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Melee 3.0 Please


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With the number of enemies coming at you, not sure, imagine you're facing a group of 10 and you're locked on the 1st one kill him in one strike and the camera keeps switching to every enemy, rotating.. dunno...

Yes I know, that is why I said maybe, worse with the infested. But I have always been unconfortable with the camara while using melee.

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Sorry but as a guy who mostly uses melee I must say guns should be better by their natural advantages. Guns > swords. simple as that.



Considering most videogames are designed to be fun at the expense of realism (especially since this is a game about ridiculously skilled space-ninja-wizard-whateverthehells), adding pros and cons to different gameplay styles is a very common thing.


Why implement melee so heavily into the game in the first place if they're supposed to be useless?

Edited by Shrapnel110
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While I agree -- in general -- that melee needs some fixes, I can think of one specific example that quite literally BREAKS the melee system in teeny-tiny pieces.


Valkyr's Hysteria.


Sure, Exalted Blade has what is basically a 40m terrain-punchthrough Getsuga Tensho, but it can't be set-up to allow you to perma-sustain a Berserker build.


Hysteria, however, can, provided you:

Use a True Steel mod on your weapon, and also:

(Second Dream spoiler below)

Choose the Naramon School as your Primary Focus, and unlock the Deadly Intent passive to the 2nd of 4 ranks (unlock it, and upgrade it once); you'll get an additive 20% critical chance bonus to your melee attacks.


Due to Hysteria having an innate chance of 50%, and True Steel increasing that to 80% at max rank, those three upgrades together will give you a critical chance of 100%.


At max rank of Deadly Intent, you'll have a 110% crit chance.


If you also use True Punishment, you can bring that up to 130% while channeling.


On top of all that, another Naramon passive, Shadow Step, will give you 5/6/8/10 seconds of stealth on EVERY melee critical hit.


So basically, you can perma-sustain berserker, and also perma-sustain being cloaked, immune to status, immune to damage, immune to knockdown......oh, right, and also, Primed Fury is a login reward at 200 days. So you'll be able to increase your melee speed to....230% of base speed, eventually, provided you use Berserker (caps at +75% speed), and Primed Fury (adds +55% speed).


Oh, and that's without using Warcry.

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Master the parkour movements and by that, you can have an advantage in field of Melee.

I go Excal with D. Nikana all the time. Nothing else. I'm trying to be Teshin-like player :"). T4 Surv for 60+ mins is still playable with ease (I only got LS problem, which DE needs to work on enemy spawn rate).

PS... If only the rainbow element on Damage 1.0 would be back. LOL~

Edited by Arkstorm
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While I agree -- in general -- that melee needs some fixes, I can think of one specific example that quite literally BREAKS the melee system in teeny-tiny pieces.


Valkyr's Hysteria.


Sure, Exalted Blade has what is basically a 40m terrain-punchthrough Getsuga Tensho, but it can't be set-up to allow you to perma-sustain a Berserker build.


Hysteria, however, can, provided you:

Use a True Steel mod on your weapon, and also:

(Second Dream spoiler below)

Choose the Naramon School as your Primary Focus, and unlock the Deadly Intent passive to the 2nd of 4 ranks (unlock it, and upgrade it once); you'll get an additive 20% critical chance bonus to your melee attacks.


Due to Hysteria having an innate chance of 50%, and True Steel increasing that to 80% at max rank, those three upgrades together will give you a critical chance of 100%.


At max rank of Deadly Intent, you'll have a 110% crit chance.


If you also use True Punishment, you can bring that up to 130% while channeling.


On top of all that, another Naramon passive, Shadow Step, will give you 5/6/8/10 seconds of stealth on EVERY melee critical hit.


So basically, you can perma-sustain berserker, and also perma-sustain being cloaked, immune to status, immune to damage, immune to knockdown......oh, right, and also, Primed Fury is a login reward at 200 days. So you'll be able to increase your melee speed to....230% of base speed, eventually, provided you use Berserker (caps at +75% speed), and Primed Fury (adds +55% speed).


Oh, and that's without using Warcry.

That's just insane, I figured as much earlier, just never added up the numbers so to speak. While I try not to use Hysteria for anything other than revives or to survive (until higher levels), that would be an awesome build with the only condition that you gotta wait until your 5th is ready, so great for endless missions. Atm I just took the M. Focus tree, since it supports my playstyle outside of hysteria well and is an overall nice straightforward tree in terms of passives.

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  • 3 weeks later...

While I agree -- in general -- that melee needs some fixes, I can think of one specific example that quite literally BREAKS the melee system in teeny-tiny pieces.


Valkyr's Hysteria.


Sure, Exalted Blade has what is basically a 40m terrain-punchthrough Getsuga Tensho, but it can't be set-up to allow you to perma-sustain a Berserker build.


Hysteria, however, can, provided you:

Use a True Steel mod on your weapon, and also:

(Second Dream spoiler below)

Choose the Naramon School as your Primary Focus, and unlock the Deadly Intent passive to the 2nd of 4 ranks (unlock it, and upgrade it once); you'll get an additive 20% critical chance bonus to your melee attacks.


Due to Hysteria having an innate chance of 50%, and True Steel increasing that to 80% at max rank, those three upgrades together will give you a critical chance of 100%.


At max rank of Deadly Intent, you'll have a 110% crit chance.


If you also use True Punishment, you can bring that up to 130% while channeling.


On top of all that, another Naramon passive, Shadow Step, will give you 5/6/8/10 seconds of stealth on EVERY melee critical hit.


So basically, you can perma-sustain berserker, and also perma-sustain being cloaked, immune to status, immune to damage, immune to knockdown......oh, right, and also, Primed Fury is a login reward at 200 days. So you'll be able to increase your melee speed to....230% of base speed, eventually, provided you use Berserker (caps at +75% speed), and Primed Fury (adds +55% speed).


Oh, and that's without using Warcry.

While true about valkyr and excaliber, it doesn't account for the problem with other frames going melee. Mesa and Ivara obviously being the exception because they have their own roles. Personally, I am a Rhino Prime + Jat Kittag main, and I am quite fond of this combo, especially with rhino's new rework. I have challenged myself with my friends to complete a raid with only a rhino p, frost p, trinity p, valkyr, and loki p melee only, and we crushed it. While I would like a buff to melee, I find nothing wrong with it at the moment when using the right weapons. If only they would buff some melee weapons, I'd be happy. Also, there is a problem with the new focus passives. The crits of the melee weapons only seem to activate berserker and shadow step on the original crit chance and not the additional crits from deadly intent. This may be intentional, a bug, or I'm just going crazy, but it seems to be the case. Either way, they better fix it, because I would love to have a perma invisible valkyr with me.

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1) More finisher animations

2) Either erase charge attack or overhaul it again. Poor excuse of being a charge attack. While we're at it we should get the option that can be toggled wherein we change directly into melee mode after using charge attack.

3) Channeling 2.0



4) I can't tell which is worse. The time spent on coming up with different names for slide attacks/slam attacks/finishers or the time spent coming up with more ridiculous time/rng-gate mechanics.

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