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Torid+Rage+Trinity = Infinity Energy = Best Tank In Game


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Shoot your self with Torid ignoring energy shield and gaining lots of energy back :)


If they gonna introduce hard difficulties I think they gonna have to find a way to make trinity not be constantly in god mode :)

Edited by MindlessWar
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Wouldn't the ogris do more as multishot makes it explode in your face for much more damage.


But it does not ignore your energy shield though right?  I just figure u can do this while energy shield maxed so u dont have to worry about dieing as easy.  Or does it ignore shield?

Edited by MindlessWar
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Trinity has link they dont even get damage to their shields anyways they just reflect it all.

Also has energy vampire doesnt even need rage.


Oh yah I guess link would work,  Yah but vampire+rage you can spam more and by doing this you do not need enemies, as vampire u kinda need a strong enemy to gain max energy from it.

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Well basically this isn't a exploit. DE stated that they don't consider it cheating as long as it is within the games mechanics. Is it fair? Probably not but hard to fix I guess, I can't come up with any solution.


She may have to be reworked, If they are to introduce challenging areas in the future, you can simply breeze threw them like they were nothing with Trinity because of this.  Unless its a defense/rescue type mission you will require some sort of CC.

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And what does Trinity or you gain from playing Trinity in her current state. This is a Rhino whine thread.


She has no AOE. You like numbers on screen and pew pew effects. Why would you use Trinity? She is for people who like to keep others alive. She hangs at the back at high level end game. She does not tank. She needs link incase she has to go in and res when others can not. This is not applyable to low level boss farming players.  Link does not stop ranged damage. Her Ult is expensive and does not stop knockdown and stumble.


If she is op, buff around her. Make the game better. Wanna be Blizzard? Go for it. Be something new, exiting and fresh. That's what i was looking for in a game when i found Warframe. Not played anything else since.

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This is not applyable to low level boss farming players. Link does not stop ranged damage. Her Ult is expensive and does not stop knockdown and stumble.

Link reflects the stumble and knockdown. Link stops all damage as far as I'm aware. Blessing stops all damage.

So, um, what? I'm genuinely confused. If that's sarcasm, it doesn't come across as it. It sounds like you're stating your disinformation as fact, which is what a lot of *stupid* people do.

Edited by Lykalos
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That is because she can heal herself and energy will translate into health.

You can just let yourself get shot constantly and gain damage that way, I don't see the point in using the Fart Launcher for that.

Despite that, Rage is pretty rare anyways.

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And what does Trinity or you gain from playing Trinity in her current state. This is a Rhino whine thread.


She has no AOE. You like numbers on screen and pew pew effects. Why would you use Trinity? She is for people who like to keep others alive. She hangs at the back at high level end game. She does not tank. She needs link incase she has to go in and res when others can not. This is not applyable to low level boss farming players.  Link does not stop ranged damage. Her Ult is expensive and does not stop knockdown and stumble.


If she is op, buff around her. Make the game better. Wanna be Blizzard? Go for it. Be something new, exiting and fresh. That's what i was looking for in a game when i found Warframe. Not played anything else since.

Totally agree.

+1 to you.

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First off, who the h3ll has a Torid at this point??


Research Requirements Resources Quantity Mutagen Sample 1,000 Circuits 20,000 Nano Spores 75,000 Polymer Bundle 40,000 Credits Creditsicon.png 500,000 Research Time 3 days


Manufacturing Requirements Resources Quantity Mutagen Mass 2 Salvage 4500 Circuits 600 Forma 1 Credits Creditsicon.png 30,000 Build Time 24h Rush Build Platinumicon.png

Edited by Krokar
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And what does Trinity or you gain from playing Trinity in her current state. This is a Rhino whine thread.


She has no AOE. You like numbers on screen and pew pew effects. Why would you use Trinity? She is for people who like to keep others alive. She hangs at the back at high level end game. She does not tank. She needs link incase she has to go in and res when others can not. This is not applyable to low level boss farming players.  Link does not stop ranged damage. Her Ult is expensive and does not stop knockdown and stumble.


If she is op, buff around her. Make the game better. Wanna be Blizzard? Go for it. Be something new, exiting and fresh. That's what i was looking for in a game when i found Warframe. Not played anything else since.


Link stops all damage and CC... So yah you can now become the old Rhino but with infinity energy now... +team support.



First off, who the h3ll has a Torid at this point??


Research Requirements Resources Quantity Mutagen Sample 1,000 Circuits 20,000 Nano Spores 75,000 Polymer Bundle 40,000 Credits Creditsicon.png 500,000 Research Time 3 days


Manufacturing Requirements Resources Quantity Mutagen Mass 2 Salvage 4500 Circuits 600 Forma 1 Credits Creditsicon.png 30,000 Build Time 24h Rush Build Platinumicon.png


I do... Any one who is in a big clan should have one by now.



rage is awesome with ash as well, i can just keep going invisible and regain shield when i get shot.


Rage only works with dmg done to HP not shields. So pretty much any character that can heal them selves this would be OP, and trinity only one who can I believe.

Edited by MindlessWar
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And what does Trinity or you gain from playing Trinity in her current state. This is a Rhino whine thread.


She has no AOE. You like numbers on screen and pew pew effects. Why would you use Trinity? She is for people who like to keep others alive. She hangs at the back at high level end game. She does not tank. She needs link incase she has to go in and res when others can not. This is not applyable to low level boss farming players.  Link does not stop ranged damage. Her Ult is expensive and does not stop knockdown and stumble.


If she is op, buff around her. Make the game better. Wanna be Blizzard? Go for it. Be something new, exiting and fresh. That's what i was looking for in a game when i found Warframe. Not played anything else since.


Put Trinity in between 5 ancients and she goes down faster then most frames.


Any frame is easy to farm with. ANY frame. Trinity is harder to farm with cause she have no damage abilities.

She might be great vs 1 or 2 hard encounters, but she got nothing to get her out of a S#&$ situation. Link does agreed, but given how fast the target will go down you better be ready to throw it again.

Rhinos iron skin is still better in those situations, or Lokis invisibility, Excaliburs rush, Ashes smoke bomb or vanish.

Or hell, ANY of Embers 3 skills but fireball.


"Ahh lololol Im so strong with Trinity, look at this or that...I have great weapons but no damage abilities"


Do you know what excalibur does when he have a few ancients around him? He uses his #4 ability and they vanish, same goes for Ember and more or less any other none tank character.


Trinity is hyped. I used to have her to lvl 30 before I reseted.

I have tried every frame there is.


There are 2 frames that stand out above the rest: Loki and Excalibur/ Those two frames are simply kick arse in every department.

Excaliburs #1 and #4 ability is god like.

Loki with maxed out invisibility and a good flow mod, and dual zoren potatoed and moded or a scindo: Best damage dealer in game with no comparison.


For infested Ember comes close but being able to perma spam #1 with excalibur or permanent invisible with Loki does mean she falls off still.


Trinity is overhyped by players not facing real challenges.

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