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​​💥​​💥🌌🌌​ Quasars 🌌🌌​​​💥​​💥​​⭐ Now Recruiting ​​⭐


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  1. IGN: -G-Eazy-
  2. Mastery Rank: 22 23
  3. Country: Germany
  4. Previous Clan: N00b (Only 2 Days Ersatzgreiftrupp because I needed a Dojo for Ignis Wraith)
  5. When I started: Pretty much 2 Years ago
  6. Discord: Yes
  7. Hey, I'd like to join your clan. I'm also a friend of --Q--Animan8000. We raided a couple of times in the past. I've played around 800hours and I would say I'm experienced. I do play almost every day a couple of hours and I would be active on Discord as well. My english isn't the best but I would say its enough to communicate with other players. I do have a microphone and I would be proud to be a part of your clan. 


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back from vacation
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IGN: ztryk3


MR: 19  772hrs.


País: colombia 


I love this game, to do the events and the raids, I play every day for a year, and I really hope I can play with you. And yes I have discord.



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IGN: -Remilia-
Mastery Rank : 19 , Almost 20 soon.
Country : Singapore
Current Clan : Remnants of the Void
Language : English
Current hours in game : 382hours,  717hours on steam.
When you started playing warframe: I started playing warframe alittle over 2months ago , currently around 78-80 days in .

Do i use discord : Yes i do use discord, actively in fact, i am always on discord ^^ , You can find me on Raid School bus discord as well as i frequent there ^^. 
Hi i would like to apply for Quasar, looking for a active competitive clan which is more towards the asia region , I participated in the previous Pacifist Event and got a score of 2720.
I have done raids as well , you can check my raid records at -Remilia- and my previous 2 IGNs  : Shokoa / -CG-Shoko . 

Also would love a clan who is active on discord as i am more towards a discord user compared to other apps . 

Alittle more about myself, I am currently 19 years old this yr, studying as a student in college :) , I love gaming and anime ^^ . Quite a hardcore anime fan and all XD So if any of u love anime you can discuss with me :') ,  I play warframe to a more competitive side , especially in events and would love to join a clan who is  as competitive as myself, but i am currently taking a break and playing it casually until the next event starts as there is not much interesting things going on nowadays.

Most of the time now of what i do in warframe would be just daily raids and trying to learn how to speed run them , since speedrunning looks quite interesting. 
Apart from that would be trying to improve my gears and set up / farming resources .

Other games that i play apart from warframe would be games such as CSGO / Overwatch . 

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Mastery Rank: 5

Country: Malaysia

Previous Clan: a solo clan i started

When I Started Playing Warframe: About 2 - 3 yrs ago, but then i stopped. Now i restarted around 2 months ago.

Discord: I do have it, but I dont have a mic.

A little about myself: I play on a potato.

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Hello I would like to join your clan I am a very active player and I

Participated helped in raids of daily raids

IGN : -aN-Arogamers

MR : 23 , 3.159 Hours of play

Clan : Anormal

country: Ecuador 

language : Spanish - English

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IGN: Cyb0rg_


Game time: 295 hours


Language: English

I used to be in Quasars about 4 years ago, was a very active member, however exams came up and i stopped playing, and i never started playing again until this week. I want to join this clan as it well help me get used to the new warframe.

Hope I get accepted.

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IGN: Cyb0rg_


Game time: 295 hours


Language: English

I used to be in Quasars about 4 years ago, was a very active member, however exams came up and i stopped playing, and i never started playing again until this week. I want to join this clan as it well help me get used to the new warframe.

Hope I get accepted.

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IGN: --Q--Moonelf
Mastery Rank: 22
Country: Malaysia
Current/previous Clan: Quasars
Playing time 1600+ Hours

Was old member since 2014, i stop playing for awhile because focus other games in 2016. I would like to join clan back and help clan again. Thanks =)

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Good Afternoon, please consider my below application to Quasars.

  • IGN: Jacksta66
  • Mastery Rank: 7 almost 8.
  • Game time: 79 hours.
  • Country: Australia.
  • Current/previous clan: RC (Small Storm clan created by my friend).
  • when you started playing war frame: Late March 2017.
  • If you have Discord? Yes and a working microphone. 
  • little about yourself: I am 25 and living in Australia and have started playing War frame recently. I would like to join a community where I can better myself at the game and learn from War frame veterans. I enjoy been a part of an active friendly, competitive community and would like to become a veteran of the game myself one day and help new players.

I have played many hours in other games before e.g. guild wars 2 and rust. I am a fast learner and I constantly strive to better myself.

I do not meet the requirements of

"500 hours in-game, Mastery Rank 18+"

However I feel I will not let you down as I am a seasoned veteran of many other games and a very fast learner (Have reached almost MR 8 in a very short time). Please consider me for this great opportunity however I understand if this application is rejected due to not meeting the minimum requirements. If I am unsuccessful please let me know. I would also appreciate some feedback on how I can better myself for possible future applications when I have more game time.   

If you have any queries or concerns please contact me on the forums or in game.

Kind Regards,


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Reply to this thread asking to be recruited; include your IGN, Mastery Rank, Country, Current/previous clan, when you started playing warframe, If you have Discord and also feel free to include a little about yourself.

IGN: LastTouch

MR: 18

Country: US

Current Clan: Crescent Moon Prime

Member: Year-long member: 770 hours

Discord: I have it


I love to chat and help out when possible. I am very active (everyday), the most away from Warframe would be 2 days in a row. I can get a good laugh and hope to be an awesome addition to your clan!

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IGN: Geemax

Mastery Rank: 18 (19 soon)

Game time: 876 Hours

Country: Australia

Current/previous clan: Asuro

When did you start playing Warframe: Approximately 3 years ago when Rhino and Mag prime were first released

Do you use Discord? Yes, I am most of the time active on discord as I use it for other games/groups

In terms of in game, I am a very flexible person who can do mindless hours of grinding by spin2win/coptering or do a rush mission back to back and able/know how to play all kind of frames.

In real life, a playful person with a big heart and loves all kind of food. I left the previous clan as it is not as active as before therefore I researched around the clans and forum to search for an active and competitive clan and I found Quasars. I do hope I will be in the clan as I will be extremely useful/competitive!

Thank you for reading this application.

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Ign: YomaBlood

Country: USA

Mr: 19

Time Played: 1400Hrs+

Steam Time : 4600hrs+

Im looking for an active community to get back into WF. Im pretty active but i find this game's grind is too boring by myself, dont mind helping new players to farm/quest. Im pretty competitive and expect full interest on upcoming events. Looking to climb clan ranks

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IGN: -Kelphaso-

MR: 22

Hours: about 2000 hours

Country: South Korea

Language: English/korean

Current clan: Coup de Grace

I started to play Warframe back when it was first released but didn't actually start playing until the 2nd closed beta back in 2013. Since then I played the game and it only until recently i had gotten sick and tired of DE's constant failures. I took a long break and recently got back into the game. Because my clan has retired from active duty, there are no other members I could play the game with. I also have discord so communication won't be a problem. 

as a player, I have a mild obsession with Melee weapons...that is all


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IGN Quinkos

MR 19

Got 1k on Pacifism Defect (couldn't get more cause of clan so did with PUBs)

I live in the Asia/Europe Region

I love the game and login everyday for atleast an Hour. Always wanted to push the high score in a event or just normal survival or defence. So when i saw that --Q-- reached top of mountains clans and the score was enough to compete with the Moons ones i thought the guys there must have some great opportunities. So after considering i wanted to join --Q--. I'm good natured and not mic shy, my english is pretty good and i love competition. Hope this clan can provide that 

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IGN: Kyrie.Eleison

Mastery Rank: 23, Founder

Game time: 2284 Hours, last time I checked

Country: Italy

Current/previous clan: 


HotS clan, which I used to manage with friends, now inactive

Here the Forum recruiting post

Here the website

When did you start playing Warframe: April 21, 2013

Do you use Discord? Yes, I can connect on Discord. We used to have a dedicated TS3 server with HotS clan.


HotS was born as a clan of friends. At some point we decided to expand to have more people to play with and to build a nice and welcoming family. We always looked for nice, polite (and active) people to play with. We used to play high-end missions, like wave 100 Outer Terminus, when Outer Terminus still was a thing.

Now all the Veteran players and friends are not playing anymore and I would like to find a new group of players to share some runs, possibly with an organized team, for raids, sorties, events and fun.

I know Quasars since the beginning, I have several clan members in my friend list and we share some runs from time to time.

I usually connect every day, but mostly depends on my free time. I'll do my best to participate in every event and I will try to help with the clan goals as much as I can, but still can't guarantee anything, due to -you know- real life, which includes a full time job. Regardless that, I hope you may consider my application request.

And just for the record, my fav is Nyx. :heart:

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Hi, would like to join your event clan, also looking for speedrunning Raids.

  • IGN: FxT_Black_Master
  • MR: 24
  • Country: Switzerland
  • Language: English, German, Russian, and a grain of French
  • Hours played: 2596

Have every available Frame several times fully build (eg 2 rhino, 1 buff 1 cc)
own 99% of all Weapons and all of them have formas.

Lor best time: 11:31 (243 succesful runs)
LorNM best time: 11:44 (167 succesful runs)
JV best time: 16:15 (75 succesful runs)

latest event, Pacifism Defect 1,016 points (was top 1 in my old clan TAW)

Edited by FxT_Black_Master
updated my request
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This is my second application

IGN; OhLookAFox

MR 17 [980 hours]

Country: USA

About Me: I love Warframe ever since beta. I always come back for it even if I'm playing other games because of all the cool and new things that are released. I'm looking into your clan to join a more active Warframe community since my current clan, Kawaii Hasu, is scattered and we just barely made the ignis wraith BP with about 6-8 people contributing. One of my favorite frames has been Oberon since he was my second frame I ever got but I am diggin Limbo for his crafty playstyle and shenanigans. I am pretty knowledgeable of the game and will assist anyone who asks of it. I hope you consider my application and ask for you to send me a forum or in-game PM before recruitment to give me time to leave my current clan. Thank you!  

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Hi everyone, i was looking for an active and competitive clan to play together.

  • IGN: ITA_Ali3N_95
  • Mastery Rank and info: 23 (2500+ hours), every equip, main Nova and Ivara, I can play all warframes.
  • Country: Italy
  • Current/previous clan: Crimson Triarchy
  • I started playing warframe 4 years ago. (stopped for just about a week)
  • Discord: Yes.
  • Teamspeak: Yes.

I love warframe since I known it. I play every day for 3-4 hours. 

*I can speak english (better written than spoken).

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(yes, that's an L v.v)

MR: 18, close to 1400 hrs on Steam (4+ year old account, started playing when frost came out)
Country: Portugal, consider myself relatively fluent in English.
Discord: Yes
Teamspeak: Yes
I've come back to WF about a month ago after a four month break. Ever since I came back I've been raiding everyday (on the RSB discord where some members of the Quasars raid) and playing a lot.
One of the main reasons why I stopped for some time was because I had noone to play with and the old clan I was in was very antisocial and not fun at all.
I gladly accept to follow the clan's rules and would be happy to become a Quasarian.
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IGN: Viyrew

MR: 21 (1935 hours steam/ 1097 in game)

Country: England

Language: English + Japanese

Current Clan: "Level 1 Classified"

Started Playing: Around a year ago

Discord: Yes


Looking to join a competitive clan. I raid frequently and have raided with quasars members before. Also been to your movie nights several times which was a pretty fun experience.






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