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Civilian Life In Warframe?


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I'd agree with you if it wasn't for two little facts:

A) Warframe is a pretty crap-sack world. The government is evil (Grineer), the corporations are evil (Corpus), zombies are everywhere, the Sentients are coming back, and the angels of death, the Tenno themselves, are just as likely to kill you by accident as they are to save you. The most benevolent entities self-identify as syndicates, which brings me to...

B) DE is operated out of North America. There is not a single person living on that continent who doesn't mentally insert the words "organized crime" before the word "syndicate" (when they hear it out of context, at least, because the word "syndication" has managed to avoid a similar stigma)

You say north america like Canada and America are one in the same... We both think quite differently on the world. I would be curious so see a Canadians thought on that bit lol 

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This makes me feel like we need game modes to help us interact with the subfactions

For example, hijack mission combined with mobile defense: escort civilian group or syndicate group from a to b.

Sabotage and mobile defense: protect target while they hack corpus computers or monkey wrench some grineer machinery.



Star Trek Online has a rather cool mission mode in which you save a bunch of colonists - it's like a mini raid type of thing where you are auto-assigned to 4 teams, each of which have a rally point on the fringes of the village, and each has a bunch of colonists to shepherd to extraction.  There are several mini-missions for each team (building up barricades etc, to protect against an invading force, fighting the invading force in several phases, then the final extraction along a path that's got several ambushes along the way, and final protection of the shuttles as they come to take the civs away).  It's a fun change from the usual.


I'd like to see something like that in this game, but I fear it would need servers.  Also, it would require really good AI pathing of course, and while the pathing in this game has improved over time and isn't terrible (in that at least now rescue missions seem to be pretty smooth), I'm not sure whether it's quite good enough yet to handle this type of game mode with multiple NPCs.


*sigh* it's all part of my dream that Warframe might one day turn into a "proper" MMO.

Edited by Omnimorph
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There are

Also, Corpus probably aren't clones. They're just slaves


The Corpus as a whole aren't clones, not even its own particular race. Really, as I see it, they're just people who were hired into the Corporation (or born into it ala Darvo), working for it in a desperate struggle to survive.

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I am not entirely bying into the slaves-idea for the Corpus.

I imagine it to be many lower workers yes, but all of them strive to make Profit to climb the Corpus ladder.

In that sense money, Profit and wealth are like a religion. They are born into it, it is their ways.

I imagine streets filled with neon signs, shops and commerce. That allso mean that the people of the Corpus and other "towns" must have money to spend.

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