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Nezha And His Disappointing Scaling...


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...and I would also say, I agree with many here... He could use some work to round things out.


#2 could scale off melee mods...that would be nice...or only elemental based melee mods..or only utility and pure damage melee mods.

     Fire could be more contagious or spread faster across nearby enemies.


#3 could deflect ballistic weapons back at enemies with +50% fire damage


#4 could instill a puncture or bleed proc as suggested above


or Just give him more armor or health.


One thing for sure... He is darn fun to play.

Edited by RawGritz
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#4 bleed would be great. But The most annoying thing is the casting animation at the end...

Also his casting speed is horrible without using Natural Talent... :(

I really like him anyway (2 formas for now)

Yea the end cast for 4 is annoying. Even if it is to deal the slam damage interrupting your running is just bad. Also jsut as annoying anyone pinned by the spears wont take damage from firewalker... I mean Id love to put grineer on the pikes and make some grineer-burgers.

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These chinese frames lack synergy.


Such as Halo absorbing damage and fueling other abilities like Firewalk which makes it more damaging and extra wide though it still need more range by itself and a damage buff.


Damaged absorbed can also go into Blazing Chakram for extra damage and bigger explosion, even auto aim at enemies by holding power key whether it's only enemies on fire or not.


Hell, even the Halo due to Firewalk can cause the Halo spread fire to enemies shooting you and enemies around you.


In fact, Firewalk can intensify the flames of the spears making for even more damage and bigger explosion and on top of that, the damage absorbed makes this even more damaging and even bigger explosion.


You can even shoot through the spinning halo to light the spears. Also with firewalker active, the spears emits large flames on the ground to burn nearby enemies.


Hell, Warding Halo can either give you extra damage based on damage absorption or lower fire resistance of enemies it catches on fire or both and your bullets and attacks turn to fire. Or the fire can melt armor/shields instead.


Look at this perfect Synergy.

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These chinese frames lack synergy.


I've only had problems with Nezha. I can actually play a game with Wukong without worrying about much, can't say the same for Nezha. So it's not that both are bad it's just they feel awkward.

Edited by rawr1254
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I always cast while sliding or in the air. He is a mobile tank. Most resilient when moving. He is milquetoast paper thin if you stand still with him.


My firewalk is doing about 400dmg per second. That is really good. 

Edited by RawGritz
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He's based around mobility, not standing in one spot, even with his 3. If you can't be mobile with him, then don't even use him.

Lol, dude. Calm down. You have to understand that NO ONE in their right mind just stands around like you're suspecting that I do. I know how to play the game don't get so defensive because I made a suggestion. You clearly don't understand the nature of this post.

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I haven't got a chance to play with Nezha yet, but I'm still excited to play him.

I'm thinking that he has two playstyles:

#1 Crowd Control: With range and duration mods, you can keep a bunch of enemies pinned down for quite a while! Seems great for interception.

#2 Mobile Melee (Zerker?): This is where I'm getting really experimental...Nezha has a great kit for melee players.


Fire Walker boosts movement speed, allowing you to quickly close the gap between you and your enemies.


Blazing Chakram, plays nicely with both Fire Walker and a vitality+rage build.
The heal keeps your vitality and damage is converted into energy, while its teleportation leaves a fire blast in your destination.


Finally, Warding Halo stuns enemies who get too close and protects you from a bit of damage. I'm not sure if the stun is bad since I haven't played Nezha yet, but it seems to be underrated. Wailing on a bunch of enemies who are constantly stunned is like taking candy from a baby.

I think Nezha's skills is a great base to start for melee players, but Nezha is squishy and definitely needs a fast-hitting-high-crit melee weapon with the Naramon stealth passive to layoff enemy fire.

I hope my opinion encourages you to give Nezha a second chance, or at least run a couple of experimental builds. Good luck!

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I haven't got a chance to play with Nezha yet, but I'm still excited to play him.

I'm thinking that he has two playstyles:

#1 Crowd Control: With range and duration mods, you can keep a bunch of enemies pinned down for quite a while! Seems great for interception.

#2 Mobile Melee (Zerker?): This is where I'm getting really experimental...Nezha has a great kit for melee players.


Fire Walker boosts movement speed, allowing you to quickly close the gap between you and your enemies.


Blazing Chakram, plays nicely with both Fire Walker and a vitality+rage build.

The heal keeps your vitality and damage is converted into energy, while its teleportation leaves a fire blast in your destination.


Finally, Warding Halo stuns enemies who get too close and protects you from a bit of damage. I'm not sure if the stun is bad since I haven't played Nezha yet, but it seems to be underrated. Wailing on a bunch of enemies who are constantly stunned is like taking candy from a baby.

I think Nezha's skills is a great base to start for melee players, but Nezha is squishy and definitely needs a fast-hitting-high-crit melee weapon with the Naramon stealth passive to layoff enemy fire.

I hope my opinion encourages you to give Nezha a second chance, or at least run a couple of experimental builds. Good luck!

I agree with your standpoints but the only thing I feel truly differently about is his Blazing Chakram. I mean why use that when you can use less energy on a lifestrike and get more health depending on what melee you're using. But still I believe your analysis is correct, even though he's on the weaker side of the spectrum which deems him a second look by DE.

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I agree with your standpoints but the only thing I feel truly differently about is his Blazing Chakram. I mean why use that when you can use less energy on a lifestrike and get more health depending on what melee you're using. But still I believe your analysis is correct, even though he's on the weaker side of the spectrum which deems him a second look by DE.

Because you can use it instead of Life Strike and grant health to allies from range + gaining another mod slot where Life Strike used to be.

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Because you can use it instead of Life Strike and grant health to allies from range + gaining another mod slot where Life Strike used to be.

I  understand that but he's not Trinity, Oberon or any other frame who's primary role is support. So why would I waste my energy on myself or other as him to heal them when I could just as easily run missions with a Trin or something else? I don't understand, plus one mod slot used by Life Strike isn't going off throw my DPS that badly so I don't see the problem with my statement about using a Life Strike. Now If I were using a melee weapon like heat dagger or something around that tier of melee then I probably wouldn't "waste" a slot. But still, I just don't see the issue there.

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Ok so playing a little more. Got his Warding Halo to absorb... 29xx dmg and still. He is just to squishy past level 50 enemies. More armor and faster shield recharge would go a long way.


#2 should grant health to whoever killed the marked target as well as produce the AOE health burst.


#3 could scale off shield and armor mods.


#4 needs more range and more duration for the low dmg it deals

Edited by RawGritz
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Ok so playing a little more. Got her Warding Halo to absorb... 29xx dmg and still. She's just to squishy past level 50 enemies. More armor and faster shield recharge would go a long way.

"He" and cmon 225 shields 225 health at R30 shield recharge or armor isn't gonna do crap for him.

#2 should grant health to whoever killed the marked target as well as produce the AOE health burst.

That sounds good at least for the first half. The AoE needs a massive range boost and needs to have full homing capabilities if the first target is hit. So far all I've seen is 1 hit then>wall>wall>wall>return...

#3 could scale off shield and armor mods.

Yea that'd be GREAT for his stats. Let's stick a shield mod on a 225 shield frame...And his 3 already does scale with armor mods. What he does need is a way to be safe for like 2-3 seconds when ward deactivates. That 225 health and 367 armor or w/e does NOT save you almost forcing you to have to use a Quick Thinking wasting a mod slot.

#4 needs more range and more duration for the low dmg it deals

More range and duration? RIght...More range on an unreliable CC ability. And if this thing gets a duration buff might as well double bastille duration cause his doesn't even do damage. The duration and range is fine. The mechanics is what's bad.

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I just need one kill to be fully healed - 225 life ftw :p

The only defensive mod I use is a maxed armor - everything else is pointless in my opinion (and I need the slots for more important things like Natural Talent - the fester you cast halo again the lass health etc you need)

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#3 would really like to recast Warding Halo to replenish 100 absorption state.




Would like Warding Halo to release an AOE impact or blast proc when it expires/reaches full damage absorbed.

2nd one sounds most likely to happen since we all wanted Iron Skin to be recastable but still never got it. Also I kept noticing allies kept getting the glow of my Halo as well. So it got me thinking maybe as your running picking up energy allies you pass will get 50% of whatever energy you picked up last. So if you pick up 100 energy the next ally you pass gets 50 energy. Its just with his run around the map really quick kinda theme I thought that might sounds nice.

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2nd one sounds most likely to happen since we all wanted Iron Skin to be recastable but still never got it. Also I kept noticing allies kept getting the glow of my Halo as well. So it got me thinking maybe as your running picking up energy allies you pass will get 50% of whatever energy you picked up last. So if you pick up 100 energy the next ally you pass gets 50 energy. Its just with his run around the map really quick kinda theme I thought that might sounds nice.

That would be awesome as well.

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