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Guardsman Synthesis Entry Findings


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Anyone is concerned that without moon the earth will rotate perpendicular to sun?




"But without our Moon, there would be nothing preventing catastrophic shifts in our rotational axis. It’s probable that sometimes, we’d be like the planet Mercury, orbiting in the same plane as our rotation, and having practically no seasons due to our axial tilt. At other times, we’d possibly be as extreme as Uranus, rotating on our side like a barrel, having the most extreme seasons imaginable!"

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So no one suspects that this might be about one of the Grineer Twin Queens? Interesting...


Would make for an amazing twist if the Grineer are actually guarding two of the last surviving Orokin with the lives of their ENTIRE ARMY. It would certainly put a spin on the Vanquished Banner named syandana as well, wouldn't it?

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So no one suspects that this might be about one of the Grineer Twin Queens? Interesting...


Would make for an amazing twist if the Grineer are actually guarding two of the last surviving Orokin with the lives of their ENTIRE ARMY. It would certainly put a spin on the Vanquished Banner named syandana as well, wouldn't it?


Oh, people have been suspecting it. We've also just been debunking it.


But the Twin Queens ARE Orokin... kinda (I think they're Lorists, but we don't know for sure), their origins are already confirmed.

Edited by Morec0
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So I had a thought.

Since the Orokin were only able to operate technology, what if the Sentients adapted their genetic material to operate the technology themselves?

"Turn our technology against us"?


Thaaat helps answer questions!

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Just read the poem:


#1 -
A Story once lost
Recovered by fate
The tale of two sisters
Who bore the same face

#2 - 
Born one quiet morning
Amidst the great war
All elders were gathered
For this life's new dawn

#3 - 
Confused and bewildered
They judged them amiss
For they never witnessed
Two self-same as these

#4 -
A mirrored reflection
Had come into life
By will of their father
Kept safe from the knife

#5 -
Their sameness was shunned
As slave-like and soiled
They tended their strays
Rejected by all

#6 -
As both Girls Matured
Their bond grew in depth
They had the same poise
Same senses, same strength

#7 -
The Uprising came
And Spread like a weed
An army of copy-men
Ferocious and Free

#8 -
And much like the sea
They came just like waves
For years they fought on
For years we remained

#9 -
Like chisel to stone
War molded the twins
Who ravaged the hordes
Became legend to them

#10 -
They had a deep strength
That came from Each other
Unlike all these copies
Identical, but not brothers

#11 -
The copies could see it
They yearned for it too
If the twins could do it
Perhaps they could too

#12 -
The twins had attained
Something more than a whole
A true understanding
Of each other soul

#13 -
The copies became believers
One by one bowed to the twins
And led forth by their new masters
They ravaged the colonies

#14 -
Now a power to follow
Not a force to be fought
From the ashes of war
The Twin Queens were wrought



It sounds like they were always together.

Edited by -CM-igo95862
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I didn't see anything that really debunks the possibility that the Orokin mentioned in the recent lore is one of the Queens. Only passage 4 suggests that the Queens are conjoined, but that's it. Who's to say (other than passage 4) that the two sisters would be doing the solo thing from time to time?


The poem heavily implies they were always connected, always together. Belisa doesn't have anyone with her, nor does she ever make any mention to anyone. Also the poem REALLY indicates that the Twin Queens were worshiped by the Grineer, bowed before and seen as superiors - Veytok very clearly sees Belisa as an equal.


Also the poem says that the Queens fought against the Grineer for a time - Belisa never did such a thing. She was a prisoner who turned and joined with them after a while. 

Edited by Morec0
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Just for clarity sake, the synthesis timeline + kuria entry is this?

  • Detron crewman - sending this “new species” (speculated as sentient) to the tau system

    Kuria - birth of twin queen.

  • arid eviscerator - hijacking of ship + introduction to bilsa
  • corrupted ancient - lorist and infestation
  • guardsman - bilsa sided with grineer

    kuria - Grineer follow the twin queen

  • anti-moa - corpus are attacked by grineer army
  • infested runner - J3 golem.
Not sure on the location on when C.ancients occur as it could be before Eviscerator or even after guardsman. Edited by 321agemo
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ALSO of note: the "I've helped him mass an army of sorts" line, DEFINITELY her helping with cloning more Grineer, likely even hinting that she's been cloning herself - although the technology seems to be "filth" compared to what shes used to.


This could explain why female Grineer in the current timeline don't look half as physically degraded as male Grineer do. As in, Bilsa being a mid-high rank Orokin would imply she had better, more stable genes for a template than a slave.

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his entry helps explain at least ONE great mystery: why technology in Origin seems to gone backwards. If everything was

I also guess that this puts a nail in my theory of Teshin being a Dax - they appear to have been... robots, of some kind, stored away in ships until they were needed. I suppose this explains the "ours walked on two legs like that, but they were... different" line from the Anti Moa Synth.

You make the most needless of conclusions. Where are you even reading that Dax were Robots and stored in closets?

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Well since the last part notes that they just got themself a cloning lab, it would certainly make sense that Bilsa could have been the template for the female Grineer.


It would also explain why Grineer technology seems to be suprisingly efficient and functional despite it's crude design. With someone like Bilsa on their side they could have reversed engineered functioning Orokin technology, rather than having to bypass the genetic locks.


So much for my speculation that the females originated from clone based service workers. The fact that the male Grineer were heavy physical workers allready made that one a bit thin, i admit.


The genetic locks on Technology once again put the Tenno into an interesting light.


The Tenno can make free use of Orokin technology, being apperently either unbound by the genetic locks or bypassing them with ease. Which seems to further reinforce the idea that the Tenno had become a seperated society within the Orokin society.


Or it's just the Lotus bypassing the locks for them...


There is also the fact that the Tenno's version of the Orokin technology is still virtualy identical to theirs, just more simplefied and easier to produce with limited resources.


Could this have been a natural result of the Old War or the Tenno having prepared to cut off from the Orokin for quite some while before their "betrayl"?

Edited by Othergrunty
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Why do people seem to keep interpreting "The moon is gone" as that the moon is missing?  There's another way, a better way to interpret "gone" based on what we already know.  It's not missing, it's destroyed.  We've seen images of it's fragments floating in orbit around the earth.  So something happened that was so catastrophic that the moon was fractured and destroyed.

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If nothing else, this entry does add credence to my suspicion the Orokin Empire was somewhat of a Genetic Determinism: your class is based on your birth right, but social mobility might be possible by some beneficial splicing.

The Dax do speak, mind: Ontella has a conversation with one, after all. This one just evidently had little cause to speak so remained quiet...and then it died.

Interesting that the moon being missing is such a big deal though. I mean, not only does this mean it's been 'missing' since the fall of the Empire, but it being gone is just...utterly demoralising for the surviving Orokin. Ergo, the moon was important. Considering the Orokin's thing for white and gold...would it be symbolically their first claim to the empire?

Where else is the first flag of any stellar empire of humanity, than on the Moon, the closest neighbour?

According to anti Moa synthesis, Orokin are not even born it seems, they all start out as genetically engineered test tube babies, and babies are made at the empires discretion would be my guess. Kind of like Krypton in Man of Steel. Edited by UrielColtan
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Just for clarity sake, the synthesis timeline + kuria entry is this?


  • Detron crewman - sending this “new species” (speculated as sentient) to the tau system

    Kuria - birth of twin queen.

  • arid eviscerator - hijacking of ship + introduction to bilsa
  • corrupted ancient - lorist and infestation
  • guardsman - bilsa sided with grineer

    kuria - Grineer follow the twin queen

  • anti-moa - corpus are attacked by grineer army
  • infested runner - J3 golem.
Not sure on the location on when C.ancients occur as it could be before Eviscerator or even after guardsman.



If we assume the Arid Evisc happened soon after the Betrayal, which given the immediate talk of "refounding the Congress of Executors" in it may imply, then I think Corrupted Ancient coming after it makes perfect sense, as the Infestation seems to have hit something of a peak of devastation during it.

You make the most needless of conclusions. Where are you even reading that Dax were Robots and stored in closets?


It was based on a misunderstanding and mistake in reading on my part, it's been cleared up.

Why do people seem to keep interpreting "The moon is gone" as that the moon is missing?  There's another way, a better way to interpret "gone" based on what we already know.  It's not missing, it's destroyed.  We've seen images of it's fragments floating in orbit around the earth.  So something happened that was so catastrophic that the moon was fractured and destroyed.


The problem with that is that we know it's coming back, it's the next big tileset addition.

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The problem with that is that we know it's coming back, it's the next big tileset addition.


I fail to see how that's any kind of problem at all.  It just means that we are now going to have the chance to visit what's left of the moon.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and do some wild speculation that might not be supported much.  If the earth is covered in those giant trees and such, then the base of Orokin power probably wasn't there.  I'm guessing it was probably the moon.  Given the images we've seen of the moon fractured and in pieces, Something serious happened to it.  My guess is that the Tenno didn't hunt down and assassinate the Orokin leadership.  Instead, they got them all in one go by infiltrating and destroying the moon and killing the Orokin on it.  With the seat of power destroyed and all the top Orokin there dead, everything starts falling apart.

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I fail to see how that's any kind of problem at all.  It just means that we are now going to have the chance to visit what's left of the moon.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and do some wild speculation that might not be supported much.  If the earth is covered in those giant trees and such, then the base of Orokin power probably wasn't there.  I'm guessing it was probably the moon.  Given the images we've seen of the moon fractured and in pieces, Something serious happened to it.  My guess is that the Tenno didn't hunt down and assassinate the Orokin leadership.  Instead, they got them all in one go by infiltrating and destroying the moon and killing the Orokin on it.  With the seat of power destroyed and all the top Orokin there dead, everything starts falling apart.


The moon... doesn't look like it was destroyed by weapons, though. It looks like it was mined out, carved out, and made into an Orokin City - likely by the Orokin themselves. The city's definitely in ruins because of time and the Betrayal, but it doesn't look like the Tenno nuked it or anything, it mostly looks intact, as far as the outside goes.

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The moon... doesn't look like it was destroyed by weapons, though. It looks like it was mined out, carved out, and made into an Orokin City - likely by the Orokin themselves. The city's definitely in ruins because of time and the Betrayal, but it doesn't look like the Tenno nuked it or anything, it mostly looks intact, as far as the outside goes.


I did say it was baseless speculation, but when you have images like http://i.imgur.com/QjwTRcv.jpg or http://40.media.tumblr.com/8349e57db70ca0e9d0ded1f956234535/tumblr_ntg4baiMfv1szrasmo1_1280.png it certainly suggests something catastrophic happened to it.  That's more than simply mined out.  I wasn't suggesting the Tenno nuked it, either.  More like overloading reactors and such.


Regardless, interpreting "the moon is gone" to mean that it is missing makes no sense to me.  Especially when saying that something is gone is often used to say that something is destroyed or no more.  It has ceased to exist as a functioning or useful thing.

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Taken from AM-bunny thread:

• Orokin moonbase

• Still very early in development, not necessarily the next tileset

• The Orokin have terraformed the moon, and existed there for quite some time, although long gone now


Just as a reminder of what the orokin moon looked like.


Interestingly, the lockdown that triggered seem to be more of a failsafe than something that happens on a day to day life:

We were safe for the moment. When the Infestation took over the entire tower went into lockdown. Avantus's Executor status meant that she, and by extension I, were among the few people who could move freely about the massive vessel.

Seems slaughtering the orokin triggered the technological lockdown instead of being just locked to the general public i feel.

Edit: im trying to convey something regarding to the whole genetics things but the right words arent coming out :/

Edited by 321agemo
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