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Game Too Easy Or Too Hard? (Vote!)


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 It takes like 10 hours to get to wave 150. Its mostly a stamina race, not a skill test.

And... where is fun in that?

Frost uses Ice Globe, Vauban uses Bastilla, Nyx uses Chaos. Invincible party out of nowhere. The only probable issue is ammo. SO VERY CHALLENGING.

You can have scripts or bots instead of people - they will get to wave 1000 and beyond that way.

I can hardly understand how pressing a single button requires a lot of skill and is challenging.


I effortlessly got to wave 25 with Nyx solo and got bored of pressing 3. Pretty sure i can get to wave 50 if im careful enough.

My dethcube can defend the cryopod up to wave 10 with me being completely AFK.


The only challenge i managed to find was restricting myself to melee and having no offensive powers while going on a mission. But its like playing counter-strike with knives only.



Warframe really needs some hardcore gameplay things. Not just stunlocks or bullet-sponge enemies.

Id say half-invisible enemies, more slash-dashing ones.... generally more MOBILE enemies that keep the gameplay intense.


We can have a hardcore mode for those bored, can we not? That way you can play either easy mode or a hard one. And difference shouldnt be just hit points and damage of enemies.

Later i will create a detailed description of what a hardcore mode should be in my personal view.



if it's easy, you made it easy.

If it's hard, you made it hard.

Simply that. Why use Nyx's 3?

At first I thought stalker would be a challenge. Instead he wasn't. Met him 3 times before U8 and I easily killed him all 3 times without breaking a sweat with Loki.


After U8 I decided to try Excalibur on him. I lost and died miserably.

Moral of the story? You made it easy for yourself.

I never said for you to press a single button over and over again.

Anyone can do that. Before U7 Xini was consider a very Hard Defense mission.

Guess what. People made it extremely easy by spamming 4, Nyx and Ember spamming 3.

I did 1 run without using a single skill with a few team members. We got wiped out. They overwhelmed us.

No matter what game you play. It will eventually become boring and non challenging once you get Godlike equipment/weapons.


Example : Maplestory

Pink Bean first came out people had trouble with it. No one ever beat it.

After about a year I think. People learned the Mechanics and got even more Godlike equipments.

Now I see people soloing that thing in 30 min or so.

Zakum dead in under 30 second. Something that would of taken about an hour or more before 4th Job came out.


Moral of all this:


if it's easy, you made it easy.

If it's hard, you made it hard.

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90 replies as of now, 66% (thats 60 people) voted for "this game is too easy".


Here is some basic concepts about optional Hardcore difficulty mode for missions:



I feel there is some demand for this. Personally I would find this game a lot more challenging if something similar is implemented.

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Hard to say on this... some areas easy... some areas hard... I definitely know doing Rescue solo on the higher up areas like Ceres, and Sedna is impossible... Void exterminate T3... just forget it unless you can gather the strongest team EVER... Even some weapons are far harder then usual to build... some of them costing in the 4000s to build it... like dang...


Anyway for the most part its up and down for me...

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Hard to say on this... some areas easy... some areas hard... I definitely know doing Rescue solo on the higher up areas like Ceres, and Sedna is impossible... Void exterminate T3... just forget it unless you can gather the strongest team EVER... Even some weapons are far harder then usual to build... some of them costing in the 4000s to build it... like dang...


Anyway for the most part its up and down for me...

Arlyan ill make you a deal.


Ill let you run my 5 Tier 1 keys while i afk.


If you let me solo 1 Tier 3 key :) while you afk.

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I just think there needs to be a wider range of difficulty.  Don't make the whole game harder, but give the elite players something to chew on.  Of course you could always try to solo a defense mission to wave 100, but even if it were possible, it would be completely boring.


I really like what they did with the new Lech Kril boss fight.  I'm hoping they add that sort of challenge and teamwork to other bosses and levels. 


And when they add in greater challenges, I'm hoping greater rewards come with them.  They need to plan for players' abilities to work together and achieve what they never thought possible.  I laughed when they said on the stream that they never expected players to get much further than wave 20 or 30 in defense missions and that's the reason you can get a Hellfire mod at wave 100. 


They also need to be careful on who they're leaving out.  New long term challenges shouldn't require players to be part of a huge clan or have to pay money to unlock what they need to reach that goal. 

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Void exterminate T3... just forget it unless you can gather the strongest team EVER... 

I can solo it no problem.

Completed it with my clanmates or friends quite effortlessly several times. Not much of a challenge if you have powerful gear.


Powerful gear = potatoed boltor with multishot and all-damage-mods. Not really that hard to get.



I just think there needs to be a wider range of difficulty.  Don't make the whole game harder, but give the elite players something to chew on.  Of course you could always try to solo a defense mission to wave 100, but even if it were possible, it would be completely boring.


I really like what they did with the new Lech Kril boss fight.  I'm hoping they add that sort of challenge and teamwork to other bosses and levels. 




Lech Kril requires teamwork, because you have to shoot him in the back. Its that simple, but it is much more fun than him being a bullet-sponge.

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I have played pretty much all of my time solo as I don't see the point in Coop just yet. The only Coop elements are really pressing G to mark mods etc so players can grab em and having a second player at the door with you for the by pass


Later planets solo do have some great moments, swarms of any faction can be pretty cool...especialy in larger rooms with Grineer since they can spread out on the different tiers shooting from above and below.


From what I see on youtube 4 player Coop is 4 frames bouncing about rooms trashing everything insight. Game needs to buff mobs per player ingame and also add in more stuff you need to work together on to bring down.


Couple of mid lvl bosses, extra heavy units and scale per player wouldn't go a miss as a start and would help alot keeping people working together vs the moans I see here where Player X is at the evac shouting come on noobs RUN FASTER!!!


Either way though as with every Beta game lots to do and fix...the guys/gals at DE are going as fast as they can and as this game moves closer to full release it's just going to get better and better, deffo confident once alot of the more evil of things are fixed in whatever way needed Warframe is going to be a very very awesome game indeed.

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Can people please keep voting and commenting? We really need more opinions!


I feel the need to constantly bump this thread, because IMO its a bit more important than threads about clan weapons or forma drop rates.

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Generally too easy, a few monsters are too "hard" ?

I wouldnt call them hard it's just that, if they hit you, you are screwed most of the times...


(yes i mean lvl 50-60+ ancients stunlocking you to death if u miss the first dodge)


Beside that the game is kinda easy

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I don't think the game is too easy for casual players, for the contrary I think and I speak as a casual player that the game has easy missions and hard missions.


Now for a E-peener, 24/7 player the game maybe easy.

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The difficulty is a problem for this game but not in any specific direction.  The current difficulty is fine for the most part, for casual players.  I do think that the game needs some more challenge, but not in the form of increasing the difficulty across the game.  DE needs to start putting in much more time in producing some real end game.  End game that isn't as hard to access as tier 3 void towers, but probably not stupidly easy to get access to.  Also, something that can't be solo'd like tier 3 void towers can be. 


I think they moving in a good direction, but currently it is so easy to just blow through the game and be left with very little to do.  The game is lacking in both 'end game' challenge and overall content. 

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Everyone just use trinity solo with no link , blessing or energy vampire with a weapon that consumes ammo very quickly and takes more than 15 shots to kill a level 20 enemy. Next, no heavy weapons or dual handed allowed, no stealth and no sentinels.


Trinity can have full rank, potatoed and modded to the brim.

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Everyone just use trinity solo with no link , blessing or energy vampire with a weapon that consumes ammo very quickly and takes more than 15 shots to kill a level 20 enemy. Next, no heavy weapons or dual handed allowed, no stealth and no sentinels.


Trinity can have full rank, potatoed and modded to the brim.

That is some artificial difficulty. Its like playing Counter-Strike knife-only. Or playing Dota with a carry-geared support hero. Or playing Diablo with a meleeing caster character.

Its not how these games are meant to be played.

And its generally considered "laughing the game in the face" or better "trolling".


Also, if for the game to be challenging i need BAD gear, what is the point in me leveling up, building a frame of my choice and gearing how i like? Zero point in doing it.

So there is zero point in buying catalysts, reactors, formas, weapon and warframe slots.

Which means zero point in buying platinum, if i dont want to buy cosmetics.


So, bad idea.


And if i want to play the game the way it is meant to be played, if im willing to spend some platinum on a couple formas or catalysts, it becomes so effortless, i get bored quickly.

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I myself completely agree with people saying that solo is hard when you start. It was true for me - i started as Mag and found the game quite challenging. Had to take cover, aim only for the head, adjust my running so that melee charge attacks are not interrupted...


I got my first serration and hellfire mods, as well as redirection and vitality very late. It was like the 4th day of me playing.

And as soon as i got them, the game became A LOT easier.


I started playing online and it became a massacre.

Headshots? why bother?

Taking cover? are you kidding me? why?

Run into a crowd and press 4. Try to do it before others in your party to feel awesome.


I realised something is fishy when i found myself being able to shoot Hyena in the face and kill it before it kills me.

I realised something is even fishier when my dethcube killed Hyena without me helping.



There are basically several in-game steps:

1) the beginning. No mods. No weapons. Difficulty = very hard (solo).

2) Your first damage and survival mods. Difficulty = medium (solo).

3) New weapons of choice. A frame of choice. Leveled mods. Diffuculty = easy (solo).

4) Maxed out mods. Multishot. Flow-streamline-focus. Maxed sentinel. Difficulty = effortless.


And when playing online its either EASY or EFFORTLESS from the very start - depending on who you play with.


I play with my friends, we have skype and are used to playing coop games, but... there is no need for teamwork here!

The only thing we are ever saying on skype is: "hey, theres ferrite over here" or "ill go afk until 15th wave, k?"

LOL! you got it on the 4th day... I played for 80hours then i start to see serration hornet strike point blank... Before that....All my mods are basically AP n some elemental...



And for those that say endless Def mission is easy...Just spam 3 or 4... Why not try using rhino/mag/trinity and solo... I really would like to learn spamming which button can help me pass wave 15(io).  Thx in advance. 

Edited by Lumdalumlum
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LOL! you got it on the 4th day... I played for 80hours then i start to see serration hornet strike point blank... Before that....All my mods are basically AP n some elemental...



And for those that say endless Def mission is easy...Just spam 3 or 4... Why not try using rhino/mag/trinity and solo... I really would like to learn spamming which button can help me pass wave 15(io).  Thx in advance. 

1) mods are based on randomness of the game. While i totally feel sorry for you, its one another issue. The devs promised to address this in some way.


2) My friend got solo to wave 25 on Io with Mag. Pressed 4 to clean out the lesser ones and shot ancients down with boltor. He has like 100hours played - not much more than you.

The other friend of mine has Rhino (non-potatoed) and kills everything with his radial blast and charge.

My girlfriend plays trinity and, well, she does have some issues. With link she is pretty unkillable though.


As of me, i can solo Io 15 waves with any frame and any weapon loadout as long as i can keep my dethcube floating around. He kills lvl40 ancient infested in around 5 seconds or so. I can even go AFK up to wave 10.

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As of me, i can solo Io 15 waves with any frame and any weapon loadout as long as i can keep my dethcube floating around. He kills lvl40 ancient infested in around 5 seconds or so. I can even go AFK up to wave 10.


How many times did you polarize it? What lvl serration?


I can only afk to wave ~7 and i polarized it once.

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How many times did you polarize it? What lvl serration?


I can only afk to wave ~7 and i polarized it once.

105% serration, maxed multishot, speed trigger, hellfire, cryo rounds, piercing hit.

maxed swift deth and vaporize.

reactor, catalyst. Polarized it once - multishot goes there saving me 7 points.


Also, i have maxed retribution mod on my frame - any lesser infested hitting me die pretty much instantly.

Edited by MyXmaN
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105% serration, maxed multishot, speed trigger, hellfire, cryo rounds, piercing hit.

maxed swift deth and vaporize.

reactor, catalyst. Polarized it once - multishot goes there saving me 7 points.


Also, i have maxed retribution mod on my frame - any lesser infested hitting me die pretty much instantly.

We have identical deth cubes lol


I guess the difference is the retribution and you standing on the ground. I sit on boxes so the swarm goes straight for the pod.

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