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What Skills Would You Like To See On The New Anti Matter Warframe?


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Does anyone here actually understand what anti-matter is and how it works?

Nope. Right now people think of it as this magical science thingy that can do anything, much like they treated radiation a century or two ago.


That's the biggest problem with this theme. An antimatter frame would be nothing but explosions, but people are suggesting gravity control and time stop and all kinds of crazy things.

Edited by 10twenty4
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On the idea of nerfing my previous suggestion, all of the abilities would have major cooldowns, so that they won't be just spammed repeatedly. The shield regen would be excruciatingly slow, and the speed of this frame would be normal. However, seeing as it has uber damage, those are what the mods would be like when they're maxed out. I would also suggest that you cannot buy this WF, the only part you can buy is the frame blueprint, not the helmet/chassis/systems blueprint, but just the frame blueprint. The ingredients required to make this would be ten fold times that of any other Frame, making this one the hardest to build. I'm trying to nerf this without making it weak, but keeping it from being the death of everything. And, as inquired by another Tenno, the third ability would allow Allies to walk around as per usual. However, enemies are suspended in Stasis. The point of being invisible is so that it is visually appealing, and some enemies would be resistant to chronostasis. The invisibility will still be there when chronostasis subsides. This will make it easier to play a stealth role. Like I said, it is still overpowered, but now it's a lot harder to get, and the cooldowns will be massive. I'd probably have the cooldowns for the abilities at least 3 or 5 minutes for the weakest one. This makes it so you can't spam ability X Y times and kill everything on the map instantly. Feel free to add any nerfs you would like, so long as they don't take away from the Ultimate Frame aspect. I don't think explosions go hand in hand with Antimatter. I have one rule if you're going to nerf this, don't change the abilities effects/names. You can change the damage, duration, ect. of them, but not the actual effect or name. Same goes for the Frame's name. :P

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for all of you wanted abilitys that have to do with minupilating space and time wouldn't that be fit a say a temporal warframe this is a anti matter warframe it deals with the control of atoms the my abilitys for this would be something like this


1.phase beam you create a beam of unstable anti matter which deals medium to heavy damage and can go through enemys and cover but only in a straight line


2. molecular disintegration you destabilize the particles in and around your enemy which cause them to take single target damage and disintegrate if killed


3. anti matter field your mastery of partice manipulation allows you to creat a field of anti matter around yourself destroying all enemy fire but due to the nature of anti matter and how unstable it is your anti matter field could fail before the aloted time and explode dealing massive damage to all enemys in range but also draining all your shields in the explosion leaving your vulnerable


4. anti nova you harness your power of atom and particle control into a enemy causing the particles to become so unstable that the enemy glows then they explode causing a massive explosion dealing damage to surrounding mobs and giving them a dot effect


overview of skills


phase beam can like the name suggests go through enemys and cover becuase these are particles and atoms they can go through any thing almost anything it also deals nice damage but the downside is it only goes in a straight line


molecular disintegration causes a powerful single target dot damage and will disingrate the enemy if it kills it useful vs grineer the most since they have lots of heavy units


anti matter field as the name suggests it is a field of anti matter particles that will destroy all enemy fire for a certian amount of time sort of like iron skin but better since anti matter is extremely unstable there is a chance that your field could explode dealing damage to all enemys in range but would also take your shields with it sort of like a risk and reward skill you can have a powerful field that will absorb all damage but it could also fail and explode which would deal nice damage to enemys in range but it would leave your vulnerable to surviving enemys would be good vs like infested since they are always in close range or good vs melee enemys if the field fails


anti nova you make the atoms and particles in a enemys body so unstable that they start to glow then they explode causing a massive explosion dealing heavy damage to the target and all surrounded mobs also gives a short dot effect afterwards basically gives a powrful area explosion that deals good damage to the target and all surrounding mobs could be used as crowd control or single target dps

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Nope. Right now people think of it as this magical science thingy that can do anything, much like they treated radiation a century or two ago.


That's the biggest problem with this theme. An antimatter frame would be nothing but explosions, but people are suggesting gravity control and time stop and all kinds of crazy things.

well i was thinking that since the product of an anti-matter recaction with matter is pure energy why not have it so that all anti-matter attacks grant small amounts of energy to your team

Edited by Flukeman62
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Not part of the DC, But my idea for a power the Antimatter frame could have is a power that would strip the enemies of armor and in the process create cover for players to use an advance the maps.


(using particles from the enemies to create a covering object, crate or small wall with the same mass absorbed from the enemy)


A max out of this power could change the enemies (lower levels) into cover for frames to use when advancing the maps. 


Rather than becoming brittle like Frosts Freeze power. They become an object which is made up of the same mass and forming random shapes for cover from enemy fire. 



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There is already a thread in the council section of the forums where people are posting their suggestions.

I've already posted mine but if you have a good idea that you wanna share contact me and i'll try to squeeze it into the council and indicate the author of the idea.

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And yah, I think antimatter won in the warframe theme poll because people think it sounds cool, and didn't actually stop to think about what an antimatter themed frame would actually be able to do.

I can't say "this" enough.


The posts in the design council thread are ridiculous.

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I can't say "this" enough.


The posts in the design council thread are ridiculous.

o let us have are fun its not crucially important that the skills are exactly like what real anti matter would be heck most people don't even know what anti matter is this is a game after all not reality

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o let us have are fun its not crucially important that the skills are exactly like what real anti matter would be heck most people don't even know what anti matter is this is a game after all not reality

Well then, what's the point of calling it an anti-matter Warframe if the skills have nothing to do with anti-matter at all.

That's like me saying "Hey guys, let's make a Warframe called Frost, and make all his skills fire related"


It doesn't matter if it's a game or not. What's the point of using an aspect of science in a game, and just changing it to magic.

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Does anyone here actually understand what anti-matter is and how it works?

In a nutshell: probably not.


Why it reacts violently(mutually destructive) with matter is probably beyond everyone here and for that matter, most if not all particle physicists.


That it will do so is pretty common knowledge, although I've seen a lot of ideas put forth that has nothing to do with antimatter.


Layman version: antimatter are particles of opposite charge to regular matter, instead of positively charged protons it has antiprotons(also known as negatrons) with a negative charge, and instead of negatively charged electrons it has positively charged positrons. Antiprotons are attracted to and will collide with protons, positrons are attracted to and will collide with electrons. These collisions result in the annihilation of both, and a release of energy.


What can we do with it? Well, basically we can make things go boom in a very weight efficient manner, the destructive power of even a tiny amount of antimatter is quite huge. To wit, one gram of antimatter reacting with one gram of matter will produce a 42.96 kiloton explosion, three times that of the hiroshima atom bomb. Even a millionth of a gram will be enough to blow up a building(equivalent to 42.96 kilo of TNT, which is plenty for demolishion purposes).


Of course what makes it the most interesting for real world applications is as spacecraft fuel due to its high energy to weight ratio.

Edited by Cerebrawl
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Just my 2 cents, we just got Vaubon (a Male frame) can this one please be a Female?


Also I am waiting to see what the M's and GM's make out before really digging into it. Not having expectations keeps  me much more open to accurate critique once the content is released.

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Because Volt_Cruelz is right, the warframe should be fully offensive, (obviosly you don't want to try to defend you with something that annihilates your atoms) everything else would be more like dark matter. I personally like the idea of just turning enemies in ... nothing.

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I just thought of the idea of combing the explosive nature of antimatter reactions with the potential energy generating capability for a fantastic ult.

Place a destructible antimatter reactor that will regenerate the energy of nearby waframes over time until depleted but if it is destroyed before depleted it creates an explosion that has damage based on the remaining time before it was depleted.

For warframes caught in the explosion radius it will regenerate a small amount of energy instantly.

Edited by Keiiken
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From a physics point of view, antimatter would have 3 areas of use:

1) Explosion for damage

2) Energy generation(harnessing explosions)

3) Propulsion(directed explosions)


So what would I do?


Leaving naming to others:

1) A Grenade ability

2) Generate some energy for another warframe. Or drop a generator the entire team can use for a limited time by staying close.

3) Limited flight, something between a super jump and slash dash, go very fast in one direction, hit enemies in the way, direction doesn't have to follow the ground.

4) Time bomb, drop and run/fly (or die when it goes off). Big damage, big radius, tricky to use.

Made most sense so far.

But instead of a "super dash jump thingamabob" I would go for something in the lines of a gun version of contagion (maybe making enemies that are killed by your guns blow up?).

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