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Rhino Changes Feedback [U18 Megathread]


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We did some feedback, thats not 100% useless, no sticky don't mean we can't still discuss about it, at least we're agree the mechanic / defense value behind IronSkin need a up, and DE must have notice it in the topic. Now we can just wait and/or keep discuss about it and give more feedback. Video's may help too showing how IronSkin "works" against  high lv target, with different build.


With that set up:


- Casting IronSkin without boosting it

- Getting hit by a level X target

- See how long it last

- Show ur IronSkin stats (ferrite armor number)


repeat with another same target but higher lv 




Btw it looks like we're also agree the Rhino re-work for other skills are 100% fine (well beside the passive one...)

Edited by Nulak
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Agreed! especially on the passive, it makes me feel fat:/ how bout some kind of heavy weapon buff or maybe a passive that makes you deal more blast damage with weapons/abilities. nothing huge but just something that makes sense, they seem to focus some of his abilities on blast damage so i think it fits.

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Agreed! especially on the passive, it makes me feel fat:/ how bout some kind of heavy weapon buff or maybe a passive that makes you deal more blast damage with weapons/abilities. nothing huge but just something that makes sense, they seem to focus some of his abilities on blast damage so i think it fits.

A heavy weapon passive for rhino would be great!

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U all are kidding. If u cant play with Rhino then let it. He is fine as He is. Make duration mod and Do stomping roar and F*** the hell out of that high lvld Bugs. And 3 seconds invinceable and stacking ur skin. U wanna more feerrit? Learn the role of Rhino and To play him

If u all want a rhinost Rhino Frost combo then play wow or something stacking irom skin u kidding me though

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U all are kidding. If u cant play with Rhino then let it. He is fine as He is. Make duration mod and Do stomping roar and F*** the hell out of that high lvld Bugs. And 3 seconds invinceable and stacking ur skin. U wanna more feerrit? Learn the role of Rhino and To play him If u all want a rhinost Rhino Frost combo then play wow or something stacking irom skin u kidding me though

You shouldnt say you all, i never said i wanted iron skin to stack i just want it to be recastable without the augment. The community as a whole feels that he needs an armor buff. These are the two things i feel he needs. He has a bug that also cuts iron skins hp in half and makes it useless.

The role of rhino is suppose to be tank and he has a hard time doing that right now. Your describing him as a cc role and thats fine to build him that way but that isnt his intended role. Rhino is a tank with cc and damage buffing abilities its up to you what you wanna mod for and make really strong.

I understand your need to express your opinion and thats fine but please try to be more constructive to the topic and less critical of other players.

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Rhino's not bad, he just could be made way better with a few simple changes.


Make ironclad charge a permanent feature.

Seriously, this augment is far too useful to be considered optional, and is hands down the most reliable way to buff iron skin to useful levels w/o facetanking a void laser for 3 seconds.


Make iron skin and roar recastable, stackable would be nice but not absolutely necessary.

Rhino is bold and agressive when iron skin is 70-100%, but practically useless at 1-10%. I play with iron shrapnel augment all the time b/c the usefullness of recasting iron skin is too good to pass up. The synergy of ironclad charge and iron shrapnel is so useful it feels downright mandatory if you want to make iron skin any good later in the game. And recasting roar is a no brainer. My teammate runs to go pick up an energy orb at just the wrong moment and now has to wait 45 sec before I can roar again.



Make rhino charge contribute to the combo meter (whether by base or through some augment)

With all the new melee mods that DE just released, building a big combo meter is now way more useful and common


Buff armor modestly

300-450 range would be nice, don't need Valkyr levels


Instead of stomped enemies taking dbl damage from charge, do it backwards

You charge into a mob, all enemies hit by the charge take double damage from the stomp. I have never stomped, then charged an enemy. Charge ruins the CC of stomp, and I often stomp to revive a buddy. Doing it backwards sounds more practical, charge into a mob and stomp them into oblivion, not the other way around.


Swap out his passive, it's friggin useless.


Rhino gains 5% dmg resistance or dmg for every enemy in a 5 m radius around him, unaffected by mods


Rhino gains clip size buff for auto shotguns, reload speed buff for semi-auto shotguns


Rhino gains att. speed or dmg buff for two-handed melee weapons, reflecting his hulking size



He doesn't need a massive buff, just some changes here and there to make him really useful.


Also, why in the heck did DE start this thread and then unsticky it without saying a word? We gave 17 pages of feedback here, and all DE changed is self-dmg buffing iron skin (that needed to happen, thanks DE). An acknowledgement of all this feedback would be nice, as it seems at present they are ignoring it. Saying "Interesting ideas, but we're putting it on the backburner for now" would be good enough, no one likes to be ignored.

Edited by NogginMasher
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Also, why in the heck did DE start this thread and then unsticky it without saying a word? We gave 17 pages of feedback here, and all DE changed is self-dmg buffing iron skin (that needed to happen, thanks DE). An acknowledgement of all this feedback would be nice, as it seems at present they are ignoring it. Saying "Interesting ideas, but we're putting it on the backburner for now" would be good enough, no one likes to be ignored.

This is what I'm thinking as well.

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U all are kidding. If u cant play with Rhino then let it. He is fine as He is. Make duration mod and Do stomping roar and F*** the hell out of that high lvld Bugs. And 3 seconds invinceable and stacking ur skin. U wanna more feerrit? Learn the role of Rhino and To play him

If u all want a rhinost Rhino Frost combo then play wow or something stacking irom skin u kidding me though


Nice try but your lack of knowledge regarding how Rhino work is sad. Whatever you're plan to do with ur build, duration or not, will impact the way IronSkin react to the mobs dmg. For example ur Roar / stomp build, will spend his time Bleeding waiting for his team to rez him since, with around 3500k ferrite armor, he will die. A lot. 

Why ? Because even with 7k ferrite armor (and you good luck achieve that with a 30 secs roar and/or with a 25 energy Stomp) the Rhino will see his IronSkin last 20 hits at best against very high lv grinneer. 

And in this topic we're also talking about that, high lv range. IronSkin do not really matter at lv 30+ stuff, void included. We don't care about that range. So if you usually group with a Rhino and think its "fine" because your experience with Rhino is based on some void defense, i can understand you find it "fine like that"...

The game will evolve a lot starting now, and there is no reason a mid/max build based on feerite, last 10 hits in sortie 3. (aka 3 secs)


What we're asking right now, is a functional IronSkin dmg resistance calculation against high lv target (dmg). Also the "IronSkin" buff feature do not work against the same high lv target, you'll also go down even before casting it.

And i don't even bring the hosting issue, because your beautiful Roar rhino with 3,5k feerite armor, will have 1,5k armor if it bug. Have fun playing with a Rhino with that kind of feerite armor, he'll cast IronSkin so many time, he better have Zenurik passive maxed :)


And for ur defense, maybe you are right, be able to recast IronSkin with more buff each time is a bad idea. But we're doing feedback and suggest things thats what this topic is about.


Btw before go inside a topic, to just put ur toxic useless comment, just take a moment to think what you're gonna post. If you aren't agree with some feedback and/ or suggestion for the game, that fine but try to sound smart if you expect people to hear ya because right now, you only looks like a little kid upset at another Frame for whatever reason and decide to go put ur crap on a Rhino topic :)

Edited by Nulak
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Just throwin this out there but what if they gave him the excal type rework. Change iron skin to exalted armor that does a constant drain on energy and draws agro. I dont want rhino to become another rage tank so id say that he should be involnerable with this active but instead of exalted armor having health each bullet or melee you take drains a little from your energy pool the amount of damage wont affect how much energy it drains. A hit from a level 1 will drain just as much as lvl 100 but we all know how much more we get hit when were doing missions at higher lvls so it balances out not to mention your drawing more agro than anyone. I dont know what would be the drain cost theres a lot to factor in when deciding that. Maybe duration could affect the constant drain and armor and power strenght affect the drain of hits taken? And of course efficiency affects both.

Just a half thought out idea

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Just throwin this out there but what if they gave him the excal type rework. Change iron skin to exalted armor that does a constant drain on energy and draws agro. I dont want rhino to become another rage tank so id say that he should be involnerable with this active but instead of exalted armor having health each bullet or melee you take drains a little from your energy pool the amount of damage wont affect how much energy it drains. A hit from a level 1 will drain just as much as lvl 100 but we all know how much more we get hit when were doing missions at higher lvls so it balances out not to mention your drawing more agro than anyone. I dont know what would be the drain cost theres a lot to factor in when deciding that. Maybe duration could affect the constant drain and armor and power strenght affect the drain of hits taken? And of course efficiency affects both.

Just a half thought out idea

We have that, it's called quick thinking. Only change is you have in mind is full health instead of half dead as in quick thinking. Personally, I want to stick w/ a system to what he has now, basically a really powerful overshield. Overshield needs changes and tweaks, but I don't want glorious quick thinking.

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Make ironclad charge a permanent feature.

Seriously, this augment is far too useful to be considered optional, and is hands down the most reliable way to buff iron skin to useful levels w/o facetanking a void laser for 3 seconds.





The synergy with Iron Skin is too key now, it's a mandatory mod IMO.

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I wonder if DE will address any of the feedback in the livestram.

Hope so, theres been enough talk about it. I think most of us at least agree on more base armor and being able to recast IS. Giving charge ironclads abilitys would be really sweet but i doubt that will happen, they dont have that many good augments so i dont see them letting this one go. Or they could make an augment slot! i dont mind putting more forma to make it work! Not hopeful for that either Edited by (PS4)DA_HEFF_
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Hope so, theres been enough talk about it. I think most of us at least agree on more base armor and being able to recast IS. Giving charge ironclads abilitys would be really sweet but i doubt that will happen, they dont have that many good augments so i dont see them letting this one go. Or they could make an augment slot! i dont mind putting more forma to make it work! Not hopeful for that either

Well they did that with the utility mods with the Exilus slot, so I really don't see why not. =/

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