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Spaceninja Vets: Top 3 Frames & Why?

(XBOX)Jak Riddle

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The way I see it, the "best" frames are the ones that can do the most with their skillsets. With that in mind...


Loki - Probably the most versatile frame in the game. Spy King, top tier CC with Irradiating Disarm, excellent mobility... Loki is, at bare minimum, useful in every game mode, and that's not something many frames get to say.


Frost - Obviously the king of Defense, Mobile Defense, and Excavation, but especially post-rework Frost is just a beast in everything in the game short of Spy. CC for days and a semi-nuke which is also solid CC.


Trinity - In how many games, in any genre, is the dedicated support also the god tank? She doesn't run out of energy and doesn't die, and if you stay on the good side of a Trinity player neither will you. If she could still heal objectives like she used to, it wouldn't even be fair.

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Excalibur Prime - Exalted blade's energy Skana Prime is enough for me



Broberon - Nothing more fun than spamming four and letting things kill their allies plus, dem antlers



Loki Prime - Not only amazing in solo play but also Co-op play, not to mention those cool horns.

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Ivara - Excellent stealth frame with looting capability and a killer 4th ability Hopefully 18.1 doesn't bring the nerf stick down on her too hard.


Volt - All around a fun frame. There's nothing wrong with any of his abilities.


Nova - Generally pretty fun and my most used frame. Her 1 is a bit trash but she's good otherwise, and cheating speed puzzles is great. Nova P looks fantastic, too.

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your new so listen up.

the weapon, frame pet or pet weapon is more or less secondary. The most important thing for anything in this game are the mods. You mod it right, you can make anything (*) good or monster, work on maxing damage multishot crit and elemental mods for you weapons and power duration efficeny and range for your pets and frames and your pretty golden.


* except the kraken.

Edited by (PS4)Draconis1981
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Based on how fun they are to play my personal top 3 would be Ivara, Saryn and Wukong.

Ivara: she looks amazing and has an ability set that is hard to match. For the first time in this game invisibility doesn'the feel cheap or noobish. In specific builds it's actually better then Loki's invisibility because it doesn't have a duration. Her only downside would be the limited usefulness on noise arrow after enemies have been alerted but can't fix that without fixing enemie AI first.

Saryn: I'm not very good with her. Actually I'm terrible when using Saryn but she is still so much fun. Never liked Saryn before her rework. She had limited use, was cheap and boring. Now however her skills work great and the skillcap to use her has went much higher. Definitely recommend for anyone who wants a more interactive gameplay and not just spam one ability.

Wukong: he has been introduced into video games a few times before but never until his Warframe adaptation did I have any interest in this character. When it comes to looks he is my favorite frame and has pushed out Ash prime from the throne of sexiness. Gameplay wise he is also amazing.

I very much enjoy using him with Naramon focus. The invisibility with melee crits is amazing [End of Spoiler] His only downside is a lack of cc.

Honorable mentions:

Exalibur: barely use him but he was my first frame, first to get to lvl30, first to get potatoes, first to get a new skin, first to get a lense installed and I still forma him even if I don't use him.

Equinox: night form is so pretty! Don't even need any other reason to play her/him/it

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My favourite is Excalibur outright, but since so many have mentioned him I'll give my next 3 instead.


Volt Prime: Looks sleek, pairs extremely well with critical guns. Speed gets you out of bad situations with infested and Shield blocks off any projectiles short of those with punch through. Abilities 1 and 4 are more for CC than damage, but you have loads of that from shooting through Electric Shield.


Trinity Prime: Essentially the only full support frame, plus points for being able to tank due to abilities. Healing the whole team, not having to worry much about energy, CC-ing a single target and being unaffected by statuses as long as Link is active. 


Loki Prime: Enemies end up with only melee. That's about the only thing we to take away for 2 entire factions actually.

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By any means I'm not a veteran. But my top 3 favs.

Excalibru: xD

Press 1 and fly forward. Press 2 and nobody wants to attack you. Press 3 and everyone around you dies. Press 4 and spam E and use your glowy-skana as a sniper.


Get a bow or any silent weapon and turn invisible. Power duration mods required. :) Run, shoot, Run, shoot. If that doesn't work, lay down a white version of yourself and run. Rinse and repeat. You are officially invincible.


BREAKING NEWS!: Inter-Galactic Ebola carrier causes chaos in Solar System!

This girl can literally just infect an entire wave of enemies. She can make them grow green pimples and pop them to spray on other people and spread. Every slice causes the flu and her ult starts a pandemic. And she made me lose all bodily fluids. ;)

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Mag: Pull, don't even need greedy pull yum :3. The shield thingy, shield tank mag is immortal like that. Bullet attractor is for pro (nub always say it is sux, yeah it is sux cuz they are nub) and when pro use it mag is dps king :D...they only meh on mag is her 4th since I can just stun enemy with pull, but still it is wayyyy better than rhino stomp lel


Loki: You can't go wrong with loki


Excalibur: Excalibur ability combos is like yum:3

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Ivara: Her abilities are so fun to use especially when I mod her as a support frame :D spamming cloak and sleep arrows >.< (well mostly sleep) also

          she can shoot ziplines :D


Trinity: Energy and heal for days I just love to be a support character and you can also become a tank if you don't want to be a healer


Nyx: She has a great cc which she makes the enemies try to kill each other >:D also very useful ulti to shield yourself and give back the damages 

        you abosrb while in this state.


I just <3 being a support character dont care much about my kills I only want to try and keep my teammates alive 

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1. volt (prime is the best looking warframe in my opinion, attacks are useful in every situation: speed run=2 need ore melee attack=2 increases a lot the speed of the melee hits, damage and stun=1,4 protection=3 more damage in weapons=3, you have to run for your life=2 you need an enemy to stop moving=1, and finally a lot of energy; volt is the camel warframe, he can save a lot of energy...)


2. loki (useful in every situation but without attack powers, unless you use melee while invisible, it helps a lot, you can teleport to where you want: you put a 1 and you use 3 with that)


3. nova (i think is the best warframe against a great number of enemies)

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1 Ash. A very versatile frame. Has a build for all of his moves as well as going a full on tank. He can handle any situation and do some crazy damage from melee or bladestorm build. He doesn't care about nullifiers which is pretty huge. He is a melee combo king with rising storm. And when someone is trying to be all big and bad, you got stealth/tele and covert lethality to put them back in their place. This is my go to frame when things just needs to die.


2. Frost. I call him my DoD (Department of Defense). Yea yea, loki can disarm. But they still hurt. Well have no fear. Frost ult makes them do absolutely nothing. The real king of cc.


3. This is hard really, but I just went with someone who rounds out what I have above. And I chose Trinity. She is support like no other. She can survive with the best. She is a staple for some groups and a compliment to others. She has a place everwhere.


Honorable mentions:

Valkyr. When you don't want to play the invisibility god mode, then I go with her for the melee god mode. I love her theme, and can easily be tapped in by ash to do pickup the fallin when needed. She has the tools to make melee more potent. And all while looking damn good while doing it.


Banshee, while she has the best damage buff in the game, she didn't make my top 3 because of almost every other category. I would love if her silence had a sound amplification to it so the further they go in they can indeed get stunned multiple times, Since, you know, sound does get louder as you get closer to the source. Or, make alerted enemies lose their alert on you. Her push is great though. And her ult needs some love. But even with all that, I still put her up there as her damage buff is just insane.


Saryn: I been playing with this girl since I got her back in 2013. She was a bit tanky back then, and had the damage. After the devs, "flavor of love" she is more fun to play. She is my go to frame just to play and not really be serious.


And last, nova: I hated you in the beginning. You were like the new girl on the block, and everyone wanted you. Now everyone left you and you look better than ever. I don't usually do sloppy seconds, but I don't know how you handled all those male, and female, interactions. But I will love you forever and be very gentle when I play you.

Edited by megastorm
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My top 4

Nyx Prime - I absolutely love how she can manipulate the battlefield to her will. I love absorb because is both a deffensive and offensive power wrapped up into one. Also, she is one damn sexy looking frame, probably my favorite.

Ash Prime - He is the strong silent type. XD he is built like a tank but also very sneaky and hits like a truck. I find that I can use him in many different ways; melee only, stealth, press 4 to win, etc. probably my 2nd favorite.

Loki Prime - Loki was my very first warframe and his usefulness never diminishes. His kit is very powerful to manipulate the battlefield and he can go on any mission at any level.

Nekros - My most used warframe. He is yet another utility frame, the weakest of the 4 but I find entertainment from his kit. I have several builds and he brings a lot of unique aspects to a team.

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Mirage- Like getting 50-90% of the damage on a map? Equip a synoid simulor and go to town. Points subtracted because 2 of her abilities I don't find all that useful.


Vauban - Good for almost every mission. His number 3 is one of the best CC's in the game. His number 4 is just as good.


Nova - You want to make things easier to kill? How about slowing down half the map. Useful in any mission


Nyx - CC half the map and make them fight each other while you pick them off. Oh and it's re-castable



Honorable mentions


Atlas. Run into a group  of enemies and kill them with one button. 


Ivara. Like bows? Like having an energy pool of 700? How about perma-stealth for all those pesky survival missions?

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Only 3 frames on which I can play with all 4 abilities.

The rest are either 1-button-mashing frames, have lackluster abilites, or are just not viable


Simply put, the only 3 frames I find to have a well-balanced, well-rounded design and are interesting to play with.

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It's usually personal preference, but my top 3 comes down to:


1) Frost Prime: I use him in everything, even spy/ interception missions. If you can get past his abysmal movement speed then he his a true gem, plus there literary is no better frame from defense missions (even though I hate defense missions almost as much as archwing missions). Great CC/ very tanky if spec'd into it and is boatloads of fun to fashionframe with.


2) Equinox: Damage and Support. A very complex warframe but when you get the hang of it, switching between damage and support forms really turns into second nature. Able to stun/ heal and kill everything on the screen, he/ she is a lot of fun to solo with.


3) Volt Prime: Quite new to Volt, but his speed + his shield are so much fun to play with, making him great for mobile defense/ capture missions since you get to the targets in record times. Just fyi, be sure to get his Shocking Speed augment, it makes him even more fun to play since his CC goes through the roof then.

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no one likes volt (prime) but me lol


but hes the caster, 20 rays to run out of energy


-1 attack is so good, i think its the 1 attack with more damage, and also hits near enemies, it also stuns them, so if they are moving you can hit them and stun them for a while if they dont die


-2 attack increases a lot your movement speed, but also your melee attack speed, so you can deal like 2.5 times more damage than your normal melee damage because you deal a lot more hits


-3 attack is very useful, lets use an example... this is your warframe with your gun----> i-      

                                                                         these are the enemies with their guns-> v-

                                                                         this is the shield----------------------------->) 



       so... if you use the shield      i- )  -v-v-v-v-v  the enemies dont hit you but you hit them with more damage and a cahnce to                                                                               do electric damage


                                                    i- )   X X X X X                    if you go to the other side:



                                          v-v-v-v- )   -i               you can shoot them through the sield and it works too, it adds you more                                                                                       damage and the bullets of the enemies doent pass trough



so the shield dont interfere with the team like frosts shield do, frost id good for defence, but this is good to all, thanks to the large amount of  energy you can put several shields to make a bigger defence line that is also an attack line because it adds a lot more damage


and finally power 4 that does an overload that deals a lot of damage and stun enemies, if there are many electric things the damage could be insane.



conclusion, volt is very useful, for every situation. 


dont know why people dont like him, maybe because hes one of the starting frames, like excalibur, that is useful but people dont use him so much


my main warframe and the most useful in my opinion, useful for every situation, and also deals a lot of damage.


loki prime and nova prime are the other best warframes imo

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