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Latron vs Snipetron


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If you like kiting then snipertron would be better, letting you give off mass amounts of damage from headshots with the help of the optical zoom after hiding and running from place to place. If you play more of a frontal tactic then latron would be better without the optical zoom.

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My Snipetron is level 30 and modded with:

+ 50% reload

+ 25% clip cap

+ 25% AP

+ 10% crit chance

+ 14% crit chance

It 1-2 shots everything on Pluto, and it's very easy to headshot with. 12 shots in the clip and 50% faster reload makes even 2 shotting things efficient (of course, 1 is better due to conservation of ammo). You can use it up close alongside melee as an execution button in the style of a shotgun, but any further than melee distance and hipfire is too inaccurate.

It's easily my favourite gun.

Not tried the Latron yet.

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My Snipetron is level 30 and modded with:

+ 50% reload

+ 25% clip cap

+ 25% AP

+ 10% crit chance

+ 14% crit chance

It 1-2 shots everything on Pluto, and it's very easy to headshot with. 12 shots in the clip and 50% faster reload makes even 2 shotting things efficient (of course, 1 is better due to conservation of ammo). You can use it up close alongside melee as an execution button in the style of a shotgun, but any further than melee distance and hipfire is too inaccurate.

It's easily my favourite gun.

Not tried the Latron yet.

The problem of Snipetron is lack of ammo~And BOSS fight dont usually give sniper ammo~u dont want to miss any shot.

The Snipetron and Latron shot at about 1:5 efficiency ,1:3 if u have good aim and proper mod, but the ammo carrying is 1:10....So, Latron actually have more potential damage output in a long fight. And Latron also cover a much wider area...u can use it on pretty much everything at any range. Not as deadly as Snipetron but still lethal~

Beside, Latron has the same optical zoom as Snipetron.

Edited by Krisstina
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I have both, Latron suffers from low dps and high recoil, while snipetron blows heads with ease and barely kicks at all.

Latron kicks a lot on the first shot, and every following shot will have lower recoil but still you need to land 2-3 shots to kill something (even with headshots) while with the snipetron you one shot everything but the bigger mobs.

the weakness of the snipetron is its ammo count which can be equalized through mods, and the fact that killing something at melee range is a matter of lucky no scopes or using your sidearm.

Latron has a lot of ammo, but even modded feels weak in comparison, in my opinion it needs a rebalance because it has no niche so far, everything it can do other weapons do it better and faster.

Edited by Eisen
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Why all the Latron hate?

I think people have an issue with it since it it has the same drawbacks as the Snipetron (limited FoV, fire rate) without the same absolute power and range that comes with those drawbacks. Additionally, the fire rate makes it somewhat unwieldy in close quarters where spray-and-pray with a conventional rifle or shotgun would shine. This is the key to facerolling with the Latron, though.

In my opinion, its a great trade-off; once the user becomes proficient at no-scoping in close quarters, the drawbacks are hugely overshadowed by the additional function provided by the range and single-shot damage. If takes some adjustment to not mash the trigger as one would with any other gun in close quarters and instead quickly/carefully pick shots to get the same effect. Once this adjustment is made though, the Latron becomes a fearsome weapon as the drawbacks are eliminated and you now have the additional benefit of sweet, sweet long-range justice. Add this to the benefit of never running out of ammo ever and you have a superior weapon.

Of course, this is just anecdotal on my part, but I would say 8/10 times I regularly end up with the most damage and kills since I always get "first dibs" on that big horde of guys rushing through the door. Being able to see and aim further than nearly everyone with every click being a kill = win.

With that being said, the Latron needs to be at a high enough level for solid damage mods to be useful enough in close combat; if you can't double-tap guys at the very most then the benefits you get from a high-powered semi-auto don't materialize. I really think the people saying "lolol latron sux" need to level it to an appreciable state and then give it a try.

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For what it's worth, OP, my friend plays Loki with Snipetron. It seems to work out for him.

I use Ash and Latron. I love the Latron. It could certainly stand a damage boost, or some lower recoil, but I can't hate it. I'm a fan of single-shot weapons, and can hit pretty quickly with this thing. I've never had trouble with it not killing people fast enough. It's not a death machine, but I've never died because I was using the Latron.

Ultimately, both can be bought with credits, and you'll have more than you can spend before you know it. Your biggest problem will be deciding how to make room for the second rifle. Then, try them both out. There's only so much you can glean from wiki statistics and other players' preferences. Just try all you can and keep what works best with you.

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