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For Those Who Own Or Owned Every Frame Which Are Your Top Five Favorites


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1. Valkyr her style of reckless behavior fits me

2. Wukong he is just a blast to use

3. Ivara in my opinion she is the most fun stealth frame

4. Rhino prime loving the changes

5. Saryn her rework made her 10 times better in my opinion

Edited by evilfluffy
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1. Loki (prime) - essential and irradiating build is just so useful.  Can turn a trash pug into an easy run

2. Frost (prime) - there's more than one way to skin a cat, but for any kind of defense objective - yeah.  Plus shattering enemies

3. Ember (prime) - BURN ALL THE THINGS

4. Excal

5. Mirage (please prime her.  please.  seriously.  support AND damage - I'm in love)


It's hard not to put the first frame I fell in love with -  Nova - in there, and while Trinity doesn't make the cut for favorite, if I had to choose 5 frames to keep and trash all the rest, there is no way I would be without Lobsterbutt.  From what I've seen of Ivara, she's going to be in competition for a spot on that list whenever I get her.

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Nyx - can solo anything and everything.

Ivara - stealth, bow, alot of energy.

Vauban - sharing jump pads for everyone since 2013.

Mirage - selfbuff and clones with a blind ignoring walls.

Volt - zpeeeeeeed! Shield and quick cc while reloading. Do not use overload much, though.

Edited by Dedjal
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Excalibur (Prime). Flexible with both damage and crowd control as part of his kit.


Ember (Prime). Maxed range and Firequake works wonders.


Nova (Prime). Molecular Prime, enough said.


Loki (Prime). Trivialises Spy missions.


Rhino (Prime). Excellent for Nightmare alerts where you know you'll have no shields or for handling bosses- particularly Alad V with Zanuka.

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as of current 18u (no nezah yet on console..?)

favorites and reasons 

1. trinity P (HP goddess that melts armor)

2. nova P (bring the BOOOM!)

3. equinox (enemies wither all around)

4: sayrn ( slayer of sentients <--found out shes really good on them last night)

5: ivara (i actually want to play stealth and pretend im a predator..)

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My personal top frame is


Nyx is also pretty underappreciated.

Especially in sortie interception missions there are moments where I feel like... "Okay... If you didn't have me (Nyx prime) in your team, you would have failed hard" (not because I was so good, but because that team needed a chaos nyx)

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My personal top frame is


Nyx is also pretty underappreciated.

Especially in sortie interception missions there are moments where I feel like... "Okay... If you didn't have me (Nyx prime) in your team, you would have failed hard" (not because I was so good, but because that team needed a chaos nyx)

i used to use her, but i always ended up spamming four / three


...i think her second needs more synergy with the other powers...

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i used to use her, but i always ended up spamming four / three


...i think her second needs more synergy with the other powers...


Four and three are also the only abilities I use.... sometimes one, if there is time.


But on the other hand, the frame of which I use all 4 abilities has yet to be made.

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i used to use her, but i always ended up spamming four / three


...i think her second needs more synergy with the other powers...

Psychic bolts are now rather useful as a cheaper alternative to Chaos when you're on the move/low on energy. It'd be nice if the augment for it was updated to do an actual Loki-style disarm instead of just sending enemies into rave-dance mode. >.>

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1. Valkyr - I love melee, I love Variens Trilogy, I love her new skin, I love Eternal War...yeah. Valk main since forever

2. Ivara just took the spot for me. So versatile and fun to use.

3. Frost - I use him a lot and Ice is a really cool theme.

4. Chroma - Even though I use him rarely he is still one of my favourites. Tons of defense and tons of damage make him

    great vs pesky bosses (looking at you, Sargas Ruk)

5. Limbo - I love trolling my mates :P

    nah seriously: Spys and Sabotages are so easy with him especially vs Corpus


All in all: I like everything that can go melee except Loki :P

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1. Banshee- it warms my heart to see all the Banshee love in this thread

2. Valkyr- she was my first non-starting frame, but now... she's by far one of my best

3. Nyx Prime- because who doesn't like watching the enemy clean themselves up?

4. Ivara- I just love her kit and how versatile she really can be

5. Nova Prime- when I need explosions and Mirage with a Thunderbolt Attica won't cut it

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1st Excalbro straight OP Jack of all trades

2nd Loki Prime cuz Master Race.

3rd Zephyr Tonkor?

4th Ash Prime stab all the things

5th Banshee no one shall hear anything or move

Long ago Saryn was were zephyr was but no more rip

Ima cheat and add a honourable metion Rhino Prime the return of the Golden Codpiece

Edited by (PS4)XxCubanBoy99xX
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Four and three are also the only abilities I use.... sometimes one, if there is time.


But on the other hand, the frame of which I use all 4 abilities has yet to be made.

sayrn, loki, nova, rhino ?

Psychic bolts are now rather useful as a cheaper alternative to Chaos when you're on the move/low on energy. It'd be nice if the augment for it was updated to do an actual Loki-style disarm instead of just sending enemies into rave-dance mode. >.>

yes , i did notice it procs radiation now, its fine on a single enemy of damage and keeping them @_@

but if it could buff or do more when used with say chaos , or somthing ..... i just feel like, spam 3, or spam 4 when in dire need


she needs love DE D: and  augment that disarm like loki ........id praise alad v and give him a warframe for that *cough...limbo* 

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1st is Ember, loved her since the beginning, she was my first frame aside from starter frame.

2nd is Ivara. I know she's new, but I absolutely love her play style. Plus its fun to Noise arrow 10-15 enemies to the same spot and use the Kulstar.

3rd Excalibur. Cause swords and laser beams. Love his Both Offensive and defensive play style.

4th Nyx. Loved everything about her, still even used her psychic bolts. Sparingly.

5th. Tough one, but I'm going with Rhino.  I don't play him as often anymore, but he's still one of my favorites. Had some good times stomping and charging.


Honorable mention: Atlas. I like him too, probably would have had him in the 5th spot, but I just had rhino longer.(Plus that sweet palatine skin didn't hurt any either.)  Skating to enemies to uppercut them and all enemies around them just feels awesome. 

Edited by Rhinobane
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sayrn, loki, nova, rhino ?


Loki - never used switchteleport. Not even to troll my team mates.

Nova - Never using the 2nd ability... and hardly ever the 1st

Rhino - Rhino charge is too weak for my taste

Saryn - Uh... tbh I haven't played her since the rework.


BTW: I don't mean to say that these ability are useless - never would I do so. I merely say that I don't use them because they don't fit my playstyle.

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