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Arcanes, Again


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Hi everybody, im a M18 player with very little left to do in the game.

Lately ive been busy and loggin in just for sortie missions (wich i greatly appreciate even if the droptable is kinda stupid)


One of the things i enjoymost is the great effort put from DE in cosmetic items, and ive been arcaning alot of them.

some cosmetics just fit one or two frames (personal taste) and i would like so much to have arcanes "arsenal bound" instead of "cosmetic bound"

For example i would really like to use the same arcane on serveral frames but on different syandanas.... so far the only way i can do this is to have a maxed arcane on each syandana.

pretty stupid considering the time and effort needed to max out an arcane.

this is preventing me from buying extra cosmetics instead of buying more, and in many cases is preventing me from using my favourite cosmetics on some frames (because i already arcaned a syandana that fits other frames better)

The arcane system had a very huge overhaul but is still very bad imho, as now for me it is the same thing as old arcane helmets where i had to choose between aesthetics and power.

Sure, at least now i have the option to arcane more than one cosmetic with the same arcane and bypass the problem, but i dont think thats the way it is intended to work. or at least it isnt an healthy way to make it work.

some arcanes are just hard to get (like 1% drop chance) to consider this fair.

What do you think about? sure its not a top-priority thing, but aslo shouldnt be so difficult to fix



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I thing being able to just equip and un equip them in cosmetics without any penalty would fix this completely... I mean they are kind if a pain in the &#! to get anyway. Its not like you can have more than 2 equipped per cosmetic anyway. I guess there are the distillers or whatever you get from your syndicate but those seem like a pointless, arbitrary, grind wall for something minor. You are always only limited to 2 arcanes.

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I thing being able to just equip and un equip them in cosmetics without any penalty would fix this completely... I mean they are kind if a pain in the ! to get anyway. Its not like you can have more than 2 equipped per cosmetic anyway. I guess there are the distillers or whatever you get from your syndicate but those seem like a pointless, arbitrary, grind wall for something minor. You are always only limited to 2 arcanes.

I think the best solution is having arcanes "arsenal bound" and giving each loadout 2 arcane slots.

In those slots you Can assign any arcane you decided to bind to your arsenal, and equipping an old arcane helm will lock 1 of the 2 slots for that loadout.

It would be pretty simple to integrate aswell, really efficient, simple and easy to understand for anybody.

Lets get serious, arcanes working this way wont make DE sell more cosmetics, nice looking cosmetics are actually the only thing that will enhance cosmetics sales.

Edited by JohnKable
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Removes arcane helmets because "enhancements and appearance shouldn't be tied one to each other"

Creates arcane enhancement that are equipped by binding them to cosmetics.

Nice logics, hopefully this gets changed soon™



Reminds me of Destiny when they changed the Class items to actually have stats.


Went from the item you wore to differentiate yourself from another guardian to yet another stat stick. 

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