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Don't worry I won't. He isn't evil he just has a major temper problem like yours. He may die because of it but if he does then I might just brImg in one of my other OCs. I'll give maul a shot and see how I feel about him later.

If you're hellbent on using him, that's okily dokily, just remember what I have said.

Anyway, you're going to have to change the bio. It makes very little sense and simply does not fit in well with both the thead, and the lore of Warframe.

If you need help, you can always ask me, I would be more than happy to assist.

Edited by 011100110110000101101101
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Name: Lastian The Everlasting


Race: Orokin


Warframe: N/A


Loadout: Lex Prime, Tekko


Appearance: Art By Deviantart Artist Liger_Inuzuka



Personality:Secretive, Cryptic, Loyal, Manipulator.


Bio and History:  The so-called "Everlasting" never was part of the Orokin Elite until recently, infact, Lastian was a Dax, one of the many faceless meatshields of the Empire, his life was Duty and Honor up until they managed to "win" an engagement on Uranus, the fight was costly for the Daxs, entire battalions slaughtered to liberate one of the Bio-Labs present on his Oceans.


Being one of the last military high-ranks on the planet Lastian was bringed to Capitus III, there he managed to "Cover Up" the reports of the engagement, forge the right papers and remain on the Station, masked as "The Everlasting", one of the less-important members of the Orokin Elite.



(I know it's short, but with all the little lore bits that we have on Daxs and the Orokin i simply can't make something longer for now, i would probably expand him more as im altready liking him as a character)

Edited by vodkacrepper
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While I do appreciate the help from you all, I'd ask that you please refrain from actively giving out judgement on whether or not characters can or cannot be accepted into the thread. But it was all in good faith, so what the hell.

Does anyone mind if i tag along?

Name: maul (his real name is unknown as he keeps it secret)

Race: Tenno

Warframe (If applicable): ash prime

Loadout: Tigris, akjagara, redeemer (blade set :D). Archwing: eltron, arch-weapons: phaedra and centaur

Appearance: tall, average weight, short black hair, a scar on his forehead, brown eyes.

Warframe Appearance (If applicable): http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/352772286708438943/163F959675DDB80E338AEE06F6A83DFFA28EB253/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside%7C1024:*

Personality: extremely aggressive so he trys to stay alone so no one gets hurt...unless they are an enemie

Bio and History: since he was born his parents had been notified that he has a serious problem and that his emotions may take over and cause him to go out of control but they didn't listen. When he was 8 his family was attacked by some grineer units. Seeing his mother getting killed he let his anger take over and slaughtered everyone in the house, including his own family. Since then he hid himself away from everyone else. Many years later he had been learning on how to take full control of his anger and use it for the benefits for him and his allies. Because of his brute strength and skills he has been accepted into the
Gilded Champions but had to make sure that he doesn't slaughter everyone to remain in the group. He doesn't like stealth and finds it more fun to attack, meaning that he only uses smokescreen when he needs it most. As he is such an aggressive target people have put up bountys worth 1 million pounds on him but the images they caught of him aren't so good and only showed a blur and the bounty shows his real name but since he changed it to maul, nobody knows who he actually is.

Tell me what you think I should keep and change.

But let's get down to brass tacks, shall we?


First things first, if you are indeed incredibly adamant about joining in the thread, I'd like to ask that you proofread your posts a bit more before posting, as while you may have good ideas and such, delivering them in a sloppy manner tends to leave one hung up on small details like spelling. Plus, it just looks neater.


Next up, I'd take a look through the introductory post in the thread and read it rather carefully. This takes place before the events of Warframe proper. This means that the Grineer are not rapidly degrading, ultraviolent warmongers like they are in-game. In this time period, they are slaves. Workers. The hard labor force. As such I find it extremely unlikely that any Grineer would escape, let alone go as far as murdering an Orokin citizen's family. You're definitely going to have to change that.


On the topic of the bounty placed on his head, once again this RP does not take place in the period of time you're used to (in-game). This takes place beforehand, during the war with the Sentients. I find it hard to believe that anyone would put a bounty on one of the best possible hopes that the Orokin have for winning the war.


I'm sorry, but in its current state, I cannot accept your application until these things are fixed. If you need any help, feel free to inquire within the thread, as I or anyone else would be happy to help out.




Name: Lastian The Everlasting


Race: Orokin


Warframe: N/A


Loadout: Lex Prime, want to know about the Slicekor and the Kruvas before choosing a melee





Personality:Secretive, Cryptic, Loyal, Manipulator.


Bio and History:  The so-called "Everlasting" never was part of the Orokin Elite until recently, infact, Lastian was a Dax, one of the many faceless meatshields of the Empire, his life was Duty and Honor up until they managed to "win" an engagement on Uranus, the fight was costly for the Daxs, entire battalions slaughtered to liberate one of the Bio-Labs present on his Oceans.


Being one of the last military high-ranks on the planet Lastian was bringed to Capitus III, there he managed to "Cover Up" the reports of the engagement, forge the right papers and remain on the Station, masked as "The Everlasting", one of the less-important members of the Orokin Elite.



(I know it's short, but with all the little lore bits that we have on Daxs and the Orokin i simply can't make something longer for now, i would probably expand him more as im altready liking him as a character)



Firstly, if you're going to use someone else's art, it'd be appreciated if you'd credit them (even if their name IS plastered all over the image in question, it's just common courtesy).


Next up I'm actually quite glad that someone has taken the initiative to apply with an Orokin character, I like it! The information about the two admittedly homebrew weapons is that, from what I gleaned from the codex and synthesis entries, do not have names. I simply named them what I thought would fit. The Kruvas is a plasma shovel used for mining operations by the Grineer. It vibrates and pulses on contact with what appears to be a shimmering material (forma, perhaps, something that you would mine for. Some sort of ore) and has an inducer that, when turned on, magnetizes the ore to it for easier sorting. It's shown in the Lancer synthesis entry if you need more information.

The Slizekor comes from the Arid Eviscerator synthesis imprint. It is, in essence a more crude Panthera. Think of a buzz saw that one would use to cut wood, only wielded with two hands and capable of cutting through bone, and sinew.


Other than that, i can't think of anything that you could change. I would ask for a more expanded bio, but with what little we've been given as lore, I can understand. Do expand upon it if you get the chance, however.

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Well...here goes nothing, I hope this will be ok.

Name: Nixtla Dylmus (Can be changed.)

Age:21 (Can change to fit setting/lore)



Warframe (If applicable):Nova (Prime if applicable, I didn't see any rules about primes. No problem in using normal nova though)

Loadout: Soma Prime,AkLex, Dragon Nikana.

AW Loadout: Itzal,Dual Decurion, Veritux.

Affiliation: Gilded Champions.

Appearance:I dunno how far I can stretch the appereance with hair colors, so i'll list two versions:

Black hair (dark blue if applicable), usually kept tidy in a ponytail with a bow, green eyes, slender buid, 5'7 feet tall.always wears different types of gold/silver earrings. Both her arm are covered by technocyte up to shoulder height.

Warframe Appearance (If applicable):


Original color scheme first used by G0DLIKE_99KINGZ

Personality: I could define it as explosive but you'd kill me XD.

Positive feats:

Friendly,Outgoing and a bit hyperactive with a hint of naive.

Negative feats:

Impatient, impulsive, stubborn.


She has a thing on Syandanas and explosives. But mainly syandanas. She sectretly holds a collection and each time she sees a new one she goes crazy about it.

Bio and History:

(If needed)Combat logs:

Mission undertaken: 283

AW Mission undertaken: 122

Mission failed:27

AW mission failed:24

Mission success:154

Additional stats (irrelevant to the rp but fun to list anyway)


Mastery Rank:///Classified///


-Blade Proficiency [Nikanas/Long swords] (can use melee weapons efficiently without harming teamates or herself.)

-Pistol Proficiency (can use pistols efficiently without shooting herself or harm allies)

-Rifle Proficiency (can use rifles efficiently without harming allies)


-Basic Tenno Training Exam: Promoted (85/100)

-Standard Tenno Training Exam: Promoted (74/100)

-Advanced Tenno Training Exam: Promoted (80/100)

-Hacking Exam: Promoted (60/100)

-Rifle Exam: Promoted (70/100)

-Pistol Exam: Promoted (80/100)

-Nikana Combat Exam: Promoted (100/100)

-Long Sword Combat Exam: Promoted (60/100)

-Sharpshooting Test: Failed (53/100)

-Seven Principles Test: Promoted (7/7)

Dubbed "The blue speed demon" by her teammates and "Nix" by her close friends, everyone knows not to mess with the explosive personality of this Nova user when it comes to two things: Sentients and Syandanas.

Even though her impulsive behavior can make things worse sometimes, her actions always proved to be on point even under a great deal of stress and under the most dire of situations. Jumping from front line attacking to a support role with her extreme mobility, she is all over the place ready to help allies or kick sentients back to the Tau system. The only moment things slow down is when something explodes immediately after.

Back at base she is always seen taking long walks around the place and have a talk with the various inhabitants of Capitus III, her secret-not so secret hunt for new syandanas of all types for her collection keeps her curious to meet new faces and possessor of a friendly reputation among Tenno and Orokin alike.

Edit: Sorry for any mispelling errors, I am not a native english speaker.

Edited by ShaneKahnnigan17
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Well, there's no problem in asking for help, but what I'd start with is a different character entirely. I wouldn't want you to change your character just to suit the thread. But if you DO feel like just changing Maul, I'd suggest not basing his entire character off of outer events to start with. That usually comes later in character development.

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Well, as of right now my good sam, you're free to have Ayuts be doing as she wishes on the station. Right now, no one other than nameless Dax and Grineer are down on Europa.

I was also waiting for you to introduce her into the IC before I made any posts about what was going on anywhere else. It's just how I do things as I can't split my attention to a place I don't know exists, if you get my drift. I basically can't put work into setting up what's around her if I don't know where she is.

Unfortunately I'm away from my computer right now in class, so I won't be able to make any huge posts in the IC until around 10PM EST

Edited by Starnsy_Warnsy
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Well, as of right now my good sam, you're free to have Ayuts be doing as she wishes on the station. Right now, no one other than nameless Dax and Grineer are down on Europa.

I was also waiting for you to introduce her into the IC before I made any posts about what was going on anywhere else. It's just how I do things as I can't split my attention to a place I don't know exists, if you get my drift. I basically can't put work into setting up what's around her if I don't know where she is.

Okily dokily.

I got'cha.

Thanks for clearing that up!

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Btw sorry if this sounds like I'm trying to throw myself into the rp but can I just join the rp and then think of maul's backstory throughout the ic thread? I know the awnser is clearly no but I'm asking because maul's backstory wouldn't come until much later in the rp so yea.

If you said yes it would be a miracle but I know the awnser is and will be no so yea...

It's either think hard or leave (for me at least :|)

Edited by crimsonspartan1
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