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Ominous Loading Screen Message?[Megathread]


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  • 1 month later...

I think I just figured something out, so when it says: 

On 10/1/2015 at 7:49 PM, theclinton said:

Vawad oo lehnk sehvarehd

  (void)   (link)  (severed)

Rosawn fawrehagn karawr dehtehktehd. Awragan uhnknown. Saspakihawn trakinng sihgnal.

(reason)    (foreign) (carrier) (detected).   (origin)    (unknown).    (suspection     (tracking)    (signal)

It could be referring to the Helmith virus and how it's infected your warframe with the pink cyst.

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3 minutes ago, -W3E-King said:

I think I just figured something out, so when it says: 

It could be referring to the Helmith virus and how it's infected your warframe with the pink cyst.

or it could be refering to a new raid about an attack on your operator by the orokin tower's neural sentry but then im probably just so bored with the game im seeing new raids everywhere. 

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Just did the Orokin Reactor alert, and while loading the Liset, the known terminal appeared with the Orokin lettering. Tried to capture it but I have disabled UI in screenshots so nothing captured. I want to find out what is this about like a manic. Thanks to all the people that spent time on figuring this out. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just had this strange loading screen while joining a lobby for Psamath this morning. Glad to see this already is investigated! Alas I can't bring much except than the "seyenc" word reminds me of "science", although the meaning remains cryptical

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  • 4 weeks later...

Happened just recently, this was second time i got this kinda message and now i got screenshots. Didnt get full message clearly because game started and white screen came, so had to edit the image to show rest of the message. Original can be found in the imgur album at link below.



Edit: Happened again added better picture.



Edited by arakkam
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  • 4 weeks later...

Today I got antoher one I never saw before. The window was red instead of the usual transparent/grey-ish color and the text was red (approx 2 sentences).

Unfortunately, I didn't screen it due to the surprise ; could it be related to Chains of Harrow/Plains of Eidolon or just old stuff related to Second Dream?

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  • 1 month later...

ok, so i got this screen while loading into the earth mission, mariana. Came here to try and figure out what it means, so I'm going to put my two cents in on what I see from the rest of the forums about this. Apparently this could be an easter egg for the second dream quest, I'm currently only mastery rank 6 and have not even completed the first dream quest yet. so that theory does not prevail to me. The next is that this could be an introduction for a new warframe. I have been playing since before octavia was introduced as well as harrow and saw nothing of this kind of message pop up across the screen. if this is a warframe intro, the devs have surely hyped it up so far in secret messages. Going off of what theclinton said...

On 10/1/2015 at 9:49 PM, theclinton said:

Void Link Severed

Reason foreign carrier detected. Origin unknown. Suspect tracking signal.

Reinitiating dipolar connection on naval carrier.

Bow in standby for sync check and sync.

Motion compensation complete.

Selenic lensing locked.

Somatic control established.

(Margoolihs) implantation intact.

EVM (Could be reference to Eye, Vocal, Movement) status nominal.

War platform awaiting sync.

Initilizing synaptic overlay... Good night, sweet angel.

Thi shows me that a new warframe could be introduced. Granted none of you should take into account as to what i say because i know just about as much of this topic as your normal average player does. To me, this message shows me either a new warframe or, one coming out of the game by the "good night my sweet angel" part at the end. the last possible theory i have come up with is something having to do with not a quest (i forgot to mention that i was not in any active quests when this appeared). I believe this could be part of some big thing the devs are keeping secret from us players. I'm not the greatest at analyzing through this as other players have done so already, and i thank them for their time and dedication to finding out what this message means. Currently I am typing this in 2017 but the post i quoted was from 2015, if the devs were thinking about this new open world update from that point, this next theory would be supported but i'm almost certain, they had not thought of that quite yet. So, here's where i can put to rest what evidence i found. But wait... What if...? no it cant be... The developers are hinting to us...

they want us to go and find what this means, I'm certain of that... But... there's not a possibility of them thinking of the update by the end of 2015 is there? What if this is supposed to be a teaser for the anniversary? I can't be sure of that at all.... the only logical explanation to this static message is that its an Easter egg for something. I may not have moved this forum very far or not at all, but the gap between times... its just too much to try and work with... I'll keep looking for more clues as to what this is, for now. i do believe this involves another waframe. We'll see soon enough i suppose. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/10/2017 at 9:42 PM, ASIANBOI77 said:

ok, so i got this screen while loading into the earth mission, mariana. Came here to try and figure out what it means, so I'm going to put my two cents in on what I see from the rest of the forums about this. Apparently this could be an easter egg for the second dream quest, I'm currently only mastery rank 6 and have not even completed the first dream quest yet. so that theory does not prevail to me. The next is that this could be an introduction for a new warframe. I have been playing since before octavia was introduced as well as harrow and saw nothing of this kind of message pop up across the screen. if this is a warframe intro, the devs have surely hyped it up so far in secret messages. Going off of what theclinton said...

Thi shows me that a new warframe could be introduced. Granted none of you should take into account as to what i say because i know just about as much of this topic as your normal average player does. To me, this message shows me either a new warframe or, one coming out of the game by the "good night my sweet angel" part at the end. the last possible theory i have come up with is something having to do with not a quest (i forgot to mention that i was not in any active quests when this appeared). I believe this could be part of some big thing the devs are keeping secret from us players. I'm not the greatest at analyzing through this as other players have done so already, and i thank them for their time and dedication to finding out what this message means. Currently I am typing this in 2017 but the post i quoted was from 2015, if the devs were thinking about this new open world update from that point, this next theory would be supported but i'm almost certain, they had not thought of that quite yet. So, here's where i can put to rest what evidence i found. But wait... What if...? no it cant be... The developers are hinting to us...

they want us to go and find what this means, I'm certain of that... But... there's not a possibility of them thinking of the update by the end of 2015 is there? What if this is supposed to be a teaser for the anniversary? I can't be sure of that at all.... the only logical explanation to this static message is that its an Easter egg for something. I may not have moved this forum very far or not at all, but the gap between times... its just too much to try and work with... I'll keep looking for more clues as to what this is, for now. i do believe this involves another waframe. We'll see soon enough i suppose. 

Before The Second Dream officially released we started getting messages like this one. Maybe they decided to do the same for the Sacrifice quest. That being said, it seems a bit early for them to start teasing this since they claim everyone has been working on Eidolon for the past 8 months.

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  • 5 weeks later...

So this message popped up as I went on a random solo derelict mission (because #vaultfarming)

My first thought was 'oh great, I'm going to get a stalker' as I got a stalker last time I got this message.. well I checked as soon as I landed in mission and no, I wasn't marked so stalker is out of the question.

Also, around the same time i got the message last.. the razorback armada was becoming a thing and was threatening to remove the mercury relay (I'm on pc) .... now I looked at the Construction status for invasions.. and oh look at that.. the Fomorian Fleet is almost done. So my guess is these messages start coming up when either Razorback Armada or Fomorian Fleet are ready to have a go at one of the relays.

Has anyone else noted any similar timings in previous relay assaults either on PC or consoles?

Edited by Hagdrisil
minor spell check and grammer
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So, I'm sure this is related to the creepy loading screen... you know how at the end of every mission, Lotus will say something along the lines of "well done."? Well, my UI flickered and I heard Lotus saying something but it's unintelligible. It's like someone talking over a bad radio statick. The creepy part is on the bottom right of my screen it was Lotus' message box saying "Get away now, you do not want..." ._. I'm seriously creeped out.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2017. 11. 01. at 4:03 AM, Ayures said:

Posting mine since the message seems to be slightly different compared to older screenshots


Just got a message similar or same as yours with the screen errors and everything, while leaving Orcus relay. Was very interesting to see, I got so surprised I even forgot to hit the print screen.

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2 hours ago, Steelhide said:

Just got a message similar or same as yours with the screen errors and everything, while leaving Orcus relay. Was very interesting to see, I got so surprised I even forgot to hit the print screen.

Could very well be related to Umbra perhaps if it's a new one.


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