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U18 Bug Report Megathread


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DESCRIPTION: Permanent Artemis Bow with no Energy Costs on Ivara.


Who: Ivara

What: Ivara's Artemis Bow &

Operator Powers

Where: Everywhere.





1. Equip Ivara with Natural Talent (Natural Talent is a must, otherwise it doesn't work.)

2. Enter any mission.

3. Wait for your

Operator powers

 to get ready. (In my case it's vazarin, don't know if it works with the others.)

4. Activate your Artemis Bow

5. Use your

Operator powers

and jump down a cliff with him/her to get reset.

6. Enjoy infinite Artemis Bow for the rest of the mission.

Edited by LilaHippie
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Playing as Loki on an archwing mission with the Pacal armor makes you not get the Archwing


Screenshot: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=569947902


Played on the current rifle amp event with a fresh Unranked Loki.

I'm currently with Loki prime , with edo armor, rubedo syandana essence arcane helmet, and same probleme

I'ts look more than the frame itself is faulty , I played with my frost (edo armor too) in arch just before and no problem at all 

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Ivara Prowl & Daikyu bug


DESCRIPTION: Ivara's Prowl breaks stealth when i'm firing with Daikyu

Who Ivara , Daikyu.

What breaks stealth.

Where every mission i went





 1. Use Powl.

 2. select main weapon Daikyu.

 3. Fire with the weapon.

Daikyu has a noise level of silent but it breaks for some reason the invisibility of the Powl

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EDIT, EDIT EDIT EDIT: I'm now seeing that selecting more talents increases the cooldown.  That said, if there WAS a bug it was that the cooldown had not changed as I activated more traits.  If there was a mistake on my part, it was that I missed the detail that selecting more traits increases the cooldown.



Naramon's "Mind Spike Mastery" talent increased Mind Spike's cooldown by two minutes instead of reducing the cooldown as stated.  When Mind Spike Mastery was still locked, the cooldown was 180 seconds.  After unlocking Mind Spike Mastery, 315 seconds.  After selecting Mind Spike Mastery as an active trait, 300 seconds.


Can I reproduce this bug:

Not without creating another account.

Edited by NuclearFlapjacks
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DESCRIPTION: Cant continue a Second dream quest

Who - Me +...+

What Quest <Second dream>






 Seem to be a quest doesnt complete after update for my case , Natah quest doesnt complete and doesnt recieve a reward then cant continue a second dream quest, I Already do a last mission both stolen dream and Natah quest
Ps i do both quest after update 18
Ps My friend do both <stolen dream / Natah> quest and finished before update, he can continue quest normaly


Edited by iHzBBz
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Description: Archwing. Going into any public or private archwing mission causes either the weapon to not equip making the warframe use my non archwing loadout or it doesn't equip my archwing leaving me hanging in space. This has happened on multiple missions, public or private. The only cure for it is to quit the mission. 

This has only happened since U18. Archwing was solid beforehand. Well if you discount Uranus which has always been a stupid lag fest. :(


Can you Reproduce the Bug? Yes every time.


Reproduction Steps: 

1. Equip any Archwing.

2. Enter any Archwing mission (Especially Uranus, stupidly laggy underwater. Its a slideshow. But only underwater).

3. Either Archwing doesn't equip or weapons don't equip or both.

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DESCRIPTION: Zenurik Passive: System Overwrite is not "for the during of the Mission" but for a very short time.

Who Warframe/Operator
What Focus Passive
Where Any Mission


1) Use Ember

2) Go into Mission

3) Press ESC and check the Ability Cost of her Ultimate

4) Wait for the Cooldown of your Tenno Zenurik Power with Systemic Overwrite and activate it.

5) See your Ability Cost go down

6) Wait 5 Sec

7) Press ESC and see that the Ability Cost went up again.


I tried it multiple times.


to check:

before: ec7628e1d7.jpg

after: 36741142d9.jpg


It works but for a very short time.

i hope there will be a fix (:


Otherwise i enjoy the Update so far, except the Cap.

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DESCRIPTION: Alt-Tab from FUll Screen doesn't let you back into the game

Who Game client

What game executable

Where anywhere





 1. Alt-Tab

 2. Warframe Icon still shows up but you can't get back into the game

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Description: i did not get the second dream quest

who: me

what: second dream quest

where: in the game


Can you reproduce the bug?: no, i did the natah quest but i did not get the second dream and i did no get the letter from lotus

PLS help guys i dont know what is the problem please help

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Description: Cannot install the landing craft segment

Who: Liset

What: Installing landing craft segment to the foundry

Where: New liset Tileset


After crafting the landing craft segement i can not install the segement into my foundry. The prompt to install the landing craft segment didnt appear while i have the landing craft segment in my inventory

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Description: Throwing melee weapons are very slow to throw and they have a very clumsy and annoying normal melee attack before the throw. This is the case both on-hand and off-hand throwing.


Can you Reproduce the Bug? Yes every time.


Reproduction Steps: 

1. Equip a throwing melee weapon and try to throw it.

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DESCRIPTION: Tenno's skill instant recharge: i can use my tenno's skill 1s after used it, tried during all the mission, the instant recharge of it never stop

Who tenno

What skill

Where random missions


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? not really i used it only once but think i got it many time

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DESCRIPTION: Can't remove the Zariman hood from my Tenno Operator.

Who Tenno/Operator

What Cosmetic

Where Liset/Orbiter





 1. Select "no hood" option

 2. Interact with any other customization option

 3. Exit that customization option, the hood pops back into existence

 4. Hood slot is still marked as "none" despite hood obviously being present


 1. Select "no hood" option

 2. Do a mission or relog

 3. Hood reappears on relog, returning to the liset/orbiter, or when utilizing Focus ability during the mission

 4. Hood slot is still marked as "none" despite it showing up

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Description: Tower Survival Void Keys rewarded to players within excavation missions, do not show up as rewards after completing the mission.


Can you Reproduce the Bug? Yes every time.


Reproduction Steps: 

1. Go to any excavation mission

2. Received any Tower Survival Void key from a successful excavation within the mission

3. Complete the mission and observe that you leave without any of the Tower Survival Void keys you won in the mission

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Mod's buff duration and strength act as if it the mod is unleveled in public matches.

( 20?% increase to armor and only lasts 5 seconds or less )

Always recreatable ( unless solo or in simulacrum )

Production steps... Equip the max ranked mod and charge into enemies.

Edited by AdampoTheBean
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DESCRIPTION: Zenurik Energy Surge upgrade only works consistently as host

Who Warframe

What Focus upgrade

Where Anywhere






1 Enter any mission as any warframe with the Energy Surge upgrade for Zenurik active.

(I tested this on various Saturn and Neptune missions as Frost Prime, Limbo and Equinox, with several combinations of Zenurik upgrades activated in red including Energy Surge by itself)


2 Use the Zenurik Focus ability. The glowing dome only shows up if you're hosting the game, and the energy regen seems to only work occasionally as a client.

Edited by Necrophim
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DESCRIPTION: Group Invitation Notification

Who Any warframe

What When invited to a group, the menu button doesn't flash like it used to, so unless you're in a menu when the invite is sent, you won't know that anyone invited you.

Where Liset




REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

Be on the liset.

Be invited to a group.


Since the patch I haven't seen the menu button flash at all for me, and I've been invited to group probably 40 times.

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Cant use my focus power at all (Madurai)


DESCRIPTION: I have an isue with the focus power not working at all. (Madurai chosen here) I tried with many warframes and waited for the ring thing to tell me the power is up but whenever its ready i press 5 and get either the 3rd or 4th power instead (with Excalibur for instance it either did a radial javelin or started or ended exalted blade) with Ivara it did a cloaked arrow.

Who Excalibur, and Tried with an (unranked) Ivara

What my excal had Boar Prime/twin grakatas/dragon nikana and Carrier with a sniper weapon, Ivara had Dread and Ballistica and the same nikana

Where my excal was doing the sortie trio of missions and i was killing Tyl Regor with Ivara after. it does not really matter wich missions i do i cant get my focus power to fire


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? yes.... cant actually NOT repeat it :-/ I'm kinda stuck that way


REPRODUCTION STEPS: I got it probably when i got my operator... like something did not work quite perfectly...

 1. I did all the missions with my Excalibur as equiped as i could be and it just happened

 2. at one point during the fight with the frame holding the child and trying to power the pylon in the Liset i actually slashdashed to the pylon ... dunno how that happened.

 3. i still managed to finish it and create my operator.<



Thanks for your time, if you need anything more just ask me and ill try to be helpful.

Edited by Krystow
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Description: Im having an FPS issue which drops frequently when playing on missions most of the time since U18 (was able too play with no fps problems before U18)


Who: FPS

What: FPS dropping frequently

Where: on any missions


Can you reproduce it?: no


My guess: A memory leak




Edit: I think this is the wrong forum

Edited by GoldenEgg13
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Not really sure if this a bug or supposed to happen but when you're mounted onto Ivara's zipline, your Carrier won't pick up any drops.


DESCRIPTION: Carrier won't pick up any drops when mounted onto Ivara's zipline

Who Carrier (Prime)

What Ivara's zipline

Where Anywhere, as long as you're on the zipline





 1. Equip Carrier (Prime)

 2. Mount Ivara's zipline

 3. See what happens


This video demonstrates the problem at around 16 minutes in:


Edited by Kyt0r
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