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How Terrifying Are The Tenno?

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A small group of Tenno can wipe out waves of Grineer, Corpus, and to some extent Sentients. With this much power, do you think out enemies in the back of their minds, hope they don't have to encounter Tenno? I imagine the Grineer worry about this less because they're clones. The Corpus however can live very long lives. So they'd rather use Proxies and indoctrinated workers as barriers. If you ever listen to the radio on your ship. Theres transmissions of Grineer (saying Uhhh, uhh as many times as he can) just talking to captains about Void residue and Grineer finding entire ships full of mangled Grineer corpses. I think knowing what impact the Tenno make on the Origin system is interesting. I wonder what the colonies think of the Tenno.

Edited by (PS4)Fac3kick3r_lolz
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While there's little on the colonies in-game right now, DE has said in the past that the "normal" people in the system (that is to say, the people who are not with any of the established factions including the Tenno) look up to the Tenno, as they're basically the only ones fighting on their behalf.

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I'm going to make a Draco joke here.


How do you think the Grineer leadership feel about the fact that Tenno show up on Draco, and murder thousands of Grineer soldiers for fun and profit?  And worse, that it happens rather often?


I laugh about this every time I start a Draco mission, despite how routine it's become, because of the Gradivus Dilemma event.  I sided with the Grineer for that, since knowing that the Grineer were racking up their numbers as a result really wasn't much of a threat.  In fact, it means I can easily put more Forma in things.




More seriously, this was one of the reasons I sided with Steel Meridian, since I didn't see anyone else trying to protect all the little people the Corpus, Grineer, and Infested like stepping on and/or eating.  


Knowing that any of the factions are messing with the innocent people out there is a great way to encourage this Tenno to go clean out an entire base.

Edited by rhoenix
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I feel the thoughts of the grineer go something like this:

generic lancer #whatever: "all hail the twin queens, tenno skoom, scorpion boobs." "Hey. generic lancer #whatever+1 went into the storage area and never came back, best go investigate" (walks to storage area)(opens door)(comes face to face with a warframe with a large weapon)"F***"



Edited by Etan-gK
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Pretty much every frame has a way to become invincible/intangible/unkillable or kill a room full of people with a gesture.

And are somehow able to get into anywhere as long as it has a ventilation system.

From a grineer or corpus perspective I'd imagine it'd be something like living in a horror movie as the clueless teenagers and the Tenno are the monsters.

Edited by (PS4)Lowk721
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