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So. Pve Stuff Available Only Through Pvp?


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The whole team should have to use pvp equipment for the mission, or it would be the same (I use conclave gear, you take me to draco and fill my pvp standing. Then I'll do the same) instead I think of syndicate missions with gear restrictions and high level enemies (like the first tactical alerts forcing you to go with low conclave or using melee only etc. But much harder and truly restricting players to avoid cheesy builds/loadouts) maybe playing against a mid-high level hunter (harvester/stalker/g3, maybe some bosses like regor, sargas ruk or the annoying lech krill and hyena pack. Even some bursas or manics depending on the faction. Not all at once, but high chances of having a hard time) during these missions would do part of the job

B point seems unviable due to current AI state unless most of enemies had the stalker or g3's ai while in these missions

I suggested here:


The improved AI seems pipedreams for now, but a challenge like that could be the answer, after all the purpose of the Conclave acording to Teshin is "There are dangers beyond the outer terminus, so git gud or get out fkr" not "Tennos, you must rip each other apart like dwarfs in a tantrum spiral"

I also suggested (in another thread) weapons for Conclave: Dragon nikana and all future weapons with Dragon, tiger or whatever prefix. But you can get them from pve too. Conclave gives you the weapon for standing, fully built, no MR required, PvE you need to get normal weapon bp, farm resources, craft normal weapon, buy prefix weapon bp from market, farm more resources, craft prefix weapon. After all those weapons are for Tenno masters so it fits with the Conclave tematically.

Edited by Nazrethim
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Read what he is answering.

I think he is reffering to the "get Conclave rep trough hard work not by equiping a sigil and getting it the sissy way in draco"

Yeah it was the crazy stalker g3 zanuka hybrid flesh monster thing idea to get pvp stuff. The way I thought PvP sigils should work was by increasing conclave rep gain meaning it doesn't function as a syndicate type sigil in pve no rep just looks. Wouldn't be any harm in that.

...Now I wanna see a stalker aimgliding.

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People ran them for the credit rewards or for their alliance. The conflicts got tasty esp with the bigger clashes... there was always incentives. Still do explain terms like *forced* and "unpleasantness for fans and haters alike".


No one is forced to do any mode - void or nightmare, raids or archwing and yes PvP. Pissed off its got a half dozen mods exclusive to the mode? Trade for them like the other hundreds of mods and never be "forced" to play the mode ever again...

this was explained countelss times throughout the thread here.


I find hilarious that you mention forma, potatos and tomatos as rewards, because THEN people will be "forced" to do conclave to get those. And those are way more mandatory than a crapy holster rate mods, believe me.

I think if PvE players want to get rewards from Conclave trough PvE content, then that content must:

A) Use Conclave loadout (so they won't cheesy it with overpowered weapons)

B) The content vs AI should be reminicent of PvP (imagine Stalkers that move like zanuka harvester with the firepower of g3) instead of the waves of target practice dummys to make it a challenging experience rather than another survival/exterminate


Also, check your logic: If it's a purely cosmetic (i.e. Syadanna) it's dead wrong, but if it's something to facilitate your standing gain with ZERO EFFORT, then that's ok.


And... if you step in the Conclave, you are probably going to be the toxic , judging by your zeal towards pvp.

scratch potatos then. keys, cores, forma, tomatos should be enough.

we already discussed this and i agree tying it to stalker sounds like a good idea to me. there are ways of making it challenging like prerequisites for kills in specific ways (sliding headshots, air melee etc). also it should be at a reduced rate when compared to conclave playing. tone down the ridiculousness.


i have no zeal towards pvp but i do think keeping the modes separated is a must.

i don't enjoy playing against ones who abuse cheap tactics and hosting in pvp but im not toxic i dont trash talk or tbag etc. (you on the other hand keep calling me a douchebag)

forcing players in pvp however is guaranteed to produce toxic results overall.



If you think that a "good idea" is giving pvp standing for wearing its sigils in pve instead of making them purely cosmetic, you're totally wrong (totally absurd, a bad joke for anyone who plays conclave). Even more wrong if you think giving mandatory items, such as forma or potato, for pvp syndicate standing is right. (Players will complain for not being able to get them from any other syndicate, just like these mods)

Giving cosmetics (no game breaking) would be fine there's a syandana per syndicate, being the conclave one the exception. (Would be the same for weapons but pve players would cry seas if there was 1 weapon pvp locked. Just look what happens with some little utility mods.)

So if you say that any of those is an idea, I'm sad to tell we're going back to the start.

You're just 1 player who agrees, but part of the community will start telling things like "that is pve content locked behind pve to force conclave down our throats" for reasons like: waiting for an alert or grineer/corpus battlepay to get a potato while pvp players can have potato/tomato bp almost anytime as long as they keep playing conclave. even 50 standing for a bp means 2 each 5 days for a rank 19 player, while low mastery players will have a harder time mostly due to daily limits.

i don't really think pvp deserves anything special like that but i'm trying to come up with something a bit more reasonable than cosmetics, mods and weapons. keys, cores, forma, tomatos i don't think anyone would mind and should be enough.



1 thing strikes me here. why do all you guys want pvp exlusive items usable in pve since you so clearly care nothing for pve? why isn't having pvp stuff usable only in pvp enough for you?

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this was explained countelss times throughout the thread here.


scratch potatos then. keys, cores, forma, tomatos should be enough.

we already discussed this and i agree tying it to stalker sounds like a good idea to me. there are ways of making it challenging like prerequisites for kills in specific ways (sliding headshots, air melee etc). also it should be at a reduced rate when compared to conclave playing. tone down the ridiculousness.


i have no zeal towards pvp but i do think keeping the modes separated is a must.

i don't enjoy playing against ones who abuse cheap tactics and hosting in pvp but im not toxic i dont trash talk or tbag etc. (you on the other hand keep calling me a douchebag)

forcing players in pvp however is guaranteed to produce toxic results overall.



i don't really think pvp deserves anything special like that but i'm trying to come up with something a bit more reasonable than cosmetics, mods and weapons. keys, cores, forma, tomatos i don't think anyone would mind and should be enough.



1 thing strikes me here. why do all you guys want pvp exlusive items usable in pve since you so clearly care nothing for pve? why isn't having pvp stuff usable only in pvp enough for you?

Cores and Tomatos maybe, but since no conclave loadout requires Forma (since there aren't enough mods to reach 30) then Forma should be limited to Void and Invasions. Keys definetly since Conclave is a Syndicate, different focus, but still syndicate.

The headshots, sliding etc actually are in effect in Conclave, just add that Players vs Stalker-zanuka-g3 hybrids challenge and make the Conclave challenges count and call it a day.

I also hate the cheap tactics, and actually I'm a good mannered competitor, anyone who can kill me with a "worthy" tactic (using bows, shotguns, melee combos, non automatic secondaries and definetly not using simulor or kittags) earns my respect. I keep calling you a doche because that's the idea you give me by constantly repeating the nonsensical "if it can be used in pve it should be obtained in pve". I could easily say "if it can be used in PvP it should be obtained in PvP" and start requesting normal weapons and frames, primed parts and blueprints available trough Conclave standing, which would be ridiculous, the game isn't PvP only, the idea behind Conclave mods available was to encourage PvP, not force it, think like the Master Rank "forcing" you to experiment content (weapons, frames, companions, missions)


About what strikes you: We want cosmetics because cosmetics are awesome and the only non-game changer that could come from Conclave without creating the situation we have with these (near pointless in pve) mods. And we want to use those Cosmetics ALL the time, we don't do only PvP, we also indulge in PvE because as you pointed out many times: the majority of the game is PvE.

If say there is a Conclave Syadanna that fits your Nekros perfectly, but Nekros isn't available in PvP (for now) wouldn't you like to get that syadanna with another warframe and then going to whatever mission you like with it in your Nekros? Same reason with the Sigils, I like the Stalker sigil, I use it in almost all my frames, but guess what? I can't use it in Conclave. Can you see where I'm going with this? I don't give a flying crap about mods because 1)those mods are useless to me in Conclave since I play melee, 2)those mods are barely useful in pve right now because there are damage mods more useful and 3) those mods are tradeable, so you don't even have to bother doing PvP at all, just head for the trade chat and scoff the mods or prime parts or plat or whatever the person you are trading with asks in return.

Would I be ok with those mods available trough transmutation? yes and no. If DE adds them to the transmutation pool I won't complain, but I would like (for the non-weapon augment mods) to be PvE weaker counterparts, take for instance the Holster rate +200%, I say add a PvE mod that grants 100% of uncommon quality. Keep the rare as a Conclave tradeable reward only, but give a less powerful version obtained trough PvE.

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I also hate the cheap tactics, and actually I'm a good mannered competitor, anyone who can kill me with a "worthy" tactic (using bows, shotguns, melee combos, non automatic secondaries and definetly not using simulor or kittags) earns my respect. I keep calling you a doche because that's the idea you give me by constantly repeating the nonsensical "if it can be used in pve it should be obtained in pve". I could easily say "if it can be used in PvP it should be obtained in PvP" and start requesting normal weapons and frames, primed parts and blueprints available trough Conclave standing, which would be ridiculous, the game isn't PvP only, the idea behind Conclave mods available was to encourage PvP, not force it, think like the Master Rank "forcing" you to experiment content (weapons, frames, companions, missions)



If say there is a Conclave Syadanna that fits your Nekros perfectly, but Nekros isn't available in PvP (for now) wouldn't you like to get that syadanna with another warframe and then going to whatever mission you like with it in your Nekros? Same reason with the Sigils, I like the Stalker sigil, I use it in almost all my frames, but guess what? I can't use it in Conclave. Can you see where I'm going with this?


if it's usable in pve it should be obtainable in pve is valid because the game is primarily pve and he overwhelming majority of players are here for co-op pve.


this is exactly why i don't think gating stuff usable in pve behind pvp is a good idea. why should there be a conclave only syandana for nekros? wouln't it be easyer for everyone of it was obtainable in pve? you can use any cosmetics from pve in pvp with the exception of syndicate sigils. afaik you can equip the conclave sigil on your back and the stalker on your front right now in pvp.

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if it's usable in pve it should be obtainable in pve is valid because the game is primarily pve and he overwhelming majority of players are here for co-op pve.


this is exactly why i don't think gating stuff usable in pve behind pvp is a good idea. why should there be a conclave only syandana for nekros? wouln't it be easyer for everyone of it was obtainable in pve? you can use any cosmetics from pve in pvp with the exception of syndicate sigils. afaik you can equip the conclave sigil on your back and the stalker on your front right now in pvp.

You can't equip any non-conclave sigil in PvP, yeah, the Syadannas carry over, but then again, outside of mods, what reward Conclave participants get ? nothing, allowing those mods to be obtainable from a non-conclave related activity takes away the only sense of reward in the system, many can say "the challenge is the reward" but we all know by now that's idealistic bullcrap, a good challenge should be rewarded, and there are few PvE content on par with the Conclave in term of challenge (Assassins when playing alone and their AIs dont make them stand and take bullets without ever attemting to attack, the recent Nightwatch tac alert which featured actual PvE challenge come to mind)

And I was using Nekros as an example, I could have said any other frame not currently allowed in Conclave

Conclave isn't another game, it's part of Warframe like Archwings, like Simaris synthesis, like the other syndicates. If you say the rewards shouldn't be carried over to PvE fine, but then don't ask for the Conclave rewards be obtainable trough PvE. DE can't go back with this now, so the only way is to push forward. There are suggestions to make Conclave rep obtainable without PvP, but those have to prove as challenging as PvPing itself. And it's okay stuff is out of reach, because that makes you push harder, and if you work hard if you truly earn the right to that weapon, that mod or that syadanna, then one can feel proud of it, and should be able to show it to everyone and say "I did it and this is my reward"

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It's funny how if "hypothetically" there was a pvp exclusive frame/weapon added, even if it was not usable on pve, community would complain a lot about pvp players getting something exclusive, and would crave for it in the same way most players do with china frame (wukong, ninkondi, nezha, excsk umbra, future additions to star armor, etc ) even knowing it is a totally different game.

Because of this, I see the "if this is usable for pve, it should be available through pve" as a childish argument from players who can't stand not being able to get all of the content in game and are unable to get out from the easy mode for some extra rewards.

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You can't equip any non-conclave sigil in PvP, yeah, the Syadannas carry over, but then again, outside of mods, what reward Conclave participants get ? nothing, allowing those mods to be obtainable from a non-conclave related activity takes away the only sense of reward in the system, many can say "the challenge is the reward" but we all know by now that's idealistic bullcrap, a good challenge should be rewarded, and there are few PvE content on par with the Conclave in term of challenge (Assassins when playing alone and their AIs dont make them stand and take bullets without ever attemting to attack, the recent Nightwatch tac alert which featured actual PvE challenge come to mind)

And I was using Nekros as an example, I could have said any other frame not currently allowed in Conclave

Conclave isn't another game, it's part of Warframe like Archwings, like Simaris synthesis, like the other syndicates. If you say the rewards shouldn't be carried over to PvE fine, but then don't ask for the Conclave rewards be obtainable trough PvE. DE can't go back with this now, so the only way is to push forward. There are suggestions to make Conclave rep obtainable without PvP, but those have to prove as challenging as PvPing itself. And it's okay stuff is out of reach, because that makes you push harder, and if you work hard if you truly earn the right to that weapon, that mod or that syadanna, then one can feel proud of it, and should be able to show it to everyone and say "I did it and this is my reward"

non-syndicate sigils should be usable in pvp i totally support that. i honestly thought this was the case already as i see no reason for it to be otherwise.

i also agree other rewards sould be added (keys, cores, tomatos but nothing exlusive if it's also usable in pve)

but conclave is another game .. it's a totally different gaming experiance it's competition not cooperation.

the only reason i'm asking for the mods to be obtainable in pve is if they are usable in pve. as long as pvp stuff stays in pvp i have no problem and it can be anything.

also DE can go back on it or they can stop it at this point. saying that the only way is th push through btw also invalidates your point about the mods not being useful/neccessary as you know eventually we will be at that point if they continue down this path.

"i did it and this is my reward" is elitism when it's not available to the majority of the player base


It's funny how if "hypothetically" there was a pvp exclusive frame/weapon added, even if it was not usable on pve, community would complain a lot about pvp players getting something exclusive, and would crave for it in the same way most players do with china frame (wukong, ninkondi, nezha, excsk umbra, future additions to star armor, etc ) even knowing it is a totally different game.

Because of this, I see the "if this is usable for pve, it should be available through pve" as a childish argument from players who can't stand not being able to get all of the content in game and are unable to get out from the easy mode for some extra rewards.

as long as pvp mods were only usable in pvp nobody had a problem so your argument is wrong.

why would you want pvp exlusive weapons or frames? why not have them available to everyone? the amount of work that goes into frames/weapons is too much to justify having it only in pvp. this only creats problems


using this as a means to promote pvp in a pve dominant game where players simply don't like the idea of pvp is wrong .. it will only encourage exploiting cheesy tactics and toxic behaviour from players that actually don't want to participate but they feel forced to.

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"i did it and this is my reward" is elitism when it's not available to the majority of the player base

It's available to all players. If you refuse to play the only way to get it, it's your problem, but don't be selfish, don't restrict other players from getting something simply because you don't like the way to get it and you don't want those of us who can dedicate our time to that mode being able to show "you" how "you" don't want to srt foot near the pvp console.

as long as pvp mods were only usable in pvp nobody had a problem so your argument is wrong. why would you want pvp exlusive weapons or frames? why not have them available to everyone?

Do you even know what "hypothesis" means?

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It's available to all players. If you refuse to play the only way to get it, it's your problem, but don't be selfish, don't restrict other players from getting something simply because you don't like the way to get it and you don't want those of us who can dedicate our time to that mode being able to show "you" how "you" don't want to srt foot near the pvp console.

Do you even know what "hypothesis" means?

if it's locked behind pvp it's avaiable only to pvp players, restricting pve'ers (the majority of players) from getting it ... geez ur telling me not to be selfish? you've got it the other way around buddy


what i meant was that if nobody had a problem with pvp mods being restricted to pvp ... probably nobody will have one if "hypothetically" there were pvp only weapons and frames. but that would mean a huge waste of resources. why not release those frames and weapons in pve so everyone can enjoy them? you keep babbling on about having pvp exlusive items for what reason? i'm done with this nonsese sry

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if it's locked behind pvp it's avaiable only to pvp players, restricting pve'ers (the majority of players) from getting it ... geez ur telling me not to be selfish? you've got it the other way around buddy

what i meant was that if nobody had a problem with pvp mods being restricted to pvp ... probably nobody will have one if "hypothetically" there were pvp only weapons and frames. but that would mean a huge waste of resources. why not release those frames and weapons in pve so everyone can enjoy them? you keep babbling on about having pvp exlusive items for what reason? i'm done with this nonsese sry

Well, even being a minority there's no reason for pvp community bring unable of getting pvp locked content available in any game mode (even more if we talk about cosmetics only) just because the majority don't want to play there. The only babbling here is "kinclivi ilitism", "majority of communnity", and "forcing us to pvp" when still nobody forces no to get locked content behind a totally optional game mode. Nobody restricts pve'rs from pvp, and thus, nobody restricts pve'rs from pvp content. Nobody more than yourselves and your closed "we want it all the easy way", "i didn't want this game mode" minds keeps you away from pvp content. And that is no reason to restrict other players in an optional game mode and use our rewards in the main game.

EDIT: I'm also getting tired of this, but I'll keep going on. After all there's nothing here to lose.

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1 thing strikes me here. why do all you guys want pvp exlusive items usable in pve since you so clearly care nothing for pve? why isn't having pvp stuff usable only in pvp enough for you?

Personally I think it's 2 parts of the same game, pve gear is necessary for pvp, saying the other way around is hypocritical, pvp should ave it's own branch of gear that's tradable, and pve should have its stuff in PvP, it's not too hard they are already mixing it no matter how you look at it, so no one can say "don't cross the streams"

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Well, even being a minority there's no reason for pvp community bring unable of getting pvp locked content available in any game mode (even more if we talk about cosmetics only) just because the majority don't want to play there. The only babbling here is "kinclivi ilitism", "majority of communnity", and "forcing us to pvp" when still nobody forces no to get locked content behind a totally optional game mode. Nobody restricts pve'rs from pvp, and thus, nobody restricts pve'rs from pvp content. Nobody more than yourselves and your closed "we want it all the easy way", "i didn't want this game mode" minds keeps you away from pvp content. And that is no reason to restrict other players in an optional game mode and use our rewards in the main game.

EDIT: I'm also getting tired of this, but I'll keep going on. After all there's nothing here to lose.

So when did they add Nekros and the Tonbo to the conclave lineup? I know they sure haven't added Loki.

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That would be broken, maybe double oro from bodies?

That would be even more broken if we keep in mind that oro is what leads us to victory. Maybe a small chance for orbs and abig chance of getting ammo. Maybe an augment mod that stops desecrating for ammo/orbs but adds a 7.5/15/22.5/30% chance (might change) to delay desecrated enemies respawn time in 1.5/3/4.5/6 seconds depending on rank (yes, only a chance. Putting it as a straight time delay would be broken too) anyways i think this topic should be on pvp feedback and not in this thread.

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That would be even more broken if we keep in mind that oro is what leads us to victory. Maybe a small chance for orbs and abig chance of getting ammo. Maybe an augment mod that stops desecrating for ammo/orbs but adds a 7.5/15/22.5/30% chance (might change) to delay desecrated enemies respawn time in 1.5/3/4.5/6 seconds depending on rank (yes, only a chance. Putting it as a straight time delay would be broken too) anyways i think this topic should be on pvp feedback and not in this thread.

Yeah probably.

Stil waiting for people to realize saying pve and pvp shouldnt affect each other and these mods are breaking this is wrong because pvp doesn't give resources, prime drops, forma, potatoes, or even gear bps, pvp needs pve exclusive stuff but pve can't have pvp exclusive stuff? Logic is where exactly?

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can't believe this is still going -.-); welp my two cents are, 

-cosmetics sigils banners, badges, syndaras are a ok, however the syndara and badges are only obtainble if you played through the conclave and did ceartin things, e.g getting a 100 head shots, bullet jumping and killing some one etc.

-however people can obtain these pvp mods from tenshin by doing dailymissions(?) that will give you rep so you can get the mods.  However it will only give you the mods, not the cosmetics.

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Stil waiting for people to realize saying pve and pvp shouldnt affect each other and these mods are breaking this is wrong because pvp doesn't give resources, prime drops, forma, potatoes, or even gear bps, pvp needs pve exclusive stuff but pve can't have pvp exclusive stuff? Logic is where exactly?

I say split them completely. Have PvE completely unable to affect PvP in any material way, and PvP completely unavailable to affect PvE in any material way.

Material way is defined as anything which changes your gameplay, no matter how minor. Mods count, weapons count, purely cosmetic items (sigils, syandanas, etc.) don't.

Weapons and mods can be purely exclusive to one or the other. PvP weapons and frames should not give or require mastery points, that's a PvE thing. A separate mastery rank for PvP would work, if necessary.

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Oh, that spoiled bunch that wants everything their way and is always pessimistic about archwing and conclave while providing no feedback at all.


That's actually great, those mods are all little bonuses that'll reward those who play the game in its entirety.


I like the hypocrisy on some people, they be like: 'I supported the game in its infancy' and then 'archwing and conclave are unfinished, they suck, i won't play it and,WTH,why are those people that play it being rewarded?'


Please, don't hold back more open minded people. Thank you.


Also, DE is trying to find a middle ground here, you have games like Destiny, where you are basically forced to play crucible (pvp), and don't come with that 'Destiny is crap', it's a nice opinion you have and that millions of people will be glad to disagree with, myself included. Having an  open minded about both, I can say that DE has indeed found a nice middle ground to interwine the different parts of its game, otherwise, conclave would be plain pointless.


Sharkwing, now this, keep'em coming.

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100% guaranteed you CAN NOT get more players to play pvp by putting desirable and useful pve mods behind it 

it will never work


people only play pvp because its fun

but you can only have fun if you can be competitive and you can only be competitive if there is a level playing field and you can only have a level playing field if pvp its not p2p hosted


maybe some will try pvp again, if thats the intended idea then ok fair enough and it was worth the shot 


still think faction vs faction (non-tenno) pvp would have been a huge success and faction pve mod rewards would have been appropriate to entice players in

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100% guaranteed you CAN NOT get more players to play pvp by putting desirable and useful pve mods behind it 

it will never work


people only play pvp because its fun

but you can only have fun if you can be competitive and you can only be competitive if there is a level playing field and you can only have a level playing field if pvp its not p2p hosted


maybe some will try pvp again, if thats the intended idea then ok fair enough and it was worth the shot 


still think faction vs faction (non-tenno) pvp would have been a huge success and faction pve mod rewards would have been appropriate to entice players in

totally agree with the balance issues and i very much like the idea of faction vs faction. however there would be balance issues there also because let's face it ... one faction is clearly dominating


it's the grineer

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Oh, that spoiled bunch that wants everything their way and is always pessimistic about archwing and conclave while providing no feedback at all.


That's actually great, those mods are all little bonuses that'll reward those who play the game in its entirety.


I like the hypocrisy on some people, they be like: 'I supported the game in its infancy' and then 'archwing and conclave are unfinished, they suck, i won't play it and,WTH,why are those people that play it being rewarded?'


Please, don't hold back more open minded people. Thank you.


Also, DE is trying to find a middle ground here, you have games like Destiny, where you are basically forced to play crucible (pvp), and don't come with that 'Destiny is crap', it's a nice opinion you have and that millions of people will be glad to disagree with, myself included. Having an  open minded about both, I can say that DE has indeed found a nice middle ground to interwine the different parts of its game, otherwise, conclave would be plain pointless.


Sharkwing, now this, keep'em coming.

i like how the "open minded" poor unrewarded players are always throwing around insults to justify their selfish pov


my point is you don't need anything exclusive as a reward please stop being selfish

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