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Are Sortie Spy Missions Fun?


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Eh. I do them in solo with Oberon. There's no particular advantage, I simply like Oberon.


Even if you don't already know the layouts, it's not that hard to undestant where to go and I think that disabling lasers and jumping on conveyor belts while shooting cameras and dodging exhaust pipes is more interesting than rushing everywhere with a Loki :|


Don't go in a party though (unless you want to leech).


Without invisibility+Intruder it can be just about as tense as it should be.


This is assuming that you are not forced to confront enemies that you can't kill in 1 shot: this happened today for the first time and I hope it won't happen again.


Today there was a Grineer level 80+ spy mission with Elemental Resistance and I found the enemies to be outright impossible to handle in solo, so I reluctantly had to go with Loki like a scrub because there could be an Eximus right in front of a Data Storage :[

Edited by Darkwings83
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In my opinion, I love it because I don't need equip OP weapon and wasting so much time like survive or defense.

After now it also better than exterminate. Why? because you don't need go back to beginning just for last enemy in your whole game.


Thx DE, really thx. 

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Not as fun as starmap Spy, as I'm more inclined in sorties to just not fight anything and rush the vaults because of the high enemy levels. I do love Spy as a mode in general though, the reward pool is good and it's something different to do during a keyfarm when you're just sick of endless play.

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Public matchmade spy sorties are more likely to fail especially if it's the 3rd Grineer mission with elemental resistance. By then I would have to pray that two other Lokis/Limbos/Ivaras have top notch Grineer spy hacking skills. Otherwise it's quit and rematch or just go recruit (which I don't see often for a spy sortie).


I ended up soloing it, but it wasn't fun since I don't find grineer hacking fun at all since I'm limited by a lot of latency issues. I'd much rather go for corpus since hacking their consoles are more engaging for me.

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I never find missions where I can't kill every enemy on my way fun. And in Sorties, especially spy missions that require me to use my squishy Loki for max efficiency, I just physically can't kill enemies without being overwhelmed by them.

Edited by Necrius
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I never find missions where I can't kill every enemy on my way fun. And in Sorties, especially spy missions that require me to use my squishy Loki for max efficiency, I just physically can't kill enemies without being overwhelmed by them.

 "i just physically can't kill enemies without being overwhelmed by them", what a s#ity Loki you have?!  im speechless... i can't...

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 "i just physically can't kill enemies without being overwhelmed by them", what a s#ity Loki you have?!  im speechless... i can't...


 I have never known a loki to actually kill an enemy with a power.  Wonder why.  But the real point is that Loki's should be totally capable of getting away and then using their weapons to properly eliminate enemies.  Being overwhelmed is something that Loki should rarely be unable to handle.  You have abilities that keep them from attacking for a moment and then you get away from the pack.


I never find missions where I can't kill every enemy on my way fun.


 This is something that has been bothering me for a while in Warframe.  I know it's a shooter, and I know it's space ninjas, but way too often it ends up being slaughter simulator.  Thousands of enemies in a level all coming right to where I am even if the alarm is off.  I get how it's supposed to be difficult to keep them from finding you, but I have tried everything except using a cloaked frame.


 Move around and avoid their paths as they run to an area.  Use silent shots and get a new hiding spot everytime someone comes running.  Use high points they can't get to.  And eventually when they stop actively looking for me and I can even get stealth kills, when I go three or four rooms away, there are several hiding behind cover that start blasting away as I move to a door.  Why are enemies spawning aware of me without an alert active?


 I like doing missions, not 20 brands of exterminate/survival.  It sort of all adds to the point of the thread.  "Are sorties fun?"  They are more warframe, not really separate in any way other then having one reward for three missions rather then three rewards for three missions.  If you are having fun with warframe, then sorties are fun.  If you aren't having fun with warframe, then sorties aren't fun.  But sorties are supposed to be unique new experiences, they aren't supposed to be "More of the same old thing."

Edited by JHarlequin
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I've done both Corpus and Grineer spy missions at level 3 Sortie (not that it really matters since stealth logically dictates you'll never have to deal with enemies if all goes well). 

My personal conclusion: I don't like normal spy missions and so super-difficult-no-cipher spy missions are tenfold unfun for me. I get that we're ninjas so we are obligated to be proficient with them but it just never appealed to me. Sneaking around and backstabbing people is fun, sniping is fun, deception MGS runs are very fun, even parkouring around obstacle courses/laser beams are fun- but the hacking puzzles are just annoying to me. So, creating an entire game mode where your success is contingent on hacking a console is like nails on a chalkboard (once again: to me).

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What's with all of the "umg spy sorties suck!!!!" threads though? Are people really that pampered with ciphers that they freak out when they have to hack the consoles normally?


No, they never liked the hacking "games" in the first place, knew they suck at them and chose instead to use the alternative the game provided - until the game decided to change the rules without telling them.


Then they get laughed at by those who don't have any problems with the hacking games and think everyone who doesn't beat them in an instant is a loser.


I just failed anorther spy sortie because whoever did the hacking unfortunately didn't manage to do so without triggering the alarms (but still did them in time, which is better than whatever I could have done).

Afterwards it turned into the aforementioned exterminate.

With at least 2 Lokis.


This is fun? Not for me.

A Loki is good for stealth, and that's about it. Being invisible doesn't make me invulnerable, and it doesn't grant me extra-strength.


Am I bitter? No, I'm fuming mad. At myself for trying one of those ridiculous, useless, non-rewarding sorties again, and at the game for even offering such a stupid non-fun game style where you can throw away everything you did before and have to play a completely different game.

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I absolutely hate them myself, even though I cheese them with Loki every time. They are just simply zero fun to play and the hacking minigame is bloody annoying, I dont play Warframe to solve puzzles. Sorties overall kinda suck as they force us to play gamemodes we otherwise wont play, like spy and rescue for me.

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A Loki is good for stealth, and that's about it. Being invisible doesn't make me invulnerable, and it doesn't grant me extra-strength.



Typically, weapons have higher damage output than powers. Cloak, shoot,move or if you have a silenced weapon you can just stand there. Loki is not DPS based but it really isn't needed if you have a proper loadout.

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If a spy mission is arranged in the 2nd or 3rd level or mixed up with some special buff, most enemy is impossible to stealth-kill, and not to mention assassinate with muted snipers and bows. I always do spy with my Vectis,and not allow even a little scratch on enemy somehow breaks the fun for me.


Guess the ultimate and only solution is "invisible Loki + energy pizza". Don't really like to be forced to play like that, sadface.    

Edited by Radon086
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If a spy mission is arranged in the 2nd or 3rd level or mixed up with some special buff, most enemy is impossible to stealth-kill, and not to mention assassinate with muted snipers and bows. I always do spy with my Vectis,and not allow even a little scratch on enemy somehow breaks the fun for me.


Guess the ultimate and only solution is "invisible Loki + energy pizza". Don't really like to be forced to play like that, sadface.    


 Try Ivara, not cloaked.  Use sleep arrow, rinse repeat.  There has to be a way to duplicate the ease of that tactic.  Eclipse also has something that lets everyone finisher any of the affected enemies.  And if you can't avoid alarms, bring a weapon that you can use well enough to kill, or long enough to kill.  Everything takes damage, it just might take longer to put them down.


 And still, as a few have said, the hacking is required in sortie spy, so maybe either let someone else, or learn to do without ciphers, or don't do the sorties.  You don't have to do every single one of them.  It's a random reward anyway, you will just one less drop from that season if you miss a sortie.

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Love 'em.  Limbo makes them trivial thanks to Rift Walk.  As long as you can avoid triggering any cameras or guards (banish and Limbo's 3 helps take them out) in at least one of the vaults you can walk out of the level easy.


I think I finished the last sortie spy mission as Limbo in about 6 minutes or so.

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