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Sooo.... I Just Came Back To Warframe After Taking A Break In U13, What Did I Miss?



I did read the patch notes, but i'm talking in the sense of current meta. My usual build is Excal P + any weapon to level. Now... there is so much going on.



i mainly took a break because my old &#! gaming laptop couldn't handle the game. Now that I have a 970, I'm ready for action!

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meta depends on mission type.

Endless missions mainly concentrate on ev trinity for energy feed (GP mag only pulls for herself now, and can't pull through obstacles anymore), damage dealers mainly radial javelin excalibur, ember (for weak enemies) and equinox. Frost, nova, nekros, hydroid stillthe same as always, just a change here or there

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Meta is subjective, here is mine:

Get your hands on the syndicate weapons/mods. The syndicate weapon mods/weapons all come with an in-built nuke.

Embers, Embers everywhere. Ember's fourth finally got fixed now people are mostly rushing missions with wof.

The meta for Excal is mostly to stay in his fourth and spam 'E'.

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Thats about when i quit before coming back about 3 weeks ago. It was like a new game honestly...just to list a few things that i noticed off the bat when coming back in your shoes.


-We have personal ships now. 

-The starmap looks and feels very different.

-I left during the event to get valkyr, now there are like double the amount of frames to get from when we left, not including many new primes.

-Primes aren't always there unfortunately...meaning once they release them, you only have so much time to get them before they are "vaulted". Once vaulted they wont come back for a very long time, if ever.

-Same with prime weapons.

-Probably around 100 new weapons.

-Syndicates are new "factions" you can join for really interesting weapons, mods and items. Joining some makes others angry and makes special events happen while in missions much like the stalker event where you will get attacked by opposing forces.

-Kubrows are a new sentinal type pet. They act very differently then sentinals and you can only have one or the other. They have a FULL way to acquire and breed them.

-Archwing is a completely new type of mission that involves flying in space and shooting things. Its like a fun mini-game thats still being fleshed out.

-Many new types of game modes including interception (capture and hold points) and the spy missions are very different.

-There have been alot of rebalancing acts that many of your beloved weapons might now be pretty useless, same goes with frames and powers. Others might be godlike now.

-Many new types of sentinals with uses like Helios that uses an auto codex scanner to scan enemy types.

-There are now "relays" which are like towns you can visit that you can do special things in like sell junk prime blueprints and parts for a new special currency called ducats.

     ***A new NPC appears once every 2-3 weeks that accepts the new Ducat currency. He sells very rare weapons and Primed versions of some mods. Primed mods are extreamly powerful versions of their original but are obnoxiously expensive to max out and take many more cores / currency. You can purchase them from players for a ton of platnium though if you don't want to wait for him to come every few weeks and pray he's selling what you need. There is also a 1million credit trade tax on each single mod....it's super expensive but they are godly.


These are just a small fraction of the changes from when we played. Pay attention to the last two about ducats and primed mods. I didn't know about this the first week or so and missed it while he was there at first and missed some good stuff. Start running void ASAP to store up some ducats so you can buy stuff from him when he comes around. The alternative of buying it from players is very expensive platnium and credit wise.


Welcome back and good luck! The first 1-2 weeks was intimidating to say the least, it was a new game. Don't get caught in the weeds and just toss on some good gear, load up some missions and get used to it again. Before you know it you'll get the hang of it again.

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