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Best Credit Farm?



23 answers to this question

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Won't you do more (two) runs of, say, T2C faster than a 5 wave run on Seimeni and get more credits? That's what I suggest. Spamming T4C keys used to be a great way of farming credits :) Back when syndicates offered the keys lol. But yeah, answering your thread's topic question: T4C is best farm imo.

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Void Captures are quick and have good pay if you have the keys.

Out of all captures.

Won't you do more (two) runs of, say, T2C faster than a 5 wave run on Seimeni and get more credits? That's what I suggest. Spamming T4C keys used to be a great way of farming credits :) Back when syndicates offered the keys lol. But yeah, answering your thread's topic question: T4C is best farm imo.

Lol ik they give 50 k a pop but I'm out of them completly
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80,000k per run


step 1: select mission on Hieracon (I think) Pluto Dark Sector Survival

step 2: purchase affinity booster (optional)

step 3: have 3 chromas (optional as well as long as you have at least two) with an effigy build and their elements fire; have one nekros with a desecrate build in your party

step 4: enter mission and go on top of crate where infested can not reach, have chromas spawn their effigy and let them do all killing in mission while having nekros desecrate effigy's kills.

step 5: at 5 min exit mission

step 6: repeat

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If you have an experienced team and a booster, I suggest making a buttload of Normal Raid keys and doing them back to back. You won't get the Arcanes, but you'll make 300k~ per 10-15 minutes. (I did this the last time we had a double credit weekend + my own cred booster, so i got about 700k per run (~^w^)~ racked up a total of 9 mil, which isn't so bad)

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Sechura, Pluto is good. Ideal team composition is probably Effigy Chroma with max power strength, Speed Nova to hasten enemies and soften them up for Effigy, Trinity to fuel Chroma and Nova, and then possibly Pilfering Hydroid with a low radius to supplement Effigy and still drop additional credits.


Of course, Raids are the best if you're fast and have enough people, and Void Captures are better until you run out of keys.

Edited by Kastorius
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Any pluto/Ceres Dark Sector will work, as stated previously. Defense missions might be a bit quicker, but either can work. Void Captures, Especially T3 and T4 also work great if you can get into the runs. If you can get a good team, together, the raid is also a pretty good source, doable multiple times a day, though you might need to make new teams every time. Remember that you can always use recruiting to find runs if you lack keys yourself. It can also be worth looking at mission types whenever a high-credit alert comes up. If it's something you can do quick (especially capture and deception), go for it, it can be more credits/minute than the dark sectors.


Also, don't forget to sell your Oberon part blueprints, and any other unnecessary crap in your inventory, they can really add up. And always credit farm with full squads, there's a multiplier to credits based on squad size.

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If you want some solo credit farming without spending any keys or having to make raid keys or you're just a new player who can't really do T3/T4s easily, then Zeugma (Dark Sector on Phobos) gives 16k per run and if you only take one excavator takes roughly 3-4 mins. Enemies are Grineer around lvl 20-25 so they're quite easy.

Once again, as the good guys above me said, it's best to get a team and do a T4 or some high-level survival/defense or even a raid, but if you're a new player, can't get into a T4 team and in need for some quick and easy cash for a foundry project, that's a good place to go.

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I tried quite many ways, If you have Raid keys and team to finish em up fast - Raid is best decision i suppose

Base for these def's/survs is the same, Ceres is bit harder so Chroma need more time to destroy everything.
Heracon - Pluto 5mins is quite good + you have chances on 5k cr as additional reward.
Sechura - Pluto

Akkad - Eris 20k base but ratio on runs per hour can be faster since 5 waves for me usually lasted 3 and half minutes.


With speed nova kinda cr amount was less since even if the str is low it still kills with it's ult.
If i was told right chroma is only who needs to kill for the credits

Maybe the strategy with 2 chromas, nekros, trin or 3chromas and nekros(Decaying dragon key +Equilibrium mod strategy) is most efficient on these defences/survivals

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