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Should New Players Need To Kill 200+ Enemies?


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Ever since Update 8 hit with the introduction of the Grineer Galleon, I've noticed a mind numbing increase of Grineer on M-Prime. This is the level I typically take new Frames and weapons to, and occasionally farm for ferrite. This isn't a matter of difficulty, but a matter of monotony. Here is a breakdown of the issues I see emerging:


- On my last few runs, I purposely killed each and every Grineer I came upon. This averaged out to around 200+. This is the second mission in the game.


- For players who don't kill every enemy, this excessive amount will most likely foster a rushing playstyle.


- Enemies constantly spawn around you from nearly every corridor, throughout the entire mission. This gives no room to explore, hunt for loot, or admire the level design. This is a problem for new players.


- For those players not as skilled as some, or below average, there is little to no margin for them to get better. There is no difficulty curve.


Whether this change was intended or not, I believe it should be looked into. If it is intended ... you may want to reconsider the change.

Edited by WhiteCr0w
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this actually brings up a good point i posted something like this a while back ppl where saying "that's not alot" but as i was saying i was showing my friend the game for the first time and if you read my Op your theory is completely correct


Edited by KIll3RX15
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i agree. i wouldnt mind it on one of those mission off the main track to get out of there. so players can do it if they want to have a challenge.

i go there to level my noob weps and was surprised to see what my kill count was. great for leveling weps. probably not for new players.

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While I love the new grineer sets;

They're huge and sprawling with a lot of sameness.


Compared to the mining ships or corpus ships, they're very hard to get into and learn the layout of.


This isn't bad for older players, as they enjoy the change in scenery and the bigger areas to explore.


But for new players getting into the game, the combination of huge spawn rates with large areas is pretty daunting.


in my opinion, at least the first few levels should be variations of the original sets, maybe show us a grineer mining ship, a corpus ship, and infested ship, then move to the galleon for tolstoj and the level before it.

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It seemed like this happened around 7.10 update (whenever it was that Lotus pops up with, "a new mission objective has presented itself, go collect data cores..."). It seemed odd to me going through a Mercury mission trying to level an Afuris or Lex and racking up 323 kills (+/- 10) to get through the mission, and I don't recall going too far off the beaten path looking for Grineer Lancers to throw bullets at. This seems a little excessive for a starting player learning the game with little to no mods.

Edited by BlueEden
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While I love the new grineer sets;

They're huge and sprawling with a lot of sameness.


Compared to the mining ships or corpus ships, they're very hard to get into and learn the layout of.


This isn't bad for older players, as they enjoy the change in scenery and the bigger areas to explore.


But for new players getting into the game, the combination of huge spawn rates with large areas is pretty daunting.


in my opinion, at least the first few levels should be variations of the original sets, maybe show us a grineer mining ship, a corpus ship, and infested ship, then move to the galleon for tolstoj and the level before it.

The galleon should stay on a raid mission. That way I can farm keys while I farm ferrite. A matter of opinion I suppose. I would much prefer them to just lower the spawn rates on M Prime. The tile set itself is no more complicated than any either. Easier, in fact, for noobies than some Grineer missions due to wall running being poorly explained and sometimes being required to move on.

Edited by Excitonex
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- For players who don't kill every enemy, this excessive amount will most likely foster a rushing playstyle.

This. I'd been to kill General Vor a couple of times, but always in a party, and my teammates were blasting through the level because they'd seen it all before. The closest I'd ever gotten to the general was seeing his waypoint on the horizon as somebody else gunned him down.


So I decided to solo the guy for the full experience. On the way to see him, I was committed to killing everybody that got in my way, mostly to stop them sneaking up behind me in the next room. This was challenging but a lot of fun. I had my duel with Vor, got out with about a quarter of my health...and no damn ammo, no energy. The sheer number of Grineer looking to avenge Vor on my way back to the extraction point was the highest in the level, and I had nothing to take them on with. Doing parkour around them can be fun, but spamming slide-jump-slide gets old and nets me no rewards.

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They really do need to tone down spawns a little, especially in Solo mode.


I can understand later planets sprawling with hundreds of enemies, but places like Mercury and Venus? Good God it gets ridiculous sometimes.


I remember when I was a newbie... E Gate (Infestation Capture IIRC) on Venus remained Closed for a long, long, long time.


Finally remembered it today and went in and opened it.


Why couldn't I do it, the number of times I tried it?


Picture a black man with a huge white beard pointing straight up and you get the idea.


Oh, and E Gate is the only way to get into Uranus (which is a NICE lower level farming area) unless you have someone carry you until you come in through the "back" way which is through.... Eris, I think? Some High Lv30+ place.

Edited by Xylia
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All good points, and glad to see it wasn't just myself that came to these conclusions.


I'm beginning to wonder if it's a bug related to Solo/Group play. I think I actually remember the Devs saying something about it months ago. The bug being that you end up with spawns intended for a group while playing Solo. If that's the case, please fix .. New players may be put off by this.

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This. I'd been to kill General Vor a couple of times, but always in a party, and my teammates were blasting through the level because they'd seen it all before. The closest I'd ever gotten to the general was seeing his waypoint on the horizon as somebody else gunned him down.


So I decided to solo the guy for the full experience. On the way to see him, I was committed to killing everybody that got in my way, mostly to stop them sneaking up behind me in the next room. This was challenging but a lot of fun. I had my duel with Vor, got out with about a quarter of my health...and no damn ammo, no energy. The sheer number of Grineer looking to avenge Vor on my way back to the extraction point was the highest in the level, and I had nothing to take them on with. Doing parkour around them can be fun, but spamming slide-jump-slide gets old and nets me no rewards.


And to add to this: If you die, you get nothing. All the mods, resources, and blueprints you've picked up during the mission? Gone. This is incredibly discouraging for new players.

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