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U18 Bug Report Megathread


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Every time I alt + tab out of the game or if I get a pop up that interrupts the game in anyway, I am not able to re enter the game. Most times I can not even ctrl + alt+ del out of it as the game supposedly disappears. I have to end up manually restarting my computer to re launch the application.

Happens on any map, any game mode, any frame and only when game is interrupted by an outside source application, ie: malwarebytes anti-virus, skype, teamspeak 3, etc.

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Not sure this has to do with U18, but at least it never happened to me before it :

So this is an archwing bug :


- it seems that when you join an archwing game that has already started, you spwan in space with your regular coop loadout. Fun, but annoying ^^

- when you have your normal archwing loadout (so if you were here from the beginning of the game) and die, on respawn you'll get pretty much the same thing except this time you have your AW weapons. But not your AW itself :s

Edited by Rubix35
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DESCRIPTION: Can't collect resources after using Madurai nor hit enemies using Madurai

Where: T1D


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? Not for the second time


REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1. Use Madurai focus



More details(?):

So when i started using my Madurai in T1D, i noticed that i was not damaging any enemies. And after that i can't even collect my resources they were just floating around http://i.imgur.com/Z83BAUF.jpg nor i can't even use my radial blind. but i received my Focus XP.


But man, the resources :(

Edited by HeirOfTime
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DESCRIPTION: When using your Focus ability, the Operator's suit doesn't have the correct colours. You can clearly see the difference in the screenshots.


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? Press 5, reproduced.



(sorry for the links, didn't have time to embed)

In the Transference room:




In mission:



Edited by Red_Flex1235
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DESCRIPTION: Conclave "capture cephalon", stop moving after respawn.

Can you Reproduce the Bug? Not always.

When you are playing in conclave "capture cephalon" and respawn a few times I can not move for the rest of the game, I can access the menu of actions and move to switch equipment slots, but I can not move in the game.



1.- Enter in Conclave mission "capture cephalon"

2.- Start mission.

3.- When you die, press spacebar to respawn.

4.- If you respawn instantly, and the invulnerability is on for long time you can't move the rest of the game.


*This does not always work, however step 3 is repeated, this will happen during the first or second game.



Warframe: Frost 
Weapons: Gorgon Wrath, Dex Furis, Skana.

Edited by Ray_Storm
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Unable to deploy resource extractor on earth any more. 


It says I need to unlock all nodes in the system in order to deploy one.


Star chart was completed in full many months ago in. 

I have the same problem on Earth. It says complete all nodes to deploy an extractor, but above that it says mission nodes 12/12 completed. The only "fuzzy" node is the new bazaar but that is a relay and all relay nodes appear like that for me.

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Description: Since the launch of U18, I have been unable to join ANY 'open squads' on ANY planet on ANY node. It just prompts the 'waiting for players' thing. At first didn't think much of this but now since it's been 2 days and haven't been able to join ANY 'open squads' starting to think there is a problem. Just wanted to add, If I am invited to a game it works fine or if i start a game other players can join me. just me joining others does not seem to work.


who: Me


What:  Not able to join ANY 'open squads' SINCE U18...


Where: Any planet, any node that says it has X 'open quads' get the waiting for players.


I started my own post about this as well...I am gonna give it a few more days and If this problem still persists I will be contacting support.

Edited by SaucyTuckermax
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i found an issue when going afk for about an hour....

im running i7.4810mq 16gb ram and gtx 980m sli. 12gb vram.

game is on ssd and running at 4k res. win 10'

all of my hardware is new and all of my drivers are up to date... ive gone and ran diagnostics on everything my machine is running perfectly.

anyway i will walk away for about an hour or so to make a sandwich or check out gf and ill come back to BsoD... comp will completely lock up and for no reason.... this only happens when im running warframe and walk away... this doesn't happen in any other game weather it be Cod or SC2.

it has also had problems with kicking people from match in a "host migration" but the host never changes...

im worried about the BosD more than kicking issue... the kicking issue and BosD can be reproduced... for bosd just stand in orbiter ship thing and wait about an hour give or take.... then it will 9/10 times BosD. the kicking thing is a little problematic to reproduce because it happens about 15% of the time (4/10).. is there a known problem with the game that causes the systems to lock up. im relatively new to this game and its a blast.. im just concerned that this issue is affecting other players who might be turned away by a problem like this.... this game is so fun that ive put 41+ hours in game time in the past week and when i walk away i have to restart my computer and then relog to continue playing. if this is a glitch related to sli drivers then it could prob be patched easily. but if its a game engine problem that locks up the system memory then thats another problem..




just thought that i would share my problem of the day with the devs and see what they say about it.... hopefully they look into it.... i know that all systems are different and that the game will run differently on all systems. im not expecting the devs to have a 5000$ setup to test this problem on but please look into it it could be an sli driver problem that just needs reporting to nvidia or amd.... with that said check the BosD on non-sli computers 770 or better because this could be a configuration issue or a game breaking problem that the devs need to be aware of to prevent a broken and ultimately dead game.

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i have noticed that the talons and rubico have issues picking up ammo despite being low/empty. when i switch to melee and run around for a while they seem to pickup small amounts of ammo but don't always refill. i have tried this on earth,mercury and mars and it seems rather consistent.

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Edit: I now believe this bug is invalid... I think I couldn't select the lens I had in my inventory because a lens of that type was already on the weapon, which wasn't clear to me.



Can't replace focus lens on my weapon after forma

Who N/A

What Rakta Ballstica, Unairu focus lens

Where Liset


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? Unknown; don't want to risk breaking another weapon


REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1. Installed initial focus lens from Second Dream quest on Rakta Ballistica

 2. Spent a forma to reset the weapon

 3. Re-leveled weapon to 30

 4. Select "Replace Lens" in weapon upgrade screen

 5. No lenses are available to select despite having a lens in my inventory (I had to purchase another one; not sure whether it is intentional for the first one to disappear on forma)

Edited by TechMagick
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DESCRIPTION: Naramon Shadow Step passive gives invisibilty on crits with non-melee weapons.

Who First spotted with Mag but also seen with Valkyr, Wukong and Nyx.

What Primary and Secondary weapons can trigger a passive that says it's only melee.  Seen when using Burston Prime & Synoid Gammacor with Mag,  Hek and Vaykor Marelok with Valkyr, Telos Akbolto with Wukong and Rakta Cernos with Nyx.

Where Pretty much all Corpus tilesets with Mag, Grineer tilesets with Valkyr, Void with Wukong and tested in Simulacrum with Nyx.





 1.  Activate Naramon power with Shadow Step passive equipped.

 2.  Shoot stuff, most obvious if you have 100%+ crit chance hence Simulacrum test with Nyx and Rakta Cernos.

 3.  Turn invisible despite description of passive saying melee crits.


Oddly, I then switched to my Nova with over 100% crit Tonkor using the arsenal in the Simulacrum and it didn't happen but it also didn't turn me invisible when she did crit in melee (Jat Kittag).  This makes me think there may be another bug that using the Simulacrum arsenal stops Focus passives working (and yes, I waited 4.5 minutes again to use it again with Nova so it should defintely have been activated).


Activating Naramon power as Nyx in Simulacrum (Ray is a Sahasa Kubrow, definitely not Huras!)

Invisible Nyx after shooting an Ancient Healer with the Rakta Cernos from the top of a pillar, well out of melee range!

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DESCRIPTION: Ivara's Quiver getting stuck after using Navigator, can't switch arrows

Who: Ivara

What Quiver and Navigator

Where any mission





 1. Activate Navigator

 2. Shoot a Quiver arrow

 3. After connecting the arrow, try tapping the quick change quiver , instead of it changing, it just auto fires the arrow.

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As far as I know there is a bug with Ivara's Navigator to where the projectiles you control change trajectory randomly mid-flight and phase through enemies without hitting. I tried this at Draco with Artemis Bow and Tonkor's grenade. Only way I know how to replicate it is by simply activating it. 


This "bug" only happens when colliding said projectile with a an artic eximus shield. Ignore


Edited by Endymion0
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Description: Loss of melee and rolling functionality, identical to an old bug that was frequent immediately after U17.


Reproducible: Not reliably. Appears to occur most often after I use my Focus Ability, but I've only used Mending Tides (Vazarin Way) so far. It does not appear to be triggered by the same thing as back in U17 (spamming parkour moves).



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Description: Simaris Scanner with installed SOL-Battery Widget uses Scan Charges.

Can you Reproduce the Bug? Yes.


Reproduction Steps: 

1. Buy [n] Charges.

2. Enter Mission.

3. Scan [n] Objects.

4 Scanner not usable anymore.


Even though the Scanner now correctly shows unlimited as the counter, it uses the amount of charges bought from Simaris as if there is no SOL-Battery Widget installed. When there are no more charges left the Scanner cannot be used in the Mission again, and is removed from the Gear inventory after finishing the Mission. Charges have to be manually bought and equipped to use the Scanner again.

Edited by lunaticat
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DESCRIPTION: Activating Madurai multiple times without cooldown

Who Warframe/ Focus Power

Where Akkad // Eris




As mentioned above: Had no cooldown for Madurai-abbilty. After i casted it, it was instantly refilled and i was able to use it again.




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DESCRIPTION: Players lose all Focus gains on host migration

If a player is put through host migration (due to host DC, internet hiccup, ill tides, or bad fung shui) the players who are host migrated lose all focus gains up until that point.






A player in our group had an internet hiccup that host migrated him from the group. We all immediately extracted it was minute 25 of the new survival on earth. While the rest of us recieved 3k-7k focus via our lenses, he with the lions share of the damage (like he usually does, only got about 50 or so (what we guessed what he earned from killing the mobs on the way to extraction). We tried a test mission where I hosted and had everyone do a sweep of an exterminate, when the last enemy was killed, I reset my router and forced DC, the migrated and recieved no focus for the mission.

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Currently having an issue since U18 that causes unbearably long load times for basic things for Liset.



Who Liset? Ordis?

What Loading issues when loading Liset or leaving arsenal.

Where Liset.





 1. Easiest way is to be out of the Liset for a while. I did it twice after doing Kadesh on Mars twice.

 2. Loading into Liset. Once inside Liset, takes anywhere from 10-60 seconds to interact with things.

 3. Other times you can be in Arsenal for a while and leaving it will take the same amount of time, then you can move around.

4. Going into Navigation after being idle for a while on the ship will cause it to create a session and instead of taking a split second like normal, it will take 10-60 seconds.


Another note: The way it looks is zoomed out. As if I was still in a mission kind of, but no hud. When it is loading up finally, it will freeze for a couple seconds and zoom back to normal.



Any way of fixing this would be really appreciated. I can only deal with it for so long.

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Description: Mission will not end after extraction.  When I carried my Tenno to extraction as part of the Second Dream quest, I remained in place after extraction.  My Warframe and Tenno were still fully animated, but I could not access the menu, move the camera, or move my Warframe.


Is it reproducible: Possibly?  When I forced the game to close through my task manager and redid the mission (in a different frame), I had no further issues


Steps to Reproduction:

1. Start the last proper mission in The Second Dream quest

2. Go to extraction after completing the objective

3. Wait?

Exact same problem here, but it happens with every mission for me, if played solo.

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