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Few Little Gripes Do You Agree With Them?


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I have grown tired of trying to do some Def/Survival missions and having people bailing after the first lvl you can just to farm credits. This is possible cause the reward is the same be it 5 waves or mins vs 30 waves or mins. I think this needs to be changed. It say should be something for example Wave Number * 2000= reward.  So lets take the highest dark sector def for example currently 25k i think for the reward? If you were to use my idea  baling after 5 waves now would only grant 10k  if you bailed at wave 5 vs 60k if you were to bail at 30.  This would discourage people from baling after only the first set. When i run them i want to see how long i can last and to have 3 of 4 people bail you cant solo it for long for most people.  And it kinda irritates me. 


The second is the little bonus objectives for every mission.I.E "get 30 Rifle kills"  I have huge issues with this at time. Like the one i already said given in a exterm mission with 86 enemies chances are you wont get 30 kills even if everyone gets a somewhat even share only 2 people max could get it if they both got the same one.  Or getting "kill 10 unaltered enemies" in a def or surv mission it is semi-impossible unless you are Loki or have shade sent and even then it might be super hard though idk cause i dont use either of them.  But my point is i believe it needs to be a bit smarter given ones that pertain to the mission more. Ones that while may not be easy wont be borderline if not impossible to get.    


Dose anyone else agree with these?

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I have grown tired of trying to do some Def/Survival missions and having people bailing after the first lvl you can just to farm credits. This is possible cause the reward is the same be it 5 waves or mins vs 30 waves or mins. I think this needs to be changed. It say should be something for example Wave Number * 2000= reward.  So lets take the highest dark sector def for example currently 25k i think for the reward? If you were to use my idea  baling after 5 waves now would only grant 10k  if you bailed at wave 5 vs 60k if you were to bail at 30.  This would discourage people from baling after only the first set. When i run them i want to see how long i can last and to have 3 of 4 people bail you cant solo it for long for most people.  And it kinda irritates me. 


The second is the little bonus objectives for every mission.I.E "get 30 Rifle kills"  I have huge issues with this at time. Like the one i already said given in a exterm mission with 86 enemies chances are you wont get 30 kills even if everyone gets a somewhat even share only 2 people max could get it if they both got the same one.  Or getting "kill 10 unaltered enemies" in a def or surv mission it is semi-impossible unless you are Loki or have shade sent and even then it might be super hard though idk cause i dont use either of them.  But my point is i believe it needs to be a bit smarter given ones that pertain to the mission more. Ones that while may not be easy wont be borderline if not impossible to get.    


Dose anyone else agree with these?

The best rewards, like prime parts, should have a higher chance of dropping the longer you fight. If this was the case people would no longer wait for RNG on the first rotation and bail out afterwards, they would be encouraged to stay for longer.

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I'm not going to demand how people should be playing the game, but yes, the game should reward players for staying as long as possible.

Nor am i. I just find it annoying how the credit reward is the same no matter how long. Longer you stay more you should get. 

Edited by naheleduskwalker
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Mixed feelings on the reward situation.


On the one hand sure, more skillful play should give better rewards.


But on the other hand, locking down the entire map with overlapping CC so that the enemy is literally incapable of fighting anymore so that you can sit around and be bored for 3 hours straight in a single mission, isn't skill.

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Mixed feelings on the reward situation.


On the one hand sure, more skillful play should give better rewards.


But on the other hand, locking down the entire map with overlapping CC so that the enemy is literally incapable of fighting anymore so that you can sit around and be bored for 3 hours straight in a single mission, isn't skill.


well, bailing at wave5 doesn't require neither skill, nor team organization, and takes much less time to get the same amount of credits, so i think it isn't that complicated...


just look at the law of retribution, where you do exactly what you described (CC locking enemies), and get 180k credits at the end (300k+ if you've found a rare container with credit booster) - sure, it takes more effort, but some people can do it under 20 minutes. i don't see why a 40wave defense on pluto/eris should give less credits

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well, bailing at wave5 doesn't require neither skill, nor team organization, and takes much less time to get the same amount of credits, so i think it isn't that complicated...


Oh, sure, the credits thing is fine.  Credits per wave, not credits per mission. Makes sense because waves are time and giving credits for time is reasonable. Rather I was talking more about the idea of giving better rewards like bigger stacks of cores or increased chances of rare items in the loot pool the longer you went, and how that doesn't really seem legit since "longer" doesn't necessarily equal "harder" when you use certain game-breaking meta strategies.

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Oh, sure, the credits thing is fine.  Credits per wave, not credits per mission. Makes sense because waves are time and giving credits for time is reasonable. Rather I was talking more about the idea of giving better rewards like bigger stacks of cores or increased chances of rare items in the loot pool the longer you went, and how that doesn't really seem legit since "longer" doesn't necessarily equal "harder" when you use certain game-breaking meta strategies.


yeah, better drops at later waves would be questionable.

especially if DE would lower the drop rate of the new primes at the earlier waves, forcing everyone to use stupid "strategies" like tunnel camping in survival, followed by unnecessary nerfs only to combat those particular strategies (for example making pull only work in LoS - not that pull was OP before or mag was overused...)

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Most missions on the star chart have a too low credit rewards in the first place.

Getting 5k (Ceres) a mission for 5 minutes of work just isn't worth most players time. Most blueprints already require more than 20k to build.

There was also the fiasco of spring this year, where they fixed darksector rewards to actualy give the stated reward.

This was an actual fix cause in reality we got double the mission reward on dark sector.

What followed was weeks of frustration and appeals from the comunity. This resulted in DE reverting the fix.

They also agreed in a dev stream that most star chart missions were lacking good rewards, thus insentive to playthrm

play them.

This is also around the time ideas for a star chart rework came about i believe.

Spy and sabotage rewards are examples of DE alleviating the problem. But star chart rework is their true fix for the problem.

As for survival/defence, yes the credit rewards don't repeat, so you get diminishing returns over time credit wise.

Regardles of the other A B C rotation rewards this is not right.

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Mixed feelings on the reward situation.


On the one hand sure, more skillful play should give better rewards.


But on the other hand, locking down the entire map with overlapping CC so that the enemy is literally incapable of fighting anymore so that you can sit around and be bored for 3 hours straight in a single mission, isn't skill.



Reality Check: Nothing in Warframe requires even a moderate amount of skill! The only thing being thrown at you is artificial difficulty AND moooooaaaaaaaaaar GRIIIIIND!


There will never ever by anything in Warframe that will require skill, just look at this awful mess they call "Raids" button puzzles, because Warframe's core design does not allow for anything deep.


if anything you will need mods and maybe some very slight team coordination of the level of a year old baby...

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Reality Check: Nothing in Warframe requires even a moderate amount of skill! The only thing being thrown at you is artificial difficulty AND moooooaaaaaaaaaar GRIIIIIND!


There will never ever by anything in Warframe that will require skill, just look at this awful mess they call "Raids" button puzzles, because Warframe's core design does not allow for anything deep.


if anything you will need mods and maybe some very slight team coordination of the level of a year old baby...

Well a lot of people seem to have problems with raids XD.

And i dissagree, here's a certain degree of skill involved. Like how not everyone can solo to 40 in t4 survival without using mayor cheese builds and weapons.

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I agree but 10k for 5 waves and 60k only for 30 waves is a very low reward imo


make it so that it gives the same amount every 5 waves maybe, or with a slight increase


so say wave 5 = 25k

wave 10 = 55k total

wave 20 = 120k total


so each 5 waves reward you with around 25k credits


and so on... but 10k for 5 waves would discourage people from credit farming there. they would farm only in the void or something


this way you get the same credits but you save the time wasted to go to the liset, rejoin a random squad or search for a new squad. and the people who are there to farm xp also benefit as well because this way everyone will stay for 30-40 waves for more efficient farming

Edited by _Medo_
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The credits thing. No I don't agree. Why play harder waves that probably take longer for the same credits? Meaning only ten k (using your example) every five waves instead of a scaling credit reward such as 10 20 30 40 k for 5 10 15 20 for a total of 100k by wave 20.

If they don't scale I would just repeat what's easy and quick. Could it be better, yes. Is your idea much of an improvement, no.

As for the individual special affinity bonus things.. no.

They're pretty useless. They're boring and become easily forgotten. They don't award you any special achievement or sigil for obtaining that bonus a number of times. You're better off farming xp with or even without a booster. They're pretty much nonsense here to distract player s from monotonous gameplay by adding a little extra randomised objective but ultimately amounts to nothing in the grand scheme of both long term enjoyment and a return on our investment (time and efforts)

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I've never had people bail on Defense or survival early on unless something came up and that is very rare. As for Bonus objective I find it more funny than annoying, like "Hack a Console" on an interception mission. But their bonus is minor so it isn't a big deal.

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The credits thing. No I don't agree. Why play harder waves that probably take longer for the same credits? Meaning only ten k (using your example) every five waves instead of a scaling credit reward such as 10 20 30 40 k for 5 10 15 20 for a total of 100k by wave 20.

If they don't scale I would just repeat what's easy and quick. Could it be better, yes. Is your idea much of an improvement, no.


Thats what i was saying. Longer runs = more creds  while shorter ones = less. 


I agree but 10k for 5 waves and 60k only for 30 waves is a very low reward imo


make it so that it gives the same amount every 5 waves maybe, or with a slight increase


so say wave 5 = 25k

wave 10 = 55k total

wave 20 = 120k total


so each 5 waves reward you with around 25k credits


and so on... but 10k for 5 waves would discourage people from credit farming there. they would farm only in the void or something


this way you get the same credits but you save the time wasted to go to the liset, rejoin a random squad or search for a new squad. and the people who are there to farm xp also benefit as well because this way everyone will stay for 30-40 waves for more efficient farming

Was Just an example i didnt literally mean those amounts.  And 25k for wave 5 is still too much in my opinion. 

I've never had people bail on Defense or survival early on unless something came up and that is very rare. As for Bonus objective I find it more funny than annoying, like "Hack a Console" on an interception mission. But their bonus is minor so it isn't a big deal.

I rarely find grps that dont bail at wave 5. Unless i take the time to look for a grp or make one myself going for higher waves. 

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Some people want to have long missions, some don't.


If you join a random squad that is already in the mission, you accept it as it is and cannot expect people to stay for a certain time.


If you are in the lobby you can try to set a time for the mission with the guys there.


Improving rewards for staying longer than 20 minutes / waves in the mission will not fix anything. It will only increase the rage when someone leaves, making the rift between endurance runners and casual missioners even wider.

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I rarely find grps that dont bail at wave 5. Unless i take the time to look for a grp or make one myself going for higher waves. 

Thats some rough luck. Unless you're referring to regular maps. I mainly do Defense in the Void. In the void I don't see much of that, Regular nodes, I can see that happen more often, since people could also be doing it to get a single resource or just to complete the node.


A gripe of mine: Bombards homing missiles. We don't get it but they do, kinda annoying, I'd rather have them travel faster than chase after me.

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