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[Spoiler] Questions Regarding Multiple Focus (Foci?)



Hi folks,


By chance that anyone has gotten far enough with the Focus system to answer these questions, can you provide some clarification on the following?




1. Can you equip passive abilities from multiple Foci at the same time, or are you restricted to the abilities linked in one active Focus tree? 


2. After you have unlocked multiple trees/Foci, how do you switch your number 5 attack?


3. Can you pre-configure each Warframe to use a different active #5 Focus ability, or do you have to manually go from your Arsenal menu over to your Operator/Focus menu?


4. Are passives always active on your Warframe or do you have to trigger your #5 Focus ability first?


5. Are all Focus passives permanent for the mission or are some of them only briefly available after using your ability? (I believe we can all agree the interface is very unclear about how these operate, since they don't even give us the numeric value of the boosts themselves.)





I know it's really early in progression to be discussing this, but I would greatly appreciate some clarification if it just happens to be available. :)

Edited by Exodess
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If you don't mind, I'd like to add a quick question: Do I have to get 75k focus in my main skill to unlock other skills or save up X amount of focus unlock an ability?


I'm still grinding Focus exp, not even half way to maxing first ability. 


Fastest way I found was to solo-farm Dark Sector Survival on Ceres. And even that's only about 10k per half hour.

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Fastest way I found was to solo-farm Dark Sector Survival on Ceres. And even that's only about 10k per half hour.


reconsider high level enemies and defense missions/survivals into low level hordes type missions with a S#&$ ton of spawns. 


With a booster i max out daily focus within 35-45 minutes, not sure, simple lense as well, not greater one. 


And as far as your 2nd question goes, once u unlock another School, there is an option "Make Primary" which switched ur 5th ability to that of new school. 

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1. Nope, only the primary tree passives are taken into consideration

2. Dunno, good question!

3. Nope, the chosen school is universal for all the frames at the same time

4. They are triggered once you use the focus power in mission for the first time

5. They are active for the whole remaining mission once triggered

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Yes, both the IG screen and the wiki are not yet clear about what you ask, so my best guess:


1. Yes you can equip two lenses from two different schools, but your 5 key only use the tree you set chose as primary.

2. I think you can select the node in the tree, as the active node, and switch between missions.

3. You need to go to the Focus screen for all things Focus-related.

4. Let's clarify "active" and "trigger", they are always loading, then ready to be triggered, when triggered they are active.

5. I think Focus and Abilities are separate mechanics, so yes, I think they are always available to even if you don't have energy for your abilities. At least, this is what I noticed so far.


6. If DE is talking about a tree, then yes, I think you need the precedent node in the tree before you can unlock the next nodes.




To increase your daily cap, I guess that's what the red increase button is for.




Choose wisely with next nodes in the tree, you only have 5 slots, so you can unlock them all, but I think only store 5 of them.

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If you don't mind, I'd like to add a quick question: Do I have to get 75k focus in my main skill to unlock other skills or save up X amount of focus unlock an ability?


I'm still grinding Focus exp, not even half way to maxing first ability. 


You need a lens of that school to get focus for that school.

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