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How To: Law Of Retribution (Basic Guide)



Hello. I'm here to give a basic overview of how to play the Law of Retribution trial.

This Guide will go over what you need for the trial, and how the trial works, in terms of gameplay.

First, I'll be explaining what you need, including builds for each Frame. Hopefully this order will help understand how things work in-game.
These are regular high level grineer. No augmented armor or any stupid stuff like that. They do however have a higher spawn rate than sabotage/spy/intercept/capture missions.

First off, you need to acquire Law of Retribution keys from the Market for Credits, then build the keys.

After you've built the keys, you can find the mission on Earth.
You need a minimum of 4 people total to do a Trial.
This is not a personal rule. It is physically impossible to even start the trial with less than 4.
Warframes people usually take are:
• Loki
• Frost
• Mirage
• Nova
• Trinity
• Vauban

If you were to want to run a 4-man raid, my picks would be Nova, Mirage, Frost, Trinity.
All the crowd control. Nova would have to be bomb runner, while Mirage boils every grineer's eyeballs. Frost does Frost stuff, same as Trinity. That's only for a 4-man raid, though.

I'll be explaining the enemies a little, to start us off.

I should Probably mention that it's best for 4 people to be wearing Corrosive Projection. Yeah, it helps with Vay Hek, but it's mainly to kill Bombards before they can nuke you while you stand on the pads in Phase 2. Vay Hek has only 225 Ferrite Armor, so he actually isn't all that tough. Bombards, however, have 500 Alloy armor and can crack your dome in a split second.

Bombards, along with Napalms have Alloy armor, which will grant a 75% damage buff for radiating attacks, as well as a 25% damage buff for both Puncture and Cold damage types. To counter this, however, their armor makes them 50% Resistant to Slash, Electricity, and Magnetic.

Meanwhile, Heavy Gunners & Councillor Vay Hek's Terraform have Ferrite Armor. This armor type will grant a 75% damage weakness to Corrosive damage, a 50% damage weakness to Puncture damage, as well as a 25% weakness to toxin.
However, he has a small 25% resistance to both Blast and Slash damage types.

Well that's cool and ish, but what damage types would be best to bring to the LoR? Well, first off my cute little newbie, your squad should have 4 Corrosive projections. This will take away the damage resistant buff that all enemies with any type of armor have gained. When all is said and done, a combination of Puncture and Corrosive would most likely be best.

No, you can't bring your Volt. I don't care how speedy he is. No, you can't bring your Limbo. I don't care how he's "better than frost in every way". Just stop.

Vauban/Frost aren't necessarily needed, but they are useful. First, I'll show what builds you need for each frame, and
I'll tell you what each frame's role is.



Build Explanation:That build is a personal favorite. To be honest, you could just go with your average build to have high efficiency, armor, and strength, to spam globes all day long. However, This build is focused around duration purely for the fact that you can freeze Vay Hek. Yes, I said it. The God of Cheapness has blessed us. With as much Crowd Control as is usually included in a raid's group, you really don't need a macho man globe. Also, I may get hate for not using Chilling Globe, but it really isn't worth it. There are multiple reasons, but just trust me. Why use an entire mod space to freeze an enemy for a few seconds when you can just recast your Globe, sending the enemies out, and making the globe stronger?
Role: In the first phase, try putting bubbles on the bomb carrier while he waits for allies to hack consoles, run the tram in the second phase, and freezing Vay Hek in the third phase.




Role: Run the bomb in the First and Third Phases of the Trial. To pick up the bomb, press your Context Action button (Square on PS4, X on PC. Not sure about Xbox. Sorry.). The bomb will drain your energy in order to charge itself. In the First Phase, you will take the bomb to one of four Toxin Injectors, and wait for your team mates to hack 4 Consoles in order to make the Injector vulnerable. When the injector becomes vulnerable, you'll receive a notification of that happening in the middle of your screen, queuing you to drop the bomb near the Injector. Only drop the bomb when the Injector is Vulnerable, and the bomb is at 100%. In the Third Phase, you will take the bomb to one of Five doors which are located under Smoke Stacks, which Councillor Vay Hek sits on top of. Your comrades will find the two pads needed to open the door, and will stand on them, allowing entry. Once inside, you'll wait until the bomb is at 100%, and drop it in the hole located at the back of the room under the smoke stack. Jump out of said hole before it explodes, or else you'll be bacon.

Build explanation: Loki is going to be squishy either way, so survival mods such as Redirection/Vitality are a waste
Since the bomb prevents you from being invisible or using abilities, duration won't be needed as much as range. Radial Disarm will help much more in Crowd Control than your invisibility would help you, but you still want some duration just to stay alive when the ish hits the fan. Irradiating Disarm is an ability augment mod which confuses enemies into attacking one another. Although it is not needed, it is definitely helpful.


Role: Spam the christ out of Prism. As soon as you see a timer on Prism, recast it to make it explode, blinding everything in the area. That's it. Blind stuff. Unless someone tells you to get on a pad or something, just run beside your team and blind everything that ever made the mistake of having eyeballs.
Build Explanation: This build revolves around Mirage's Prism Ability. It is not a build for damage, however. Mirage's Prism blinds all enemies in the area upon explosion (regardless of whether or not they are in Line of Sight). This build allows Mirage to efficiently cast Prism, and explode it immediately simply for the Blind effect. Duration affects how long enemies stay blinded, while Range determines how far the blinding effect will be effective. Natural Talent will simply allow you to cast Prism faster, enabling you to blind enemies faster in dangerous situations.
Side Note: Molecular Prime's Slowing effect will cause enemies to go through the blinding animation much slower as well. Meaning they'll be holding their heads in pain for longer periods of time while affected by Molecular Prime.


Role: Pretty much to spam Molecular prime every half-minute or so. Other than that, Nova Prime has an energy pool nearly equivalent to Loki Prime's.
Since the Trial has Grineer that can split your dome in 2 seconds if you're not paying attention, Molecular Prime will help with Crowd Control, as well as work in perfect synergy with Mirage.

Build Explanation: Molecular Prime's range is actually affected by Duration. Think of it like "The time in which M Prime's expansion will be active". So, Range is actually completely useless, unless Wormhole is taken into consideration. The Difference between a Speed Nova and a Slow Nova is the Strength. Molecular Prime's slowing ability is affected by strength, and strength alone. Positive strength adds to the Slowing statistic, while having Negative Strength will actually make Molecular Prime Speed enemies up. So all in all, Positive Strength and Duration are all you need.

Energy Vampire Trinity:


Role: Just as it sounds, you're gonna be sucking energy out of Grineer like the tenno parasite you are. Just run around making sure people have hella energy. That's all.
Build explanation: The Key to this build is pretty Low Duration, High Power, and High Range. Energy Vampire will give 5 pulses of energy from a single enemy over a certain amount of time. If you have a very low duration, 5 pulses will still happen, but in a shorter time period. In other words, you'll get the same amount of energy, but way faster. Strength directly affects the amount of energy gained each time Energy Vampire goes off. Simple as that. Range affects how far an ally can be away and still benefit from your EV. I highly suggest running Enemy Radar on your Trinity just so you have an easier time finding enemies to leech. Vampire Leech is an Ability Augment Mod which alters Energy Vampire. If an ally has full power, any excess power obtained from Energy Vampire will be channeled into Shields. In other words, he'll get overshields.

Blessing Trinity:


Build Explanation: Mod Selection.Yes, All those mods are necessary. For this build you'll need only a small amount of Strength. Blessing only restores 80% of allies health & shields, but with Intensify, it will restore 100%. Duration of course affects how long the Blessing Damage Resistance buff is active. Range does not matter, as Blessing will affect the entire team regardless of position. Quick thinking is absolutely necessary, in order to keep yourself from committing explosive seppuku. Rage is helpful to boost your energy pool to prepare for fatal damage, which Quick Thinking will prevent.

Role:  Keep your allies alive. They are allergic to caskets. Keep their health and shields up, while giving them a nice damage reduction buff. Firstly, bring out that explosive weapon and shoot your toes off. Putting yourself at 2HP will grant a 99% Damage Resistance buff whenever you decide to use Blessing.
You can use pretty much anything explosive, but my favorite is the Kulstar. A lot of people use the Glaive/Glaive Prime, however. In order to damage yourself with the Glaive weapons, you need a punch through mod, known as Power throw. It generally doesn't work as well as kulstar, in my opinion.
Extremely important: As a Blessing Trinity, there's something you need to do out of the game. Go into your options menu, scroll over to HUD, and make sure Show Player List is enabled. It allows a list of your Allies to appear on the right side of your screen, which also shows the Shields & Health of each individual ally. This will help you perform your healing role.



Role: Vauban's general purpose is the same as Mirage & Nova. Crowd Control. Spam Bastilles everywhere, ensuring your turf is never invaded.
Build explanation: I mean.....Really? I gotta explain this ish? Duration adds to the longevity of your Bastille, while range adds to the distance covered. Make your fort large, and long-lasting. Repelling Bastille is an Augment mod that will Repel new enemies away upon contact with the Bastille. This feature only works when the Bastille is at max capacity (suspending the max amount of enemies). If an enemy is repelled, and comes back, he will enter the Bastille with no problems. With Nova, however, they will take way longer to even get up from being repelled.

Now, to explain how LoR works.
1: In the first phase, there will be a mechanism which has one console on the left & right side of it. Once both consoles are hacked, the bomb will be dropped onto the ground in front of it. Once it is dropped, the Loki will pick it up, and take it through one of the 4 doors (separate from the one you came in through), and follow the path until you come across a Toxin Injector. It looks something like this:


Once there, 4 players will look for consoles, which need to be hacked in order to make the Injector Vulnerable [i've put a map of the entire first Phase below, including icons for door pads, injectors, and consoles.)(In Nightmare, they reset after 20 seconds or so, and you will have to rehack the console.)] After the 4 consoles are hacked, the Injector will become Vulnerable. Once the bomb reaches 100%, drop the bomb near the Injector, and run away. Repeat this process with the other 3 injectors, and you will pass this Phase.



The second Phase technically has two parts, so I'll label the second part as 2.5.

2: In the (first part of the) second Phase, there will be a puzzle revolving around weighted pads. The first step to completing this puzzle is to find the Hacking Console (or Panic Button) which is lit up, and hack it. After it is hacked, a Sign will appear in the middle of the font wall, above the locked door. Find the pad which has the same sign, and stand on it. Once you're standing on it, DO NOT GET OFF THE PAD (Important: Loki's Decoys do not activate pads. Enemies do not activate pads. Limbo, while in Rift-walk, does not activate pads.) Getting off the pad will reset the process, and if anyone else is on a pad, it will kill them. If you step on a wrong pad, you will die, but anyone who is on a pad will be spared. Two people can be on a pad at the same time. If a person goes down on a pad without the process resetting, feel free to revive them. However, if they die and the process is reset, they MUST crawl off the pads in order to be revived. Walking on the pad after the process in reset will kill you. Each time someone stands on the correct pad, the Hacking Console will switch to a different wall. Find it, Hack it, stand on the corresponding button. Rinse & Repeat until all players are on pads. Once all players are on pads, the machinery in the room will activate, the buttons below the screen in the front of the room will all turn Blue, and you'll hear a noise which sounds like machinery starting up. You're now free to get off the pads.

2.5: In the second part of the second phase, you'll be doing a Hijack mission, with a few twists. You'll first see two pads, and a wide console. 2 people stand on the pads, and one person activate the console. The doors will open, and a tram will come out. Frost AND ONLY FROST will guide the tram, to avoid miscommunications. EV Trinity will run around doing what she does best. 3 others will find and stand on the pads, while the last 3 tenno guard the people on the pads. If the tram hits the electricity, it will lose a bunch of health.[(I have put a map of the pads in a spoiler below this section. Thank whoever was kind enough to make this map.) (In Nightmare Missions, The Tram hitting the Electricity means an immediate Failure. There are also bombs on the track which you need to look out for.)] Vay Hek will be in the area during the third push, but you can't damage him. Try to just avoid contact with him in general. The G3 have a 100% chance to spawn during Phase 2.5 in the Third/Last push, so be prepared for them. Once the tram goes through all 3 rooms, you only need to push it to the platform at the end of the track, and then you Pass.
Map of Electricity Pads:


3: In the Third and Last phase, there are 5 Smoke stacks which Vay Hek will be perched on top of. Under each smoke stack is a door where you will need to bring a bomb into. Each door has 2 large cords coming from under them, leading to 2 separate pads. 1 Person will have to step on a pad to open the door. Once the door is open, bring the bomb inside. When the bomb reaches 100%, drop it in the back, and exit the room. The smoke stack will activate, shooting a large flame through the top.

In the center of the five smoke stacks is a circular platform with 4 panic buttons on it. If the enemies hack all 4 buttons, the flames inside the smoke stacks will die down, and the process will reset. Blow up every smoke stack while defending the panic buttons, and Vay Hek will become vulnerable. All that's left is to kill him.

There is no weak spot of his, or only a certain spot where he is vulnerable. Light him up. 

Good luck in your raids! I really do hope this helped.
Any suggestions? Something I missed? Looking to leave feedback in general? Feeling lonely? Leave a comment down below, or spam my PSN inbox. I'll try to reply to whatever I can, but no promises.


If you'd like in-game help with the LoR raid, I may be able to help you.

Contact me on PSN, and I'll let you know if I can get a raid going. 

I'll invite you to a party and teach you as we go. Microphone is NOT needed. As long as you can hear, that's fine.

Edited by (PS4)PuriDiv
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The only point of contention I have is your Loki build using Redirection instead of Quick Thinking. I'm assuming that's so you don't lose energy from a stray hit while you're visible carrying the battery? I can see the logic in that but it does make him a bit squishy during other sections, invisibility doesn't always save you.

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The only point of contention I have is your Loki build using Redirection instead of Quick Thinking. I'm assuming that's so you don't lose energy from a stray hit while you're visible carrying the battery? I can see the logic in that but it does make him a bit squishy during other sections, invisibility doesn't always save you.

Yeah, at that point  it really just becomes personal opinion

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Very nice overview! Will help a lot of people to prepare for it. Since you put this extensive guide together, maybe you can answer question related to the Nightmare version? ( i can't seem to find a sufficient answer for it). About taking out the nullifier drones (first stage)

There was a change (Update  18 or just before) that they were invulnerable from outside the bubble and spawn rates that flooded the room.

So far I understand that it was for hitscan weapons this didn't work (you would have to go in and take one out) . But for projectile weapons it should work right? Since i didn't have the ability yet to further test this, i wanted to ask. I would like to find a suitable weapon for this (because the recent ones i tried failed because people weren't prepared to take them out.) I know one option is to count completely on the bless trin and she stays out of the zones, but i prefer to be able to clear some.

And  it's not so easy just to go in a nightmare and test some stuff :p So if a more experienced one can help me out with this, Thank you


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You don't need that much power strength on your nova, the speed reduction cap is set at +45% power strength. Your EV needs more range and power strength. Everything else looks fine and I assume you haven't gotten around to maxing Narrowminded. I personally run natural talent over rage on my blessing build to get that bless down instantly.

Edited by S0V3REiGN
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Very nice overview! Will help a lot of people to prepare for it. Since you put this extensive guide together, maybe you can answer question related to the Nightmare version? ( i can't seem to find a sufficient answer for it). About taking out the nullifier drones (first stage)

There was a change (Update  18 or just before) that they were invulnerable from outside the bubble and spawn rates that flooded the room.

So far I understand that it was for hitscan weapons this didn't work (you would have to go in and take one out) . But for projectile weapons it should work right? Since i didn't have the ability yet to further test this, i wanted to ask. I would like to find a suitable weapon for this (because the recent ones i tried failed because people weren't prepared to take them out.) I know one option is to count completely on the bless trin and she stays out of the zones, but i prefer to be able to clear some.

And  it's not so easy just to go in a nightmare and test some stuff :p So if a more experienced one can help me out with this, Thank you



I'm pretty sure that it works the same way as a corpus Nullifier bubble, with the added benefit of invincibility. So with that being said, I'm pretty sure no weapons will be able to damage it from the outside. It'll be personal opinion on what you want to bring to kill those guys, but I prefer the Penta.

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You don't need that much power strength on your nova, the speed reduction cap is set at +45% power strength. Your EV needs more range and power strength. Everything else looks fine and I assume you haven't gotten around to maxing Narrowminded. I personally run natural talent over rage on my blessing build to get that bless down instantly.


I never knew that :P

If you want, you could send me your builds, and I'll replace mine with them. IF that sounds good, Hit me Up on PSN.

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