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"anti-Matter Themed New Warframe"


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Please; Someone explain to me how this will work.


In my opinion, this is a really stupid idea. Especially if it involves the use of using antimatter as some form of weapon/projectile.


Or, what if you accidentally touch it yourself, OOPS JUST ANNIHILATED MYSELF.


I may be coming off aggressive and hostile, but I just really don't know how they can really implement this and bring it off as being truly 'Anti-matter'

Or are they going down the route of, "Oh you turn, a few sub-atomic particles within their body, causing part of their body to spontaneously annihilate."


I really have no idea.

TLDR; How will an antimatter warfame work, without going against the laws of physics?

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Pretty sure we are well within the realm of what some would call 'Science Fiction'. Terms are used in various ways that do not in any way relate to real world tests and experimentation, nor applied in feasible ways within our currently defined, modern universe.


And as with all fantasy type genres, thinking outside the box is how things get done.

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First understand this, this game is about space people in robotic suits that give them super powers.


Anyway, following that, it is scientifically impossible. But in this case, in this game I should say, it is not. 

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How does Saryn's poison not melt through the ship when it melts everything else?


Miasma     100px-Miasma2.png Through noxious exhalation, SARYN polutes the atmosphere with a lethally poisonous mist that corrodes all enemies in range, effectively disintegrating organic and synthetic matter instantly.



Not everything needs to make sense. Sometimes powers are just there for fun.

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The poll option was antimatter/matter. It should interact with both, not just one. Also, it was frequently noted that the M/GM community were disappointed with the 5 choices we got considering what we offered (read: don't blame us).

Edited by Kyrkitao
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lol... you mean you're worried about realism in a game with futuristic space ninja aliens, some of whom do things like... throw grenades with singularities inside, launch supersonic wave attacks (and don't liquify themselves and their teammates), jump the sizes of houses, go invisible, control people's minds and wield things like... plasma wrapped around a sword?

At some point you gotta just relax and remember it's just a game.

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How does Saryn's poison not melt through the ship when it melts everything else?


Miasma     100px-Miasma2.png Through noxious exhalation, SARYN polutes the atmosphere with a lethally poisonous mist that corrodes all enemies in range, effectively disintegrating organic and synthetic matter instantly.



Not everything needs to make sense. Sometimes powers are just there for fun.

Well, there are real gases that can melt through material, usually not heavy material such as something a space ship would be made out of.

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I haven't got a clue how this Warframe is supposed to work, but from what I can see he does one of two things:

1. Destroy things

2. Not destroy things

I don't know about you, but I think most Warframes do this already? It's like taking abilities from other Warframes and just tweaking them slightly then pasting them onto a different looking Warframe. But then again, paying that much for the design council and helping the devs, they can't really say no. And at least it;s still better than Necro.

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He (or she) could make mines out of a spec of antimatter in a containment field. That would be cool.


Most of the things one would ("realistically") do with antimatter would just make him or her a "generic energy/radiation frame" though.


Although, I'm sure they can come up with something decent, I'd be more interested in seeing what they would come up with for necro, berserker or hawk themes.

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By this logic everytime the Mag uses Crush she'd be ripping the ship apart, Saryn would be melting through the hull with Miasma and lord knows what Vaubans Vortex would be doing to it, the things essentially a localised black hole. It's a soft sci-fi setting, nearly every aspect of it requires you lock your suspension of disbelief in an adamatium vault for it to make any sort of sense.

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It was either this or necro, both of which are kinda poor ideas creatively, but have mass appeal to people who have been playing only sci-fi and fantasy games in the last decade.


Was rooting for Earth, because another tanky frame would be nice, but it doesn't have the same mass appeal.

Edited by Crobot
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By this logic everytime the Mag uses Crush she'd be ripping the ship apart, Saryn would be melting through the hull with Miasma and lord knows what Vaubans Vortex would be doing to it, the things essentially a localised black hole. It's a soft sci-fi setting, nearly every aspect of it requires you lock your suspension of disbelief in an adamatium vault for it to make any sort of sense.

That's exactly my point. Thanks Sawblade101.

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Was 45 votes short. Good riddance too. Not that M/A-M is much better.


So, I've just realized .. this vote is the definitive proof some people have been looking for that masters/grand masters are uncool.


Shame be upon them!

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Please; Someone explain to me how this will work.


In my opinion, this is a really stupid idea. Especially if it involves the use of using antimatter as some form of weapon/projectile.


Or, what if you accidentally touch it yourself, OOPS JUST ANNIHILATED MYSELF.


I may be coming off aggressive and hostile, but I just really don't know how they can really implement this and bring it off as being truly 'Anti-matter'

Or are they going down the route of, "Oh you turn, a few sub-atomic particles within their body, causing part of their body to spontaneously annihilate."


I really have no idea.

TLDR; How will an antimatter warfame work, without going against the laws of physics?

Last time I checked physics, antimatter isn't some magical black hole particle with an even horizon thousands of times larger than normal black holes.


1 proton + 1 antiproton -> annihilation -> 2 proton masses worth of energy

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Honestly Necromancy and Antimatter where very lame themes. I can't honestly say either would have gotten me excited.


 So yeah, whatever. Antimatter. Knock yourselves out. A Frame based on a subject Science knows very little about - fantastic. 4 Skills based roughly around exploding things in a bright light because that is the only thing science actually seems to know about Anti-matter.




 Edit: Since it is going to be all about explosions we might as well call it 'Torgue'.

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