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Stalker Is Strong Evidence For Tenno Being Humans


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I too like to picture the Tenno as something other than just "dudes in armor". I mean, we were definitely regular people once, but how did the Void make us "twisted"? What manner of "affliction" did we get? Did it manifest itself in a physical way or are we basically just those X-men that look human?


I'm hoping not, I'm hoping we're somehow other than just "superpowered, regular-looking folks".

Definitly have some Infested body mutations to reach a ninja's stamina. Only reason why Infested could mistake us as them. Other that that, Mag's feet have a weird little split in them, Nekros' arms are messed up, ect. There's no way a regular human body could fit in there. A mutated one would be in it.

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If I die in a normal mission, how can I get back to my ship if my bound spirit was broke with the frame? And how can my ship have printed a new frame if I don't have the resources dor it?


Same reason Solidus Snake would never have heard Colonel shouting his name: as a player you're flawed, but in the context of the story your Tenno would never make those rookie mistakes. As Tarin beat me in saying:



It's the age-old question: is a failed mission still "canon"? If it's not canon, they you didn't die at all, so since you didn't die you didn't magically reappear in your LISET


There are few games where game-overs are treated consecutively as part of the canon. One could argue that Warframe's revive System might do that, but with it getting removed to resetting every time you go to your Liset...

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Definitly have some Infested body mutations to reach a ninja's stamina. Only reason why Infested could mistake us as them. Other that that, Mag's feet have a weird little split in them, Nekros' arms are messed up, ect. There's no way a regular human body could fit in there. A mutated one would be in it.


I continue to remain unconvinced the Tenno themselves are afflicted with the Infestation, I see that as the nature of the Warframe. And keep in mind when you say "Mag, Nekros" that's not just ONE Tenno in those Warframes, that's any Tenno able to switch between the Warframes. So the physical twists seemingly demonstrated by the Warframe may not necessarily apply to the Tenno occupant.


Which only further supports the notion they're altered physically somehow - unless DE's going with the Guyver-idea of the Warframes doing all the work (which is possible, Guyver was noted by Steve to be a source of inspiration) - the question is: exactly, what are they now underneath those frames?

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It's the age-old question: is a failed mission still "canon"? If it's not canon, they you didn't die at all, so since you didn't die you didn't magically reappear in your LISET

If gameplay isn't canon, I'm not in a mission with two "original" Valkyrs. There can only be one original Valkyr, therefore ingame frames are individual characters, gameplay is noncanon (I killed Ruk twice) and the frame equip screen could just be character selection. The sheer number of Lisets all have indivual Tenno with their indivudal frames. Tenno are mutated humans because we can pass off gameplay discrepancies as just being a video game, not the story that says they are.

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I continue to remain unconvinced the Tenno themselves are afflicted with the Infestation, I see that as the nature of the Warframe. And keep in mind when you say "Mag, Nekros" that's not just ONE Tenno in those Warframes, that's any Tenno able to switch between the Warframes. So the physical twists seemingly demonstrated by the Warframe may not necessarily apply to the Tenno occupant.


Which only further supports the notion they're altered physically somehow - unless DE's going with the Guyver-idea of the Warframes doing all the work (which is possible, Guyver was noted by Steve to be a source of inspiration) - the question is: exactly, what are they now underneath those frames?

Definitly not very human anymore. That one's easy no matter what way you look at it. Could just be infested 3D print-outs, could be really messed up humans, the apperance changes based on what theory you use.

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I just want to point out that while Stalker was identified as a "Low Guardian", the new Rhino skin is called "Temple Guardian". This could imply that "Guardian" was not just a rank, but the name of a station that Tenno also held. If the Tenno rebellion was orchestrated by Lotus, it's possible that it was carried out only by those Tenno whom she led and had contact with, throughout the Sentient War.  It's possible that there were Tenno who were stationed at "home" and weren't deployed to fight on the front lines. Such Tenno would might not have been in contact with and "turned" by the Lotus.

Edited by Ryme
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If gameplay isn't canon, I'm not in a mission with two "original" Valkyrs. There can only be one original Valkyr, therefore ingame frames are individual characters, gameplay is noncanon (I killed Ruk twice) and the frame equip screen could just be character selection. The sheer number of Lisets all have indivual Tenno with their indivudal frames. Tenno are mutated humans because we can pass off gameplay discrepancies as just being a video game, not the story that says they are.


But we have in-game statements that state the switching of Warframes applies as canon - Limbo Theorem.



Original Valkyr is dead; you're wearing a copy of her Warframe

(and before you asked, the copy is deliberately damaged as an act of ritualistic self-flagellation)


Or there's touches of the Original-tortured Valkyr's personality trapped within it that we tap into in order to gain a greater Affinity for the Warframe. But that's just headcanon on mine. Second Dream will provide a clearer picture for that sort of thing.

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Definitly have some Infested body mutations to reach a ninja's stamina. Only reason why Infested could mistake us as them. Other that that, Mag's feet have a weird little split in them, Nekros' arms are messed up, ect. There's no way a regular human body could fit in there. A mutated one would be in it.


The Warframe is what gives them stamina; Exosuits are typically built to lessen the load on our muscles while increasing stamina as a result. As for the physique? There is a theory that states the Warframes are made of Technocyte(likely a different strain than the current) and is capable of morphing the body in a uniform manner, unlike the enemy faction version.

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I just want to point out that while Stalker was identified as a "Low Guardian", the new Rhino skin is called "Temple Guardian". This could imply that "Guardian" is a station that Tenno also held. If the Tenno rebellion was orchestrated by Lotus, it's possible that it was carried out only by those Tenno whom she led and contact with, throughout the Sentient War.  It's possible that there were Tenno who were stationed at "home" and weren't deployed to fight on the front lines. Such Tenno would might not have been in contact with and "turned" by the Lotus.


Temple Guardian Rhino's now Palatine Rhino, don't know if a placeholder name can be used as evidence for much.

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or the template is damaged, so anything we create from it has the same issue as the dead valk.

The fact that you can buy Valkyr's Bonds, a copy of Alad V's torture devices, that are specifically stated to be "A reminder to never forget the torment", implies that it's more than simply "damaged". "Deliberately damaged" sounds more likely

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I don't think that there is any evidence at all that Orokin can't utilize Warframes as well.
After all, Orokin developed them.

While Tenno Warframe may be weird as to how we don it given we don't even know what a Tenno's body looks like, but who is to say Orokin doesn't simply have a version which they can put on like a suit of armor?

Edited by YasaiTsume
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I don't think that there is any evidence at all that Orokin can't utilize Warframes as well.

After all, Orokin developed them.

While Tenno Warframe may be weird as to how we don it given we don't even know what a Tenno's body looks like, but who is to say Orokin doesn't simply have a version which they can put on like a suit of armor?

If the Orokin could do that, they would have. It's clearly shown that the Orokin didn't want to use the Tenno AT ALL; if using Tenno-less Warframes to fight the Sentient was at all possible, they would have tried that first

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Curiously, Palatine refers to "a high-level official attached to imperial or royal courts in Europe since Roman times." Which raises some interesting questions about it nonetheless.


Well Izvara Syandana already confirms that Tenno were used as guards for the Orokin rulers. But that doesn't link the Stalker as a Tenno.

Edited by Ryme
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I don't think that there is any evidence at all that Orokin can't utilize Warframes as well.

After all, Orokin developed them.

While Tenno Warframe may be weird as to how we don it given we don't even know what a Tenno's body looks like, but who is to say Orokin doesn't simply have a version which they can put on like a suit of armor?


I have a headcanon that they used some advanced tech to interact with people after some time. It's based on Mynki's description of the Orokin having become detached from their humanity and stayed in pods (probably to preserve their symmetry and beauty). I imagine they used things like the following as an extension of themselves from the pod:




It certainly fits the "cold and gold emperors, breathless" description we see in Stalker's codex.

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I like to think that Tenno either have NUMEROUS scars from the void transformation(that or can't glow with energy color, you choose that)





.Codex art of unmasked Tenno


.Similar to Awoken from Destiny



Keep in mind that all these choices have some semblance of human features, though not fully human.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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A summary of what I've heard from the detatched theories:

Tenno are void spirits that operate useing void powered mass produced bodies that somehow resemble human flesh (Flesh health type) and bind themselves to a frame by using Oro when entering, the spirit is harmed in some way when the physical body takes damage when bonded in this way but that's ok because mission failure is noncanon, they never warp back to the Liset after being destroyed because they only ever win, and the Stalker has never thought about banishing them rather than attacking their replacable bodies.

You see why it is much easier for me to say that Tenno are modified humans in Warframes and that all problems are caused by a video game? Just adding point after point it all gets so messy. Is there a quick, easy way to prove Tenno are detactched that doesn't come up with a crazy ammount of new ideas? I really would like to hear it. It would be so much more satisfying to have canon gameplay than not quite true videogame gameplay.

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