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Editing Note: Introducing the mysterious being that assisted Sokras. The same mysterious doctor, the sender of the package, This will be his first appearance, and a unusual one a that, what does he mean by investment just who excactly is he?


(All further info here for future reference.)

Name: Xeras Lu


Race: Orokin-Corpus [Modified Android?]


Gender: Any depending on his body frame. Real Gender: Male


Weapon: Various. Main Weapon: Mara Detron


Faction: Unknown


Powers: Cybernetic manipulation: Can interact, control and invade mechs and other mechanisms.


Personality: Witty, overbearing, and lording. A scientist who does not deter from his field of robotic ingenuity and genetic enhancement. His security proxies and genetic research are secretly kept and refined in a secret base beyond the Outer Terminus. He can be quite difficult to deal with if you have not garnered any respect from him. For those that have, he is more than willing to share his stockpiles of weaponry and proxies… for a price.


Appearance: On the outside, he is looks like a perfectly fine pre-war human, within lie an entire network of cybernetics, and his capability to swap his mind with other machines can make him hard to track down. He has several body frames for him to swap between, some that allow him to go through Grineer, and Tenno sensors and locations without any suspicion. Never has he revealed his real body since the Orokin Era. He still has his Mara Detron at all times from even before the Orokin War, a protective smuggler like he once was, he has plans to install an AI into, for reasons unknown…



Backstory: Xeras Lu had been one of the most prestigious inventors and engineers during the Orokin Empire, especially in the field of robotics and mechanisms, many advancements were thanks to his capabilities. But, He always was doing dangerous business with various groups in and out of the Origin System, all the while, he thought the empire blind to his dealings. Through his network of contacts and associates, he had learned of the coming threat, the probable fall of the Orokin Empire and knew his projects had to work, to save his own skin. In a short time span he amassed armies of mech proxies and genetic data, all hidden, weapons and technological systems to prepare for the oncoming war, he was not going to allow his true work to be ruined before it began! But the Empire had known, The Dax brought Xeras Lu before the council of executers under treason. His verdict, “Smuggling arms to aid our enemies, such acts of disgrace will be meet with swift punishment,” announced executer Deros, “This is a lie, You merely wish to take control of my works, they are not ready yet, do you know the advancements that I will make, I’ve spent fortunes on this project, Entire accounts of Ducats! You want me gone, so that my project can be yours for your war effort, I am not blind!” Screamed Xeras at the council. “You damned Orokin higher-ups are nothing but greedy fools, drunk in your own velvet-robed lives, I’m surprised your puke isn’t gold, or is it!? How anyone can become complacent with this life. I took charge of my own!” Continued Xeras, fearless of the council, a brave act all on deaf ears, as the executers prepared for his death. “Besides your useless bantering, any final words traitor.” Said Deros. “…” Xeras said nothing, and his head severed by Scindo Prime execution. “Muhahahahaha!” and echoing laughter roared throughout the whole tower’s communication system! “Foolish Orokin, did you really think that was me, my plan has already been set in motion. That body a mere puppet whose strings you merely detached! Thus proving my experiments work, my mechs, are hidden beyond your reach now you imbeciles! Goodbye my brethren, though I can’t say it was not profitable, kyahahaha! And now, exeunt! Xeras was never even in the tower, his hacking prowess, and android research’s prototype stage, were a success! The Empire branded him a traitor, but who really betrayed who here? Already unmatched as he fooled the Tower and the council. Since the fall of the Orokin, after all these years in solitude he has amassed hundreds of proxies, genetic data, weapons and tech, all far beyond the Outer Terminus, hidden so well, no one has met his real body. He always uses a false cyber-body to go out into the field, and when destroyed, he merely beam his consciousness back to base, or to another android. All his mechs, share his one mind if needed. He remembers the event of his so-called “Execution” moment as his greatest performance in the face of adversity.

Edited by (PS4)Gunbuster17_6
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That was real, seen by all, well, those who could comprehend what an Orokin looked like. Xeras used one of his multiple proxies as usual in order to save Sokras, keeping the rest a mystery!


Editing Note: These two are my of my oldest OC works. My 2nd Sokras and 3rd Xeras, never intended to actually tie them in together heh heh..

Edited by (PS4)Gunbuster17_6
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Is Fam0u5 dead? We kinda need him to return now.


Well Alex's ship took of so anyone in the ship is well... In the ship. Dunno where famous is. When he comes back he's going to find out that the others left to go on Phobos. So Anyone who isn't inside Alex's ship and is helping with the supply run should soon follow them.

We can't keep waiting on him to rejoin the squad, (even though it is good for dramatic effect) But now it's just dragging on. We need our 3rd back to continue main plot. I actually was not expecting to bring out a sub-plot so early, but, oh well, seems to fit enough.

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We can't keep waiting on him to rejoin the squad, (even though it is good for dramatic effect) But now it's just dragging on. We need our 3rd back to continue main plot. I actually was not expecting to bring out a sub-plot so early, but, oh well, seems to fit enough.

Our characters know that the others have gone to Phobos, once we have dealt with Cinder, we'll just get into Silvias liset and go after them.

I have no problem with waiting, this is quite important for my character.

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I'm sorry for going out of avaliablity for the past few days, I have come into the role as an admin on a legitimate RP site group. This takes up a great value of my time so I will probably be leaving you all soon.

Also, Since Denny cried when I wrote my stories If I do end up leaving I'll give my two characters a great ending, yes it will be sad but I would better call this type of and end bitter sweet, I'll catch up in the RP and see what I can do, but I'm still in the mindset of leaving this Rp with a bang.


Thank you everyone for giving me a chance to create my characters and flesh them out in such a way, I have always rolepleyed but never have I thought of doing the same to my Warframe Characters. Know that if I leave it will be the end. I won't come back.


I'll see what I can do. -Famous

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Urgent News Update: PSN and Sony itself is experiencing a buttload of issues today, and it seems these issues may extend. Right now I have an opportunity to post thanks to the servers being semi-stable, but when Sony's servers went full shutdown earlier today, I couldn't even come online here to the Forums. 


Just keeping everyone informed, that on the basis that I disappear for bit, or stop posting for a while (Because I have no inherent idea when this'll be over and fixed), Don't worry, just Sony has some bulls*** going on. Wouldn't be the first time... [*Sigh* Just when things were getting on track...]


This is just a precautionary measure to keep you all informed in the event this may worsen...

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Hey Crimson have you by any chance taken a look at my little story. The reason I haven't put up a character sheet is because the moment I write personality or anything of the sort I'm gonna ruin so much. If you want I can message the sheet to you.

Ok sure. Post the story down or message me it so I can check it out.

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