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So. Pve Stuff Available Only Through Pvp?


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Why does somebody always go this way?


I am (optionally) going to wear pants today, as I (optionally) go to my job.


Every last keystroke you do in this game is optional.  There is no mandatory.  And that doesn't mean letting PvP mods into PvE in this game is a good idea.

It doesn't mean it is a bad idea either. Is giving players rewards for spending time in the game a bad idea? because if so then I think you got something wrong.

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Then you haven't been reading.  Thanks for interjecting without paying attention.

I honestly do not get why you are all so heavily disagree that you should get so worked up about mods from pvp being usable in pve.



also thanks for reading the rest of my comment. i read the entire post before i wrote mine.

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It doesn't mean it is a bad idea either. Is giving players rewards for spending time in the game a bad idea? because if so then I think you got something wrong.

rewarding players has nothing to do with it. the problem here is having PvE usable content exclusively obtainable in PvP. it's pretty simple really if it's usable in PvE it should be possible to aquire it in PvE.

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rewarding players has nothing to do with it. the problem here is having PvE usable content exclusively obtainable in PvP. it's pretty simple really if it's usable in PvE it should be possible to aquire it in PvE.

Then it must be in a place where it is harder to obtain relative to the conclave, because then players could just get the mods outside of conclave and use them in it without the limits of the conclave syndicate.

if the mods are more accessible in pve than in pvp it would completely nullify the conclave syndicate, that only sells mods and sigils.

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rewarding players has nothing to do with it. the problem here is having PvE usable content exclusively obtainable in PvP. it's pretty simple really if it's usable in PvE it should be possible to aquire it in PvE.

Okay, how about this:

Teshin gives you a PvE challenge for Conclave rep. You have to fight 4-7 Stalkers with the agility of Zanuka and the firepower of G3 and stalker combined using only Conclave equipment.

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Then it must be in a place where it is harder to obtain relative to the conclave, because then players could just get the mods outside of conclave and use them in it without the limits of the conclave syndicate.

if the mods are more accessible in pve than in pvp it would completely nullify the conclave syndicate, that only sells mods and sigils.

absolutely getting them in PvE should be harder but as long as they are usable in PvE it should be possible to aquire them in PvE. this would keep encouraging and rewarding PvP players.



Okay, how about this:

Teshin gives you a PvE challenge for Conclave rep. You have to fight 4-7 Stalkers with the agility of Zanuka and the firepower of G3 and stalker combined using only Conclave equipment.

tenshin challenges is a very good idea someone else suggested this too. however it should be a reasonable challenge maybe similar to the bonus xp ones we currently have. something like x amount of headshots while sliding, x air melee kills, etc

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tenshin challenges is a very good idea someone else suggested this too. however it should be a reasonable challenge maybe similar to the bonus xp ones we currently have. something like x amount of headshots while sliding, x air melee kills, etc

I suggested a reasonable challenge, becauste what I described is the closest PvE can get to PvP.

"You seek power, you pay in blood"

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I suggested a reasonable challenge, becauste what I described is the closest PvE can get to PvP.

"You seek power, you pay in blood"

that's not reasonable im sry. not to players and not to devs that have to implement it. but i think tying it to stalker is a good idea too. he will get a buff soon anyway, he is hard to get and he kinda pvp-ish in a pve kind of way

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that's not reasonable im sry. not to players and not to devs that have to implement it. but i think tying it to stalker is a good idea too. he will get a buff soon anyway, he is hard to get and he kinda pvp-ish in a pve kind of way

Well yeah, I admit the challenge isn't reasonable, it would be only with "Stalker with Zanuka's agility and in Conclave equipment (no cheesy super-nuk-weapons, Just normal weapons and skill)". I'm starting to propose unreasonable things to match the unreasonable claims of many because there aren't objective opinions.

Edited by Nazrethim
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Well yeah, I admit the challenge isn't reasonable, it would be only with "Stalker with Zanuka's agility and in Conclave equipment (no cheesy super-nuk-weapons, Just normal weapons and skill)". I'm starting to propose unreasonable things to match the unreasonable claims of many because there aren't objective opinions.

wait ur confusing me what's unreasonable about wanting PvE stuff obtainable in PvE? this is the only issue we have here and the reason players bring this up.


what i find unreasonable is players that try to defend having exclusive access in PvP to PvE items. that line of thinking can only be described as selfish in my book.

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If you forsake damage mods in PvE, then yes the PvP mods are awesome. But that doesn't mean those are "Pve mods locked behind PvP", those are absolutely PvP mods locked behind PvP that you can use in PvE for shts and giggles.



That's not a useful distinction. They are mods that are usable in PvE. They are only acquirable through PvP. I would like that to change.

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Okay, how about this:

Teshin gives you a PvE challenge for Conclave rep. You have to fight 4-7 Stalkers with the agility of Zanuka and the firepower of G3 and stalker combined using only Conclave equipment.

I'd do it for the Lolz I've fought g3 with a rank 0 Loki and a Dragon nikana with fury and blind justice without a problem
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I honestly do not get why you are all so heavily disagree that you should get so worked up about mods from pvp being usable in pve.



also thanks for reading the rest of my comment. i read the entire post before i wrote mine.

Oh I read the whole post.  That doesn't mean I have to comment on the rest of your arrogance.  Did you want me to?


It just sounds mostly like a neophyte that signed up to play Warframe after they added PvP and refuses to do research and formulate a proper opinion.  Just like the part of your post I quoted.

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wait ur confusing me what's unreasonable about wanting PvE stuff obtainable in PvE? this is the only issue we have here and the reason players bring this up.


what i find unreasonable is players that try to defend having exclusive access in PvP to PvE items. that line of thinking can only be described as selfish in my book.

Again, it's not PvE content locked behind PvP, its PvP content locked behind PvP that you could use in PvE.

Let me explain with a WoW example: there is PvE gear and PvP gear, while you could use PvP gear for PvE, that doesn't mean its good actually the top PvP gear is in raw stats one tier below PvE gear when you use it in PvE. You have the option to do PvP to get PvP gear and using it in PvE but you aren't forced.

Back to WF, these mods are marginally useful, and are tradeable, you can get them trough PvE in the form of grinding whatever mission you like then trading stuff for them.


That's not a useful distinction. They are mods that are usable in PvE. They are only acquirable through PvP. I would like that to change.

OK, give me you idea of what should be, but taking into acount these conditions:

-Must not be biased in any direction (analyze it as a pure game content regardless of where it can be obtained)

-Must not make Conclave rep useless

-Must take roughly the same time and effort to get (think the "Stalker/Zanuka" suggestion I made above)

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Oh I read the whole post.  That doesn't mean I have to comment on the rest of your arrogance.  Did you want me to?


It just sounds mostly like a neophyte that signed up to play Warframe after they added PvP and refuses to do research and formulate a proper opinion.  Just like the part of your post I quoted.

speaking of arrogance, you know you can check the sign up date in the profile... I started playing about 3.5 months after you did, long before pvp was even a thing.


In regards to the comment, I must admit i was a bit moved by the whining and some of the silly arguments of most of the people in the post and that may have affected the way i wrote it. 


I do however still stand behind the idea that pvp mods should be most accessible by pvp. if they are to be included in pve content it must be harder than the equivalent of getting them in pvp.

Edited by HermlT
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Again, it's not PvE content locked behind PvP, its PvP content locked behind PvP that you could use in PvE.

Let me explain with a WoW example: there is PvE gear and PvP gear, while you could use PvP gear for PvE, that doesn't mean its good actually the top PvP gear is in raw stats one tier below PvE gear when you use it in PvE. You have the option to do PvP to get PvP gear and using it in PvE but you aren't forced.

Back to WF, these mods are marginally useful, and are tradeable, you can get them trough PvE in the form of grinding whatever mission you like then trading stuff for them.


OK, give me you idea of what should be, but taking into acount these conditions:

-Must not be biased in any direction (analyze it as a pure game content regardless of where it can be obtained)

-Must not make Conclave rep useless

-Must take roughly the same time and effort to get (think the "Stalker/Zanuka" suggestion I made above)

Why is it so hard for you to understand?


Its PvE gear when its usable in PvE.  Its PvP gear when its usable in PvP.  Its both when its usable in both.


Problem is, if you want to use it for PvE, now you have to PvP to get it.  It runs contrary to everything they said about PvP in their game.


In the words of Carlos Mencia from South Park:  "Please...jus' geet et mahn..."

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speaking of arrogance, you know you can check the sign up date in the profile... I started playing about 3 months after you did, long before pvp was even a thing.


In regards to the comment, I must admit i was a bit moved by the whining and some of the silly arguments of most of the people in the post and that may have affected the way i wrote it. 


I do however still stand behind the idea that pvp mods should be most accessible by pvp. if they are to be included in pve content it must be harder than the equivalent of getting them in pvp.

I have no reason to check your join date when responding to an opinion.  Just because someone is 100 years old doesn't mean they stay informed and formulate opinions based on history and facts...there will always be those who wish to think like the whole world was born yesterday.


I honestly don't care how hard PvP mods are to get in PvE, but there should never be any PvE-usable mods that are only available from PvP content.  So in a sense, we're agreeing with each other.

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Again, it's not PvE content locked behind PvP, its PvP content locked behind PvP that you could use in PvE.

Let me explain with a WoW example: there is PvE gear and PvP gear, while you could use PvP gear for PvE, that doesn't mean its good actually the top PvP gear is in raw stats one tier below PvE gear when you use it in PvE. You have the option to do PvP to get PvP gear and using it in PvE but you aren't forced.

Back to WF, these mods are marginally useful, and are tradeable, you can get them trough PvE in the form of grinding whatever mission you like then trading stuff for them.


why are you trying to justify it by saying the gear is not good/mandatory? that's not the issue!

if it's usable in PvE it's PvE content and should be obtainable in PvE. is that too difficult to understand or unreasonable in any way?


you pvp'ers all have the same silly arguments on why they should keep those items PvP exclusive and the only reason i can come up for it is the profit u can make trading them. selfish. get out

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why are you trying to justify it by saying the gear is not good/mandatory? that's not the issue!

if it's usable in PvE it's PvE content and should be obtainable in PvE. is that too difficult to understand or unreasonable in any way?


you pvp'ers all have the same silly arguments on why they should keep those items PvP exclusive and the only reason i can come up for it is the profit u can make trading them. selfish. get out

If those items were PvP exclusive they wouldn't be tradeable, so you will have a reason to complain because THAT would be forcing PvP. There is another way of obtaining them without doing a single Conclave match: Trade.

Also, I'm not  a "pvp'er", I'm a player who enjoys all aspects of warframe (I used to hate defense but after being "forced" [read: didn't want to trade] to do Defense to get the blueprint I kind of learned to play it in a way I enjoy it) and yes, that includes the "reviled" Conclave.

Making Profit? man, you never EVER traded before right? how about the primed mods, prime parts and bps, and everything else that people make profit with? and what about those who trade for items not plat or those who give away things for free (I actually give the "standard" rare mods like Continuity, Streamline, Intensify and Flow to new players for free, provided they have the MR to trade). No mon you are the one who doesn't understand and make silly arguments like "if I can use it in PvE it's ABSOLUTELY a PvE item, even if it comes from PvP".

I don't aprove DE allowing Conclave mods in PvE, I would like PvP COSMETICS (Syadanas, Weapon Skins, Sigils and Emblems) usable in PvE, but I don't think it's a bad thing either because the mods they allowed are totally optional and tradeable.

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If those items were PvP exclusive they wouldn't be tradeable, so you will have a reason to complain because THAT would be forcing PvP. There is another way of obtaining them without doing a single Conclave match: Trade.

Also, I'm not  a "pvp'er", I'm a player who enjoys all aspects of warframe (I used to hate defense but after being "forced" [read: didn't want to trade] to do Defense to get the blueprint I kind of learned to play it in a way I enjoy it) and yes, that includes the "reviled" Conclave.

Making Profit? man, you never EVER traded before right? how about the primed mods, prime parts and bps, and everything else that people make profit with? and what about those who trade for items not plat or those who give away things for free (I actually give the "standard" rare mods like Continuity, Streamline, Intensify and Flow to new players for free, provided they have the MR to trade). No mon you are the one who doesn't understand and make silly arguments like "if I can use it in PvE it's ABSOLUTELY a PvE item, even if it comes from PvP".

I don't aprove DE allowing Conclave mods in PvE, I would like PvP COSMETICS (Syadanas, Weapon Skins, Sigils and Emblems) usable in PvE, but I don't think it's a bad thing either because the mods they allowed are totally optional and tradeable.

more selfish elitist BS.

primed mods and parts and everything else are accessible to anyone within PvE. those ones are only accessible in PvP (exclusive to PvP)

show me one person willing to trade pvp mods for other syndicate stuff of willing to give it for free.

it doesn't matter where the items were first introduced what matters is how they are applied and if they apply to PvE they should be obtainable in PvE.

also no to PvP cosmetics showing off in PvE .. elitist. selfish. BS

Edited by ..atom..
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more selfish elitist BS.

primed mods and parts and everything else are accessible to anyone within PvE. those ones are only accessible in PvP (exclusive to PvP)

show me one person willing to trade pvp mods for other syndicate stuff of willing to give it for free.

it doesn't matter where the items were first introduced what matters is how they are applied and if they apply to PvE they should be obtainable in PvE.

also no to PvP cosmetics showing off in PvE .. elitist. selfish. BS


Douches like you are the ones I warn new players about and the ones who ruin pretty much any game in any mode.

Fine, do whatever you want, complain whatever you want, I won't argue with you again, I will go do something more practical, like finding Manics Eximus in Mercury.

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