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June 4Th: Community Hot Topics


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There is decidedly a lot of good stuff here, so let me add in my 2 cents:


1. RNG:


I am very glad that you are looking into this. It decidedly needs a few tweaks.

I just hope you check out the Drop-Tables of not only the Mission-Rewards

but also the ?-Alert System.

As it is now, it seems to bring up about 50% Scavenger Artifacts, 10% Other Artifacts

and the rest are mainly 2000 Credit Rewards.

Since the improvement of Credit Rewards for Missions, this is absolutely ridiculous.

These Alerts are supposed to be harder than normal Missions and in return offer an

enhanced Reward. This might still be the case in Mercury and Venus but a 2000 Cred-Alert in Pluto?


My Opinion here is to abolish these 2000 Credits Rewards completely and therefore enhance the

propability of Rare Rewards coming around. Alternatively, you could replace the rewards from 2000 Credits

to a Material. Instead of Money we would get some Material, like 500 Alloy or maybe 1-3 Control Modules.

Adding the new Materials Detonite, Mutagen and Fieldron in the amount of 1-5 would also increase the

Interest of people.


2. End Game and Diverse Content


Also something that delights me to hear. I am one of those who are slowly getting burned out due to

having nothing to do but farm for Dojo-Weapons at the moment.


An interesting Addition would be to include a few more Free-Running-Sections like you need to pass

to get into the Void-Vaults. Maybe even include a Dojo-Room where Clans could hold friendly




3. PlayStation 4


I am both happy for DE to have made this huge Accomplishment as well as afraid of what this

could mean to us PC-Gamers. As it was mentioned before in this Thread, we PC-Gamers often

get the short end of the stick when a Game is Cross-Platform. Here is to hoping that Warframe will

stay the Course of Equality here.


4. Viper Sounds (& Sound Update in General)


It is very nice to see that you are continuously trying to improve every Aspect of the Game.

Personally I am not that particular about Weapon Sounds but quite a few of my Clan friends

weren`t happy with how some of the Weapons sound right now. So, thumbs up to DE_George

and his Team!


5. E3


I always wanted to go there...sadly, i never had the chance. I wish everyone from DE that go there Good Luck,

success, and Lots of Fun!




This is a truly Epic Animation and I am sure you will receive a lot of Attention alone through this.

Seeing the Powers of almost all my Favorite Frames in Action was exhilarating to say the least.

And the Grineer Boss is a wonderful mixture of Evil, Badass and worthy Adversary.

The only thing that confused me was the Beam from the Void Key. WIll there be an Option

for a Void Host to use such a Beam once or a few Times inside the Void later on?


Oh yes, now that the Grineer have their own Spoken language, will their Lines in-game be changed to

that? (Also, did you guys create a new Language like Tolkien or did you use an existing one like Esperanto?)

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Good luck with the PS4. At this point nobody that I know of is willing to spend major cash on a console system. Especially given they won't deny the lack of support for used games, game pricing and so on. Most people that I know who used to play on the consoles have all gone back to pc gaming and simply built gaming rigs.

I'd be curious what Steam eventually offers though.

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So I started to play Warframe 2 weeks ago, everything was perferct but yestarday I started game and I got this error: " Please ensure that you firewall permits UDP 3960 & 3962 ports" Ofcourse, I tryed to add permission on firewall to these ports, but still not working...And I even made open port in my rounter but still not working...So maybe someone can help me? Spent too much money on game to leave like this......

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: I wrote here because I`m hoping to get faster response how to solve this problem :)

EDIT2: I logged in to account with another computer and still got same problem..So basicaly it is problem with account, not firewall or router..

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I just wanted to say these community hot topics are invaluable. The communication and openness and responsiveness DE is showing is a dream come true for people who have been gaming for a long time and are jaded and cynical for a good reason: their past experiences trying to be heard or even just get information. Well done.

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June 4th Community Hot Topics!


1. RNG:


What can I say about this? Between facts (RNG Data) and fixes (Bandaids and an overhauled system entirely), a lot is going to change. A lot of posts this weekend have filled me with a sense that our players do not believe things are going to ever change. Or, if things do change, it’s for the wrong reasons or a step in the wrong direction. Although only a fraction of our players participate in our forums, it is these players that remind us the importance of balance, content, and fairness. Thank you all. It is our duty as developers to fix large issues, and with all the Update 8 revisions going on, it is becoming ever clear what can be fixed in a Hotfix, and what needs an overhaul entirely, namely RNG Drops.


When a system exists based on “Rare, Uncommon, and Common” tiers, the probabilities to drop something from these tiers as a whole remains the same, but as more content gets added to these tiers, the desired items become harder to get.  This is a problem – a player actively seeking Rare Drop X may get burnt out on the game and decide seeking Rare Drop X is no longer worth it.  Which brings me to my next point…

No offence DE, but I have more things to do with my time then play 16hrs a day (or play 4hrs farming and get 1-2 drops im looking for) for my chance to roll the dice and get "unlucky". I would probably never play this game if i had a job. Simply because i wouldnt get anywhere with "luck" and would be to frustrated with the current rng to even want to play this game.


Hope this gets fixed soon to make this game more fair for casual players and make it fesable to get certain frames and certain mods.

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I don't mean to spam or anything but here's a few things I've posted numerous times both on the last 3 live streams and to the forums on a few occasions but it seems I'm being either ignored or just lost in the noise. I don't know exactly where to post. lol I just wanted to make sure someone seen it.

Some of Rhino's powers are not counting kills, for mission stats or account stats. This is a problem.

My Affinity booster only works when it wants to. Sometimes I get double Affinity, other times I do not. I'm not sure of the issue. Maybe Host or Client related.

Excalibur, his prime variant, and Nyx's back details are the only ones that are not customizable and remain a dull grey. Effectively preventing Solid color or two toned palettes. Please Respect. I can't make a completely black or white or any color of these frames without it being terribly contrasted by the unchangeable grey.

Falling through the map has become a real problem lately.

Warframe ability mods in Mod Packs should be removed. Having spent 2000 plat trying to get a thunderbolt via Dragon packs, I can say that most of the skills I got were warframe skill mods. Mods that I would get for free having crafted or purchased a frame. So most of that was wasted money. I did manage to get 1 thunderbolt though. Thankfully.

The New bow really needs to deal armor ignoring damage, because without it's damage is terribly lackluster compared to the Paris.

Also: AKLEX... We want it.

The damage cap on Iron skin needs to be raised a bit. At the very least 1200 max. Hopefully 2200.

As it is now I can get shot twice in tier 3 void missions with iron skin as it is and It's gone. Meaning I can't use it to tank, I can't use it to revive a friend, I have to constantly run back and forth to cover or run away and if someone is dying, well... I'd be more of a liability trying to help them than I would if I just let them die. lol...

Vauban's vortex is preventing rhino charge, or slash dash from working. Not to mention being annoying as hell. It was cool at first but, yeah, getting jerked around or having someone spam voids in door ways just to be a troll is getting old fast.

I miss the Duel Vipers sounding like a chainsaw to be honest. I wish we could have sound packs or weapon parts like the sentinel parts that have visual and gameplay effects such as silencers and stuff.

And that's all I can think of right now, Thanks again DE. Also, We need our Neon Color Pack.

Edit: Also, Alt Gender frames haven't been mentioned for awhile and most of my questions on the subject have been ignored. I'd like some clarification on that or an ETA if possible. It's just that... I'm really looking forward to a male mag and ember... Like alot. @.@


Also Did did you guys Nerf Loki's Decoy? Or is it a bug?


Double Edit: I say also a lot.

Edited by Sirabot
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Add Epic and Legendary mod rarities, and separate each tier within itself by level range.

20-30 decent rare stuff

30-40 more desirable rares

40-50 smexy rares

and do this same process for all rarity tiers with ascending level ranges

simple solution

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Honestly I cannot see why anyone would believe that problems in this game will last forever, particularly one as serious as the RNG.


The devs have always had our backs, any changes they made were because they thought it would make for a better game and many times in the patch they have modified systems for our benefit. All we have to do is communicate our problems. DE are not the fastest, but at least they document our feedback and use it in development.


If you want to see developers who abhor there fan base, look no further than Mechwarrior Online which is implementing a 3rd person viewing mode despite players being against it pre-alpha. Or how they keep broken combat in game for months before over tweaking and making entire weapon systems useless for months. Let's not forget the broken matchmaking that pits a team of assault mechs versus a team of heavies.

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Vipers' sound was perfect.

It was.  Now it sounds severely asthmatic.


Generally very happy with DE's latest comments. 


Personally I'd like game to be harder.  Clever-harder.  Not simply ever bigger bullet sponges.  Intelligent opposition that reward require tactical thinking not just greater brute force.  Not including quits I have 99% mission completion rate. Game is very easy. 

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For RNG, an "easy" fix would be to have specialized areas. Like ressources, some mods would have a much higher chance to drop at a given location. Say, you want fire-damage mod, go to mercury. You want warframe ability mods, go to the corresponding boss. And so on and so forth.

Also material alerts.

For PS4, I don't care, unless the PC is going to suffer from it.

And dat trailer... I WANT THAT INGAME D:

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Drop list is so bad, i not even looking whats dropped , defense mission drops is a disaster , not rewarding , void key drops ar pure crap, droped few times and thats it, maybe after month will drop few again, update 8 for me is big dissapointment, there is no content to play, i play game like before, same missions all the way, new warframes and weapons is fun but not importatnt, i prefer more content to play , not another NOOB content like any void runs, bring something chalanging and rewarding to make players busy!


Void keys ar for pay to play players content, drops are super rare, got 3 keys in 2 weeks WTF after hundreds of defense missions and other stuff!


Forma is for pay to win players, its overpowered stuff wich give huge boost, this thing not drop anywhare(got 2 from alerts, 1 per week,lots of void runs not give a shet) and to upgrade something you need ALOT!


When we get not locked contetnt for everyone, i thought this game is FREE TO PLAY!

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Hello Rebecca,


Nice to hear about the changes.


1. RNG, looking forward

2. Missions need to be a challenge. Dont hesitate to make some, which are to be played by well managed teams, to be completed. Put more content into "to do" rather into "how I look like". Make missions which are asking for specific warframes/weapons/playstyle. Dont hesitate to make missions where players get to a "wtf, how should I beat this mission - tried 20 times....?!". Make clans compete with each other... Where is the forum for new ideas??

3. PS4, kooking forward, make the players to play in one universe with the PC guys. Hope you do!

4. What about sound which makes you cut a Grineer and even with closed eyes you know it is his flesh just torn apart.

5. EA, all the best, live stream planned??

6. Trailer is quite nice, but what about showing all the Tenno for a short, This is one of the main drivers of the game - warframes, isnt it? Like each of them makes small actions for few seconds to synchronize the rest with "something bigger"...



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not really a hot topic but a issue for a shooter.

plz fix the crosshair ._.

missed headshots make me sad.


Yes please! Also, make it darker or less transparent! I hate how it blends into walls and lighter colored enemies.

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Yes please! Also, make it darker or less transparent! I hate how it blends into walls and lighter colored enemies.


The visibility is more or less improved with the 8.0.7... BUT WHAT ABOUT THE OFF-CENTERED RETICULE? They didn't fixed it yet... T-T

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