The way I see it, people complaining about about Limbo haven't worked out how to play him properly. The idea is him being a support frame to take out the heavies and when a big group of enemies come by, you shove down a cataclysm, wreck face, remove the cat and move on. The amount of times I've run a mission and had a limbo there to save everyone's butt due to his immortality.. Limbo's abilities already work as they are supposed to.



Honestly, the 2 frames I feel need reworks are Mesa and Atlas.

While mesa's ult nerf was finally the thing she needed, it was a horrible new implementation. Look this way, kill more enemies, oh crap, I can't even hit anything now because duration builds on mesa means that your range is gonna be non-existent without taking out so much power strength to make her other abilities useless.


Atlas needs a rework already and he literally just came out. Probably one of the most "If there was a way to pay to instantly level this frame to 30 I would so do it", it's this frame. His abilities scream "Don't play me, I'm that one frame that you expect to find in any online game and I'm totally useless" Sure, his 1 is.. interesting and his 3rd is kinda nice for cc, but in the time it takes to cc those 5 mobs in front of you, the other 40 have killed your 2nd, 4ths, and are about half a second away from killing you as well.. like DE please..



People trying to point out those "People never play these frames" like Banshee, well, have you even sat down, created a build for them and then taken it off to a survival mission for an hour or so? If you're so good at finding problems, find solutions. Just because the frame doesn't fit your playstyle doesn't mean they are useless.

Edited by MultiPackWolf
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Lmao. All i see in this thread is "i cannot play Limbo, so he definetly needs a rework".

I want to love limbo, I really do, but he just doesn't work in his current iteration. His first ability is limited by the direct cast, not an area around the reticule.

3rd ability is garbage for a support frame, and honestly he needs something else.

Ult would be good, as would his rift walk if...

The void mechanics weren't so limiting. You can't pick things up, you can't defend an objective well at all, you can't even hack consoles anymore.

The limited use he had was gutted pretty quick, and they haven't done anything to help him since.

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I'm really curious what the community thinks on this one, as feedback threads are very scatterbrain in regards to what the community as a whole wants.


Some questions to ask yourself:

-Which Warframe do I use the least?

-Which Warframe do I find overly-situational?

-Which Warframe is lacking compared to others?

-Which Warframe do I think needs a much-needed update?


So let's see it: What warframe does the community think needs a rework? You only get one vote, so make it count.


Also, thank you for participating!


1) I've had Zephyr and Limbo in my collection for a while and haven't since maxing.

2) I find Oberon or Rhino

3) Hmmm Mag, Vauban, are still lacking

4) Hmm Vauban needs a rework

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Limbo, hands down. I like the "Void Frame" concept, but for most any mission type he (or the team) suffers rather than benefits from his own powers. 


MoDef- Can't carry package in Rift

Defense- Bubble keeps teammates from picking stuff up and you can't shoot out of it. 

Exterminate- Banishing every single enemy you need to kill is a PITA and he is squishy as heck, leaving Cataclysm as a very risky option for taking out enemies.

Capture- Can't banish cap targets anymore. Having to un-Rift to even shoot the target can be annoying or deadly depending on the difficulty level.

Sabotage- He actually has it pretty easy on this one, and I can't find anything bad to say in his role on a Sab mission because it's a smash and run mission.

Assassinations- Pfft. The best you can do is Cataclysm a boss and hope you don't get one shot. Rift Walk is good for those invulnerability periods but there's little benefit you get from taking him on one of these missions.

Spy- Can't hack consoles in Rift anymore.



Anyways, you see what I'm getting at. Limbo is now just a whole bunch of "can't" instead a whole bunch of "can".


Additionally, Natural Talent shouldn't have to be a required mod on him.

Edited by Xcedis
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