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[Enemy Mechanic Concept] "fear"


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What it is:


The broad overview/summary of this is that it is a RNG effect that affects hostile Grineer and Corpus hostiles that are human on alert. The more detailed overview is that when a player or players break stealth in a mission, the immediate area has it's enemies enter a "fight or flight" response mode. For Grineer, all heavily armored troops are unmasked, as well as shield lancers and ballistas. Once the player breaks stealth by leaving evidence of their presence {keep in mind this is generally the same as the Corpus.} such as exploding a barrel near a unit, firing an unsilenced weapon, etc, the area will go on alert as it normally would. However, enemies enter the previously mentioned Fight or Flight mode, which has a 70% chance for enemies to ready themselves, which in this case is putting on there mask, or simply attacking hostiles, and a 40% chance for enemies to actually flee the area and do less damage to hostiles. Heavy units have a 80% chance to initiate the fight response.


As well as providing the advantage of less damage and inconveniences, these enemies have a chance to make a human mistake, and by that I mean they can accidently engage in friendly-fire and, in some cases, drop their weapon.


Modular Implementations, Fear Gear Advantages:


Aura and Augment Mods can be added to a players arsenal that can increase a squad/player's chance to instill fear in hostiles, such as:

"Darkest Nightmare": Increases chance to instill fear by 5%/10%/20%/30% for the entire squad


"Reversed Polarity": Increases Loki's decoy ability to instill fear to enemies by 10%/20%/30% regardless of alert status


"Servant of Azrael": Causes Nekros' fear ability now has a 30%/40%/50% chance to cause enemies to engage in fear regardless of alert status


"Terrifying Fog": Causes Ash's smoke bomb ability to gain a 10%/20%/30% chance to instill fear in 2/5/8 meter radius regardless of alert status


"Monster": Causes Rhino's roar to possess a 10%/20%/30% chance to instill fear regardless of status


Cosmetic Item (Visible): Neurotoxin Ventilator: Applies an aura of fog that entraps foe in fear, ooooo spooky! Not Really but it appears to be a pair of Grineer shoulder patrons with a ventilator installed in them.


Fight Response Efficiency Increase (Suggestion)


Enemies with a fight response result in them being bolstered, which causes them to utilize better Artificial Intelligence functions similar to the Stalker in certain missions than the other units, who fall behind the bolstered units and implement standard but slightly clumsier guerrilla tactics used commonly by hostiles. Enemies will also fall back if their large amount of their "squad" is killed in order to regroup with new squads, increasing survivability. As well as that, they could also defeat different frames in different ways, such as forming into larger clusters when attacking a tank (e.g. Rhino, Frost) and when attacking a manipulative frame (e.g. Loki, Mirage, Limbo). Otherwise, these enemies will exert the afore mentioned clumsy guerilla tactics. Note: This wouldn't mean that this is the only time they exert forms of higher A.I.


- Shifted



This is a very rough/simple concept and I would extremely like criticism and up-votes if you like the idea.


Thank you for reading this concept,


Spy (Sherlock Gnomes)


P.S: Corpus proxies do not experience this response as they are artificial beings, sorry Ultron D=

Edited by spysweeper242
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NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNO. No, let's not have enemies that make me have to chase after them in exterminate missions. Also, the point of Grineer cloning is that they don't have a fear response. It's not a part of their mental makeup. Maybe Crewmen would, but I don't see a reason to have the game be easier. Plus this means that in survival, enemies could flee which is not helpful AT ALL. In survival I want enemies to run AT me because I can kill them faster that way.

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We don't need a fear effect, there's already terrify from Nekros and his skill acts like Warlocks from World of Warcraft basically. That and the ignite proc from heat damage makes enemies panic and flail around. There's so much damage and CC in the game that can be achieved so easily that adding something like this would be pointless even at higher levels.

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I love the idea. And warcry should also enstil fear.


The fact is, enemies can be afraid of Tenno. BUT   Lore-wise most of them shouldn't be. Grinner are bred to be fearless fighters no matter the fight (especially the women) maybe lower ranked males would fall back like lancers giving the effect of the heavies taking the front lines. Infested don't fear us, rather they understand us as "we are of like flesh". A robot feels no fear.


However, CORPUS should be running for the hills.



]\'[okuto Bunshi


Peace out.

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Thank you!


I thank you for your support, however, when you mentioned lore inconsistencies, I beg to differ as there is more than a lot of evidence suggesting Grineer imperfections, some include Clem's speech disorder, Grineer laborers that were previously imperfect clones (miners and researchers), and the G3's special war mentality, which is still technically a defect, as they are mentally unstable




The Guyver One,


I agree with your point on it being represented in CC effects and procs, but I do believe this is useful in at least a couple of ways, such as:


-Capturing a Target on a high level planet, e.g. Neptune


-Assassination missions where bosses are extremely difficult to concentrate on, e.g. Nightmare Trials, Earth (Vay Hek), and Uranus (Tyl Regor)


-Capturing Interception Points/Destroying Sabotage Objects


That is just my opinion, and I respect your opinion as well as mine.

Thanks for the feedback! =3\

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I really don't see the point of it.


I mean sure, less "YOLO" AI would be nice, but not to a "F this I'm out" level.


If your idea is to reduce the cannon fodder, this could be achieved by reducing the amount of enemies


making them more efficient in battle.

No, I don't mean more efficient as in "+100% stats across the board".




Make them throw grenades, take cover, team up, help each other, use each other's strengths (i.e. getting pulled into a *shotgun enemy* by a scorpion) etc.






I really don't like how you manipulated my post into saying I agree with your initial idea in your OP edit.


I don't.


Standard enemies (i.e. not capture targets) should not run away from you.






NO COSMETICS with gameplay bonuses!


Edited by Shifted
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I really don't see the point of it.


I mean sure, less "YOLO" AI would be nice, but not to a "F this I'm out" level.


If your idea is to reduce the cannon fodder, this could be achieved by reducing the amount of enemies


making them more efficient in battle.

No, I don't mean more efficient as in "+100% stats across the board".




Make them throw grenades, take cover, team up, help each other, use each other's strengths (i.e. getting pulled into a *shotgun enemy* by a scorpion) etc.


That would be a great idea, that we the PLAYER have to fight as a team to... best thing would be anti-team AI tactics... But a few that decide to get scared COULD run away, but they should maybe have lower accuracy and move back as you advance.



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Nice, but how about adding cosmetics into the mix? You know how the Pyra sugatra was used to intimidate enemies? It would be nice to have something along those lines.

That's... No. That's a terrible idea. Platinum cosmetics should only EVER be cosmetic. They should never have an impact on gameplay.

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