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Stuff That You Want That You Dont Wanna Buy


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the things i really want but dont want to buy is buzzkill, p flow and p contiunity. mainly because people sell them for like 600p or more unranked each :/ (even though they arent that much at all). guess i'll wait til the void trader brings them at some point 


*starts believing*

Edited by crimsonspartan1
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A girlfriend.

Hehe. At this rate, I might end up having to pay for one. Or at least for certain, uh, services, anyway... :P



On-topic: Some of the Prime Accessories that they've released. I'm never in any rush to buy Prime Access, but I'd be nice if I could get some of those prime syndanas and such. 

Edited by Arvenski
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Arcanes enchants.  They're neither worth the grinding nor the prices people charge for them, not to mention I use so many different syandanas across all my suits that I would need stacks upon stacks of them, plus their effects are so weak... but they would still be kind of nice to have.  Just not going to bother with them at all because of all their hassle and inconvenience, though.  Pretending they don't exist at current.

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