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The Wukong Research Warframe Will Be The Death Of Innactive Moon Clans And Mountain Clans

(XBOX)She Was Ready

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My clan is also considering downsizing to 100 players. We only have about 50 actives, but are charged like we have 300...


The Knux and Wukong research requirements have KILLED even our most dedicated players desire/resolve to continue researching and most have given up to wait for when the drop rates are better (much more so) or the requirements are significantly lowered. I hope DE reconsiders their requirements for the last few research unlocks...



Holy mother of punctuation batman.


Please format your posts. It is really hard to read.

As for your points, NO they should not decrease the amount of nitain you should research.

It is dependent on your clan size. It's not DE's fault that you have so many inactive players in your clan. It is the responsibility of your clan's warlord(s) to either ask them why they are not contributing or kick them. 


Downsizing clans is coming Wednesday (U18) to "fix" this problem.

Narrow your clan members down to only the active players. Simple, really.




I'm going to make up some statistics here and say more than 20% of the Warframe playerbase is casual or working fulltime (correct me if you find some hard evidence) and either:


a) Doesn't have enough time in the day to make the required contributions you state

b) Doesn't play actively enough to gather enough resources to contribute since their own gear should be priority


By your standards, a large portion of the player population would be clan-less and tech-less because no clan would take them in simply because they can't contribute enough.


The current clan requirements don't take into account non-hardcore/barely-active players which is still a large portion of the game population. But the current issue with recent clan research is you can't keep dumping more and more loads of requirements onto the active players expecting them to put up with it and just "grind harder".


There needs to be balance so the casuals can be a part of a clan and those who actively contribute are not punished for taking in casuals. This is the current flaw with the way the system works.

Edited by Mr._Clean
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My clan is also considering downsizing to 100 players. We only have about 50 actives, but are charged like we have 300...

The Knux and Wukong research requirements have KILLED even our most dedicated players desire/resolve to continue researching and most have given up to wait for when the drop rates are better (much more so) or the requirements are significantly lowered. I hope DE reconsiders their requirements for the last few research unlocks...

I'm going to make up some statistics here and say more than 20% of the Warframe playerbase is casual or working fulltime (correct me if you find some hard evidence) and either:

a) Doesn't have enough time in the day to make the required contributions you state

b) Doesn't play actively enough to gather enough resources to contribute since their own gear should be priority

By your standards, a large portion of the player population would be clan-less and tech-less because no clan would take them in simply because they can't contribute enough.

The current clan requirements doesn't take into account non-hardcore/highly-active players which is still a large portion of the game population. But the current problem with clan research is you can't keep dumping more and more loads of requirements onto the active players expecting them to put up with it and just "grind harder".

There needs to be balance so the casuals can be a part of a clan and those who actively contribute are not punished for taking in casuals. This is the current flaw with the way the system works.

U right but tgats a f2p game and if you dont have enough time to spend ingame they want you to throw in real moneys

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U right but tgats a f2p game and if you dont have enough time to spend ingame they want you to throw in real moneys


Which many already do.


Except there are resources like Nitain Extract (Alertium) and Cryotic that you can't buy with money and these still have ridiculous requirements. My clan alone requires 600k Cryotic for the Knux and we're not even the largest size.

Edited by Mr._Clean
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Guys p.. Please keep in mind that down sizing would mean kicking all the inactive members... I believe the increase in research cost when you upgrade is an extreme exaggeration for the simple fact that DE expects your entire 1000 members to participate when in reality only 150 to 200 have been the most active recorded members in any moon clan


Oh the humanity. Having to kick players who contribute nothing to your clan? I can only imagine the suffering you're going through.


You've got two options: grind for the Nitain in alerts with all the active people in your clan to keep the inactive ones, or downsize your clan and grind a hell of a lot less. Up to you.

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On another note, maybe they should bring responsibilities for Clan members that can be set by the Warlords or something. To ensure the players contributing. That would atleast help a little. 


This is one of the reasons why i have my own clan with my friends. No human interaction required, i can do anything all by myself. No absurd research requirements. I wish you guys luck even though i hate clans.

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Some good points.

But I still think the responsibility lies with the clan's warlord and not DE.

It is true that players that have just started simply do not have enough resources to spare to even contribute (eventually they will be able to). There is a difference in not being able to contribute and simple not contributing (just there to leech). 


As a clan leader you accepted those new players in, you decided to expand. Whether they contribute to your clan or not is IMO irrelevant. Because you don't HAVE to contribute, it is an option. 

That is the con of expanding. 


I think it is quite difficult for DE to judge when a players is active or not (let alone writing code for it). He could be active in the clan (as in playing the game) but not contributing or he could be inactive (logs in every once in a while and contributes some resources). 


It is going to be different for each and every player. 

If only there was way to keep track of who and maybe when a clan member has contributed to something, it would make it a lot easier for the clan's warlord to decide whether to keep that player in his clan or kick him.

Edited by Susanooh
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Which many already do.

Except there are resources like Nitain Extract (Alertium) and Cryotic that you can't buy with money and these still have ridiculous requirements. My clan alone requires 600k Cryotic for the Knux and we're not even the largest size.

Comeon cryotic is a joke, Nitain and Argon Crystals can be a problem for some people

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Being the only member of my clan, the nitain isn't so bad. I've missed a few alerts, but I started Chassis, Systems and Helmet this morning. 9 days it will have taken me to get them all researched. I'm not recruiting until everything currently available is researched.

Ghost Clan is the way forwards when it comes to research. I've been part of a Mountain clan where the only contributor was me, and that Landing Craft segment was obscene. 115K polymer? Good god I ran Cytherean way too many times for that.

Best thing to do for OP, is to recruit active players.

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if that's what you have to do, then that's what you gotta do. I know if I was running a Moon Clan, I'd take the downsizing in U18 as an opportunity to do some "spring cleaning" in the ranks, and boot the inactive ones while keeping those that continue to play and contribute. it's not clean, and it's a lot of time spent deleting names, but it's far more worthwhile in the long run. kick the inactive ones, and downsize a little. problem solved.

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My clan has a similar problem. While we have never had enough members to be a Shadow Clan, we are still considered one. 24000 plastids is a lot for 3 or 4 people to manage as an uncommon drop. The only reason I can figure we are considered a Shadow Clan is because the clan leader build a Shadow Barracks way back in early beta when Dojos came out and even though I have since removed it, our resource costs are still rather high for the 4 people that have the time to play. We only recently hit 9 members, and that's counting the 4 inactives.

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I see your point, but I kind of think this is looking at what's meant to be a team orientated task as more of a personal mountain to scale. 


Clans are a team, that's the whole idea of them .. everyone pitches in.

If everyone in your clan was participating, even getting some of those numbers your saying wouldn't really be that hard. 

This is not an issue in Warframe, it's more of an issue in clan management.


We only have a small clan and only a third of the members actively participate in any WF events or resource collection. 

But that said we look at the task as something to aim for, we're only entitled to the research if we score what's needed. 

If you're in a clan where people are not participating then that kind of goes against the premise of the clan .. it's not a problem in the overall concept of the clans though. 


I do agree that if you have people who are not holding up their end of the bargain then kick them out, and reduce your clan own to a size that makes these research items achievable to the active members of the clan. 


It's not as if DE haven't been dropping Nitian left right and centre either.

that's not the issue at hand... My clan loves to contribute the resources that can be earned again and again... Nintain cannot be farmed again and again. You have to wait for the next alert, its really dificult to control my members and tell ALL MY 950 members to do alert when the alert only has an hour to be timed... Many of my clan members are have the potential to be busy during that time and cannot be reached... The nintain cost is increased times 100 for a moon clan, with the expectation that everyone will participate which I just explain its impossible to. But not to worry, we are working at a steady pace, eventually wukong will be complete. I fear this in active mountain clans and moon clans will not be able to complete it... That is the topic at hand.
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Wow, OP, your posts are difficult to read. 


Look, ellipses (...) are not used to end sentences.  That is what periods are for.


Your weird formatting "preference" just makes your post seriously difficult to get through.  I'm still sorting through them.


As far as your concern, clans much smaller than yours are having no problems with the Wukong research.  IT sounds like your problems are internal to your clan, not with the game mechanics.


But seriously, use paragraphs and periods.  Your posts are actually painful to read.  As in, I have a headache from reading your posts.  Please format in an acceptable manner.

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Is this because you got banned from region chat ready? I know a lot of players left the clan, but still, get your other members to recruit rather than doing it in region chat 24/7 even when there is people asking you to stop, it was making your clan look bad anyways. Maybe you should let someone else take over(just a suggestion) let them give the clan a new "look" it might help y'all be on top again

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Is this because you got banned from region chat ready? I know a lot of players left the clan, but still, get your other members to recruit rather than doing it in region chat 24/7 even when there is people asking you to stop, it was making your clan look bad anyways. Maybe you should let someone else take over(just a suggestion) let them give the clan a new "look" it might help y'all be on top again


Lol desperate people this days

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The research of of the new warframe wukong Will destroy almost iinnactive moon clans and mountain clans... I am simply sending my ticket to show my dediaction for the game... Hi im She Was Ready i am the leader of Endeavored Bonds one of the most active clans in xbox one warframe... Allow to explain myself in this analyzation i have made based on the simple facts. It takes about 10 nintain for a bp and part to be built in small ghost clan... Maybe a total of 40 i presume... So lets say that you guys would give an alert every day... I can assume that a ghost clan could probably have a squad of four people.. It would take them a little more than a week or 10 days to get wokung complete if they attended all the alerts and maybe missed like 2 or 3... Now allow me to make the math for my clan... I have 950 members and the most are about 150 and higher are active a day.. When an alert pops up i estimate about 30 to 40 paticipate because the rest are busy... Well you have given us a staggering number of 1100 nintain... If 30 people coonstantly participated everyday... Which i doubt it will because it extremely hard to prioritze 950 plus members... It would take us about 37 days to complete. Those are the statisitice of very well active moon clan.. Were number 2 in the world for kills... Can you imagine putting such a handicap to not so active moon and mountain clan? If they had 50 members which is what a moderate moon clan has of members active and only 15 or 10 particepted it would take them 3 months to complete! The truth is that many not so active moon clans and mountain clans are losing hope at getting the warframe and leaving... Even some of my clan members have left because their fazed and intimidated by the staggering quantity of resources it takes... Why should we mountain and moon clans have such weight to carry on our shoulders. It is an injustice that most be balanced... Either give all clan barracks a fair amount of required quantity for the completion of a research or do not raise the percentage cost of resources when we upgrade... Let a moon clan have the same as a ghost... I beilive thats fair because through the struggle of forming a huge unifiying clan we have earned the right to complete research in a breeze and not a struggle... Thank you for listening to my explanation and proposal... I hope you take them both into consideration good bye

atleast we get rid of inactive clans (80-90% of all clans) >_>   clan gets only inactive if leader is inactive (or noob)

my clan is not supreme (mountain) and we already have bp built & helmet / systems building

Edited by (PS4)urkonse
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Proportion my dear friend,

if you made a mountain clan just for the name or fame ....this is the price you must pay. The system requires resources according to the capacity of the clan. Logically if you have 900 members instead of 10 members you have much more capacity and resources than a ghost clan, a research that would cost only 11 nitain would be ridicolous according to your numbers.

The problem is not in the system but in your clan mates that do not want to contribute, and the fault it's yours cause to reach those numbers you have recluted every player you met without any standard line, to be the clan with 1000 members.  

So as you can't expect that a clan with 10 members can get 1100 nitain, you can't expect that a mountain/moon clan complete the research with only 11 nitain.

Do you want the big clan? Pay the cost

Don't you want? Downsize.

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Please think about this... It is very easy to monitor 10 people in a ghost clan... That's 11 nintain.. Meaning that it would take 2 alerts to have wukong complete... In a moon clan it is increased times 100 percent, that is 1000 nintain... De is assuming that all of my 1000 members will be active and playing for the alert when that is practically impossible. That is the expectation of DE which beilive should be lowered. That doesn't just go for moon, but the same statistics in percentage race apply for mountain clans... The percentage raise is to high and it needs to be lowered

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Please think about this... It is very easy to monitor 10 people in a ghost clan... That's 11 nintain.. Meaning that it would take 2 alerts to have wukong complete... In a moon clan it is increased times 100 percent, that is 1000 nintain... De is assuming that all of my 1000 members will be active and playing for the alert when that is practically impossible. That is the expectation of DE which beilive should be lowered. That doesn't just go for moon, but the same statistics in percentage race apply for mountain clans... The percentage raise is to high and it needs to be lowered

First, DUDE, SERIOUSLY, FORMATTING.  Use periods and paragraph breaks.  This is not what ellipses are for.


Second, if your 1000 member clan is, from what you say, 90% inactive, YOU NEED TO MAKE YOUR CLAN SMALLER.


You aren't a large clan, you're a small clan with a LOT of leeches who like going, "Lookit, I'm in a big clan!"


Either shrink down your clan, or figure out a way to increase clan activity.

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Clans are always a work in progress. The game is very casual when you get down to it and people constantly come and go. You have to work to keep any clan up and running.


We're in a shadow clan and we've already (sorta) had this discussion. We're about as inactive as it gets and I'm probably the most regular player what with that I'm pretty consistently around, but only in very short timeframes. No one really has the time or strong desire to constantly keep the clan moving forward. It's a lot of work, quite frankly.




We talked about downsizing, but it was felt that the requirements we're facing weren't that onerous and no one was really in any hurry to unlock Wukong or whatever might come later. It'll get done, but will simply take a bit more time. Obviously, if this were a moon clan, things would be different, but the clan always had relatively realistic appreciation of the difficult of maintaining such, so we never went there.


That's what you're up against. Go big and you get big responsibilities.

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If Wukong can't be afforded by those clans than the clan is already dead and should be downsized immediately.

Any clan that is active enough for their size will be fine with the research.

If someone added every barrack just for the hell of it and they only have 20 me members than that is not game breaking. It's a player error, and now they can fix it with downsizing.

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