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Orphid Too Much Thigh?


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I'm strongly against 165p price. If they're about to start raising prices fo deluxe skins, no1 knows when it stops. And I DO NOT WANT to see above 200p price-tag on deluxe banshee when it evetually comes out. Or rhino, which will be pricey due to inbuild passive.
So I voted with my plat. As much as I somewhat like that manly skin, my plat won't go there.

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I'm strongly against 165p price. If they're about to start raising prices fo deluxe skins, no1 knows when it stops. And I DO NOT WANT to see above 200p price-tag on deluxe banshee when it evetually comes out. Or rhino, which will be pricey due to inbuild passive.

So I voted with my plat. As much as I somewhat like that manly skin, my plat won't go there.

I'd gladly pay 165 for the other skins too, if they are such dramatic of a change from the base, like Orphid Saryn is. 

The thing is, Prisma Excal is 150 + 75/alternate helmet if you don't want the base, and it's just a slight remodel with Prisma crap on it.


It's not Orphid Saryn being expensive, but Prisma Escal/Nemesis Nyx/Gersemi Valkyr.


Then again, Orphyd isn't a fan concept, and imho, it shows.

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They are bending over to instagram warriors for not having a "variation of female bodies that are more realistic". Even though we are in space, and we are ninjas, in thousands of years in the future, and we are enhanced humans, we don't even know if we are entirely human-- and yet they MUST have different female shapes to please these loud groups.



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Short answer: No.


Long answer: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... (continues)


Short answer, "yes" with an "if." Long answer, "no" with a "but." speaking of bu-oh wait, is that a poisonous dart in my--

Edited by Liquid262
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Darn you, you know what Warframe players think of when you say "a horrible place" and that's not it. I feel swindled.


he has cheated us of our expectations!


I demand a refund of some kind even though that was entirely free it made me feel i lost money.

Edited by Echoa
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