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Sad Day...my Account Was Hacked



Got up for work this morning and saw I had an e mail from Sony that my PSN PIN, password, and e-mail addressed was changed when I was asleep....though WTF, that's weird. Yep, I got hacked...


To top it off, I get access back to my account, get home from work, log into warframe...everything...gone...


All my plat, weapons, frames.....all gone...RIP :( 


Watch you stuff guys...there's low lives out there...

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they will likely start working the 2nd or 3rd, 



((Also your warframe email should still be the same (you need to send a ticket to change it), so you wont need to ever check the support site ;) ))


idk if it's the same for ps4 though



Yeah, we (or I) don't get notified for some reason if they reply to a support ticket, so I have to constantly check. :\

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You need to do more than contact DE, you need to contact your bank.


If you were hit with a virus / key stroke logger etc then you need to do a complete virus check, and ensure your online transactions werent also comprimised.  



First thing I did this morning was open my bank account, lol. Then I had Sony check to make sure there were no purchases on the account during the time period I didn't have access to my account. That was first priority while I was talking to someone that knew the situation going on. I really didn't want to have to call back at a later date to dispute anything, probably would have been MUCH harder to do. 

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"If your account has been hacked, please Submit a Request and identify the Support Type as "Report a User," and we will deal with the issue as soon as possible." - https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/200182130-What-do-I-do-if-my-Warframe-account-has-been-hacked-


Support: http://support.warframe.com/


Hopefully support will be able to help you.

I have curiosity with that, he will have all his stuffs again? or is just for a report?


What happen in this case? someone?


EDIT: oh nvm

Edited by Kaiser_Suoh
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That's awful, I really hope DE can get you your stuff back.


What are your plans if you can't get any of it back and have to start fresh? I couldn't imagine restarting Warframe all over again…

I did it once but with an optional reset. I still got my plat and excal prime obviously but i did not use them until i got mastery rank 6 (only on slots). It was pretty fun to be honest. The only thing i could not get back was to play warframe for the first time again though.

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Sure...but he didn't get hacked...sounds like a phishing scam and someone stole his info. But PSN is a much less secure platform overall.

While I can agree it sounds like he's the victim of a scam, by definition he was still technically hacked.

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Using the same or similar username/password on a third party site similar to Warframe can also lead to your information being compromised.  Plat sellers that are shady are likely behind the thievery.  The selling of warframes and weapons and killing of kubrows is just being vindictive.

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I sure hope Support can fix this for you and make everything go back to normal. I can't imagine being hacked and losing everything. I wonder what kind of person would do that.

It'd weird this was out of the blue, did anything unusual happen before this?

Nothing that sticks out to me. Last night was a normal night hanging out with the clan guys, got off to head to bed for work today, and woke up and this had happened.

If they can't get it back, I'll hand my clan ownership over and stop playing. All my event mods, maxed prime mods, maxed regular mods, etc., all gone. I have too much time and money into the game to restart. I'm at 60 days of play time in game. Not to mention everything I have that I just couldn't get anymore.

They also sold all my prime parts, etc. Everything that was sellable this person sold.

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Nothing that sticks out to me. Last night was a normal night hanging out with the clan guys, got off to head to bed for work today, and woke up and this had happened.

If they can't get it back, I'll hand my clan ownership over and stop playing. All my event mods, maxed prime mods, maxed regular mods, etc., all gone. I have too much time and money into the game to restart. I'm at 60 days of play time in game. Not to mention everything I have that I just couldn't get anymore.

They also sold all my prime parts, etc. Everything that was sellable this person sold.

Talk of cold hearted...

Have you tried asking your clan mates if your account was on before, and if there was anything unusual if it was online.

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It's funny, all the games I have for ps4, and this little 'ol free to play game is #1 on the list for me that I play. This has made me not want to play anything at all. Blah.

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you continue to have, or had, a great celebration!

Edited by (PS4)excat_56
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It's funny, all the games I have for ps4, and this little 'ol free to play game is #1 on the list for me that I play. This has made me not want to play anything at all. Blah.

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you continue to have, or had, a great celebration!

Just found your topic, I have to say that the person who did this to you is extremely cold hearted. I sincerely hope that support can get you back on your feet.

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Balls. Well, think of it as a fresh start! Move to PC! Build up again! Have more exciting adventures! Out of curiosity though, what were you left with?

Unranked excal, Unranked twin viper, Unranked tipedo.

Already have a pc account, too. Im too old these days to use a keyboard to game with, and I don't like to use an Xbox controller either, so I stick to consoles for anything more than a basic clicking game.

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I 100% agree.


I already have a support ticket in. but I know DE is on a much deserved break right now, and with New Year's tonight/tomorrow holiday, no warframe for me :-(


Yeah, it looks like they sold everything, and the reason I think that is I have a significant amount more credits than when I got offline. All my event mods....x5 forma'ed weapons.....(mr 21 so i had pretty much everything).....


Thankfully they didn't mess with my clan dojo or members or anything like that....


Just makes me sad that's there's such sad people in the world these days though. 


You're to good for a person to get hacked. -.- I really hope the DE finds who did it and bans their IP from the game for life. Also you could technically sue them because Plat = IRL Money and you can sue them for technically stealing money from you. (Would have to give a decent case but its easily possible)

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You're to good for a person to get hacked. -.- I really hope the DE finds who did it and bans their IP from the game for life. Also you could technically sue them because Plat = IRL Money and you can sue them for technically stealing money from you. (Would have to give a decent case but its easily possible)


If they took plat from your account, then thats theft.


Contact the police.


Cyber crimes division.


If they did it to you, then they have probably done similar hacks to many other people.


Check your emails. If you opened one with an attachment then that may have been the ones that infected your PC.


Its not a PS4 issue, its a computer issue. The PS4 was probably not hacked, it was 99 % certain via your PC.

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If they took plat from your account, then thats theft.


Contact the police.


Cyber crimes division.


If they did it to you, then they have probably done similar hacks to many other people.


Check your emails. If you opened one with an attachment then that may have been the ones that infected your PC.


Its not a PS4 issue, its a computer issue. The PS4 was probably not hacked, it was 99 % certain via your PC.


^ Basically this. You can defiantly sue the person that did it to you. Pretty successfully and most likely get them a couple years in prison depending on where you live. The US isn't a fan of cyber crimes. If you do try to sue them make sure to print as much evidence as possible.


The only reason people get away with cyber crimes is lack of evidence. 

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