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Sorties Rewards And Other Stuff


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Ok lets start with good stuff.



I'll repeat what everyone is saying. AMAZING . Great story that makes sense for warframe universe , great cut scenes that rival/surpass the best in this business , awesome content with different missions and boss battles and of course rewards that are just a cherry on top of everything else . Oh yeah and holywood lvl voice acting .



New  grindfest addition to weapons are well design and personally i like them , it would have been nice to be able to preview the school trees before we choose them , maybe add the animation of nr 5 so we see how it would look like.

But overall its a good addition , gives us more reasons to lvl up the weapons we rly like.

However it would be nicer if it had backwards compatibility with the experience already gained with a weapon ,so my 5 forma guns would feel even more special - and since i have so many of them it would save me some grind but w/e , its not to bad .


Moon Tile set.

HOLY S#&$! WOW! ....

It is THE BEST tileset up to date , its missing archewing missions in the moon asteroid fields IMO , but everything else is pure work of art , the small details , cracks on the walls , orokin energy cracks on the walls and of course THE PUZZLES.

We have told you DE that we loved the void puzzles , we loved the void parkour rooms , finally after over year and a half plus you decide that maybe it is something that your player base likes , and YES WE DO LIKE IT.

Great job on this tile set . WE WANT MORE OF IT!!!! (please)



I like it . New high lvl content for ppl that completed all the star map , that have maxed the syndicate rep and that are sitting on thousands of ducat gear stacked in their arsenals ? Bring it on .It think it should have 5 missions instead of 3 with the final mission as a high lvl boss battle , maybe a nightmare mod mission mode as the 4th. but overall a solid , solid idea and addition , feels in right place for a warframe universe.


But its time for the bad as well , which are the rewards in sorties.

No rewards for every 5 waves of a high lvl defense vs lvl 100-15 enemies? Would it be to hard to give a random t1 key after 5 waves , t2 key after 10 , t3 after 15 and t5 after 20 ? That's the least you could give players for stuff like that , it would feel much better than it is right now.


  And now the WORST of them all , something that pissed me off so much after ALL THOSE GREAT and AMAZING things you have given your player base .




When i 1st saw it , i couldn't believe . "Did DE just gave us FAIR and REWARDING system for completing high lvl content?". "If i grind this thing for 20 days i will be able to get a legendary core ?". "OMG DE you are the BEST" .


Well that's not the case here.

Instead of giving us nice rewards for grinding sorties for 20 days and just getting new reward each day and making sure we don't get same reward twice in a row , you go back to your S#&$ty rng mode again , middle finger to the person responsible for this , you suck balls. Fire that guy , he is a Donald Trump lvl A******.Just kidding no reason to fire someone over stuff like that but to the person in charge of that reward system , have a day sir(fallout4.jpg) , you suck. 


Please change it.Make it so you get rewards for going down the list , 1st are the cores 25 than 50 , than on 3rd day of doing sorties you start getting the weapon parts , than weapon bps ,school tokens, potatoes and finally on the 20th day you can get legendary core. Doesn't that just look more exciting and rewarding? There is no reason for this not be the way sortie rewards work.

After you get all rewards for running missions for 20 days than put in that S#&$ty rng system that is in place right now , but pls do not leave it like it is right now , it's so anticlimactic when you look at all the stuff you delivered with this update.

The possibilities for the new seasons of rewards are endless anyway , let the season run for 3 months , than change rewards and add removed void stuff , rare mods and void trader items , this stuff could give you items to run sortie rewards for at least 2 years , but please do not leave it like it is right now.


So thank you for all the content you delivered with this update , most of it is amazing , truly great job.

Have a great day DE (except for the sortie rewards guy , you can just have a day).             

Edited by syle
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Your Sortie idea... Please no.

They take long enough as it is, 20 minute mandatory surivival plus another 15-25 minutes for the other two required missions. If that is going to be the average for each daily Sortie then they definitely do not need to be any longer!

There's a reason myself and others avoid the Trials... They take too long.

The Sortie's are solid as is.

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Not sure why you would expect anything other than RNG. Nothing else really works on a 'progression' system, so why would Sortie rewards?


I thing you are confused about the sortie rewards

There is no Progression in it anymore , im maxed , my frames are all lvl 30 , my mods are mostly max lvl.

Just because i don't have karak wrath it does not make me any less maxed , same with potatoes or even legendary cores , i have 12+ blue potatoes and almost as many gold ones , and i have almost 4000 cores siting in my mod arsenal

At this point progression is over , this is "completionist" system that we follow at this point and rng DOES NOT WORK AT ALL in that system , just look at the disaster of diablo 3 vanilla rng and you will understand what im talking about.

Edited by syle
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For the sorties reward I seriously got the unairu lens two days in a row.. im okay with rng but can we make it so it just ticks the reward off the list? that would be good, so by the end if you did every single one you'd get all of the rewards. because i can see getting like 10 of the lenses <which dont really help anything unless you get your own> and none of the actually usefull gear like legendary cores or the dera vandal/karak wraith... 

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New  grindfest addition to weapons are well design and personally i like them , it would have been nice to be able to preview the school trees before we choose them , maybe add the animation of nr 5 so we see how it would look like.

But overall its a good addition , gives us more reasons to lvl up the weapons we rly like.

However it would be nicer if it had backwards compatibility with the experience already gained with a weapon ,so my 5 forma guns would feel even more special - and since i have so many of them it would save me some grind but w/e , its not to bad .


Schools need a bit more work. Getting a preview is needed, since everyone will get stuck with his decision for some time.


The trees need more information. Especially the passive bonuses should get some hard numbers. Its not realy helpfull for a decision if you know what the passive does but dont know the numbers to incorporate it into your overall build.


The lenses are a bad design. You get one lense that you can equip on one item, unremoveable. The issue is now, if you want to gather XP you need to find a weapon that you use often over all your builds, wich can be hard if you use alot of different specialized build. It doesnt make much sense if you count in that the daily mission chain was designed to force ppl into some more variety. Getting additional lenses feels a bit like gambling as you require luck to get them from the mission chains.



It think it should have 5 missions instead of 3 with the final mission as a high lvl boss battle , maybe a nightmare mod mission mode as the 4th. but overall a solid , solid idea and addition , feels in right place for a warframe universe.


I wouldnt go for that. You need to count in that the mission chain resets daily and that you need to do all 3 missions to get something. Having 5 could cause the issue that some ppl migth not be able to do them within tehre daily playtime.

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Well, my 2 cents....Stack the rewards with great stuff (check)  make it so during any period you only get one item in list and not repeatable.  Rotate list.  


There gets to be a point u just give up the random grind, ya know?    But i'd happily log in and play the 30mins worth of sorties for knowing that EVENTUALLY during the rotation I'd get the good stuff.       Works the same w/ Syndicates... I put in two or three days searching for sigils and I have a 100k standing.   I buy weapon or mods and sell them.   Nothing so random.

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Sortie rewards need reworked for the amount of work and time we put into it. Need more ways to get lenses.

Focus system needs a little work, but since it's still in beta its not that big a problem.


Idea for sortie system: Do a daily rotation in rewards, guarantees certain rewards and rewards those who are consistent. (Missing a day resets the rotation.)

Edited by Viedra_Lavinova
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When i 1st saw it , i couldn't believe . "Did DE just gave us FAIR and REWARDING system for completing high lvl content?". "If i grind this thing for 20 days i will be able to get a legendary core ?". "OMG DE you are the BEST" .


Well that's not the case here.

Instead of giving us nice rewards for grinding sorties for 20 days and just getting new reward each day and making sure we don't get same reward twice in a row , you go back to your S#&$ty rng mode again , middle finger to the person responsible for this , you suck balls. Fire that guy , he is a Donald Trump lvl A******.Just kidding no reason to fire someone over stuff like that but to the person in charge of that reward system , have a day sir(fallout4.jpg) , you suck.




When I first saw list below sorties..with green selected item that i get.. i though:

"great.. next day another item will be green.. next day another.. no more stupid RNG.. i will get all rewards from the list (or at least most of it)"


Next day.. what a big disappointment :(


So.. with my luck.. i end up with many duplicates.. no weapon.



DE.. please.. i'm curious... what is drop chance of "Legendary Core".. 0,0001% or 0,000001%?

Less than chance of winning millions in lottery or more? :P

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I agree completely about the sortie rewards. It cannot stay as it is as the whole idea in the first place was endgame content for endgame players with a decent reward for completion.


At the moment I am having difficulty summoning the strength to play them just because I don't want another damn lens.


I don't even like the idea of someone getting super luck and getting legendary cores how ever many times in a row. 


Should be ticked off each time you get a reward, end of. 

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Sorties already take too long for poeple with lives, if there is a def or interception that is.


Inters aren't so bad if ýour squad is somewhere decent, but defenses, HELL NO.

They are 20 waves long, with lvl ~100 enemies. a combination that makes it to take over40 minutes to finish.

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