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Len's Progression Fair For All Frames


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From what I have noticed, if you have attached your Lens onto a warframe with heavy AoE ability usage that can kill multiple enemies or "tag" them, you can gain insane amount of progression, as opposed to a warframe that does not. Please find a way to equalize or make the progression gain fair among the warframes please.


Example of what I'm talking about:


My Valk gained 3.1k onto my len's progression, while a couple friends and people I was randomly grouped with were getting upwards of 7-10k on frames like Ember.


What we did similar was that we all had our lens attached to our warframes, both were killing enemies with warframe abilities more often than with weapons. I was using Hysteria the entire time, meanwhile the Ember was using World on Fire.


How Lenses progress, appear to convert affinity at a set conversion ratio to focus. And from what I understand, killing enemies with your warframe abilities allocates most, if not all affinity gain onto your warframe, while shared affinity between party members are equally distributed among all equipped weapons. (correct me if I'm wrong) I believe because warframes like Ember, who have heavy AoE abilities, are able to "tag" enemies similar to how it works in typical MMORPG's they can get loads of affinity for their frames thus converting it all into focus getting an insane amount of progression on their Lens.


Edit: Could maybe be a bug with Hysteria? Cause a Loki in my game is getting about the same as my friend on his Ember.

Edited by quongping
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Got 200 focus affinity from 4 rounds of Draco. Lens equipped on Nova.

Affinity of enemies killed by Molecular Prime goes to the piece of equippment that caused the initial explosion.


So if you MPrime a room full of enemies, then shoot an enemy that will cause the rest to explode. 50% of the Affinity will go to that weapon insdead of your frame.

If you let MPrime get triggered by Nova's first or second ability you will gain 100% warframe affinity instead. So if your Lense is on your warframe consider doing just that,

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Just did the sorties with Valkyr + Naramon Lens, on the 20 mins survival got around 3500 focus ponts. Got another Naramon Lens and going to put it into my melee weapon. Hope this way playing with Hysteria yelds more points...

I'll update later.

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The whole lens attach thing is kinda flawed in it's current presentation.


It's great that we can make use of exp beyond mastery fodder... *looks at multiple weapons over 100mil affinity*

But I feel like I'm a new player again. I have 15 or so upgraded and 4-5 forma weapons and now I can only use one until I luck out and get another lens. Putting it on a frame is an even worse idea since you need different frames for different missions.


So I guess I'm using nothing but Soma Prime until the RNG gods bless me.

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Just did the sorties with Valkyr + Naramon Lens, on the 20 mins survival got around 3500 focus ponts. Got another Naramon Lens and going to put it into my melee weapon. Hope this way playing with Hysteria yelds more points...

I'll update later.



My suspicion also. Hysteria is considered to be a separate melee weapon and the affinity / focus gain achieved with it evaporates into a void.


My Saryn could earn me more Focus I believe, but I don't mind. Eventually I'll get the necessary lens on all items I like to use / use regularly :)

Edited by TychusMechanicus
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I put mine on trinity prime and after a run of draco with my friend and their lens'ed damageing frame I got less then half the exp they got =/ so I am not only locked into a bad/borderline usless lieing stone power I am also unable to level it up and I cant change it without destroyign the freebie and I must also pay 50k to unlock a diffrent not usless tree once i get a lens then put it on something for  a diffrent ability sigh...

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Atm it doesnt calculate the teams exp. Only own kills count.


I hope this is a bug, cause it will punish utility frame usage hard.

And the killstealing will get even  worse.


lol worse? This is perfect, Leechers your time has come.

Putting the lens on your frame was a bad call. Yea Loki, Trin and others don't do damage but they can still shoot. Only getting exp for YOUR kills solves so much of my hate for pub games. They just need to give up some lens to slot multiple items and that setup is perfect.

Do nothings should get nothing.

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Focus gain on my trinity prime is extremely slow as a blessing/link trin. i'm lucky to get 100 focus or a little more per mission.... 4 rounds on draco yielded me a whopping 135 focus. (and i was using ev as well just not as much due to being built for long duration). I would really like if they did something to help those of us who play the support/utility frames out with focus gain.... as it is right now I am being punished for playing my favorite loadout.

 Edit: btw I never leech.. as a blessing/link trin i go out and kill with prejudice, keep my allies healed, revive them if they are dumb enough to blow themselves up with their launchers, and keep folks power up; still very little focus award to me compared to the so called "nuker" frames.

Edited by Kerafrym
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I may have made a bad choice and put the lens on a weapon, scanti tigris.  Doing draco waves I am getting around 250-275 playing a variety of frames.  I decided to try spy as I saw someone mention they were getting 5k on Saturn.

I queued up earth's spy and used hushed on loki.  Racked up a 500 plus bonus on stealth kills a few times.  I made sure to kill any enemy I saw while invis.  Ended the run with 271 having 2 other weapons equipped.

I really wish we had more information about how the affinity for focus is calculated/gained so we can take advantage of it.  Right now it's a bit of a crap shoot and people may have a longer than necessary grind to get another lens so they can make decent progression.

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Spy mission affinity doesn't go towards focus.


Neither do affinity gained from Syndicate Proc kills, otherwise my Sancti Tigris should have gotten me similar amounts of Focus as my Ember Prime did. 






The second picture is me killing all the enemies with my Sancti Tigris along with its' proc effect. If gains were equal, or rather if proc kills added focus affinity, I should have gotten something approaching a third of the amount I got in the first pic.

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Due to the absurdly vague (And downright incorrect.) descriptions when picking paths, I ended up with Vazarin. A healing-centric path when my favorite frame is Trinity. I slotted my Trinity Prime with the lens, since it's the frame I use the most, only to find out that counter-intuitively that was the worst possible frame to slot a lens on.


Running Draco, I get about 1.5k focus per wave, using a Boltor Prime, Vaykor Hek or Brakk as my weapon of choice. Four waves yielded slightly over 7k focus with me being just behind an Ember in kills. The Ember in question? She got over three times the amount of Focus I did, just for pressing 4 at the start of the mission.


This is absolutely ridiculous. Please look into this ASAP. Being punished for playing a frame without tons of AoE damage is frankly ludicrous.

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