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What Skills Would You Like To See On The New Anti Matter Warframe?


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I think of explosives when looking at Matter/Anti-Matter... I mean what happens when they touch? They destabilize everything around it and possibly blow up.

But I guess you could see support from the Matter and attack abilities with Anti-Matter... depends on how you look at it. Can't wait to see it in-game or possibly trailer :P

Edited by Yanga
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Funnily enough, Masters & Grandmasters are currently building the skill list(s). You'll see. ;)


Hoping to generate some chatter among the rank & file that may influence the decisions of the Design Council and maybe give them an idea.

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1) I'd love to see a personal defensive skill that uses a reactive antimatter field to negate a percentage of incoming attacks/damage. Antimatter annihilating normal matter sounds like a great excuse to make some eye candy.

Or, if this idea isn't too off-theme, perhaps a gravity lensing effect? By manipulating gravity, you render yourself *almost* completely invisible to enemies. They know you're there, but they're forced to "fire blind" at the lensing artifact itself, making a percentage of attacks guaranteed misses.

2) Another idea would be something akin to Saryn's venom: turn your target enemy into a living bomb that explodes when killed or at the end of a timer, yielding different damage output (or even special effects) depending on how the bomb is triggered.

3) Running with Saryn's mechanics, how about another elemental weapon enhancement? Saryn applies poison to her melee weapon; how about applying an antimatter effect to your ammunition? For the duration, you could simply add a bit of elemental damage to your ammo. With a nod back towards 2), maybe this idea would make a better vehicle for having enemies destabilize and blow up.

edit: formatting :P

Edited by notlamprey
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It needs to be the bomb warframe. explodin' things all day erryday. Chucking grenades, turning enemies into bombs, kamikaze strike, all that kind of stuff. I wanna be freakin bomberman.


It should be the first frame with an actual alternative to gunplay, instead of just an occasional super attack.

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#1 Death Beam: Cost 25


Shoot a beam that lasts 2 second and deals 350/350/500/1000 damage, ignore enemy's armor, range 12-12-15-20 meters

Increased by Focus and Stretch


#2 Antimatter Field: Cost 75


Cast a thin layer of anti-matter around yourself, you are invulnerable for the duration but you cant shoot (your own bullets will be destroyed by the antimatter shield), you cannot be poisoned but you are NOT immune to CC effects, adds "Antimatter damage" to your meele weapon, acts like another elemental damage, duration 8-8-10-12 seconds, increased by continuity.


#3 Antimatter Shroud: Cost 50


You link yourself to an ally (must be in line of sight), absorbing half the damage he's taking and reducing it on yourself by 50-50-70-80%, duration is 5-5-8-10 seconds.

Affected by focus and continuity


#4 Nullify: Cost 100


Shoot a huge beam from both hands for 5 seconds, it deals 600 damage/second, armor ignoring to all targets in its path, all enemies are just erased from space and time, range 'unlimited' (like lasers in void, it ends when it hit a wall/an object). Increased by Focus, NOT increased by continuity

Edited by Phoenix86
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I guess if I was to take a real stab at this, I'd go with something along the lines of this...  Obviously all abilities are affected by Streamline.



Health: 150 -> 450

Armor: 10 

Shields: 100 -> 300

Shield Regen: 22.5

Energy: 200 -> 800


Polarities: 4x =, 1x ~, 1x V


[1] Anti Beam - 100 energy

Effect: fires a beam of energy 10/10/20/30 meters that can be swept (though you cannot do anything else aside from aim it elsewhere for the duration), lasts for 1 second, and ticks ten times to enemies within the beam, inflicting 40/40/50/60 laser elemental damage per tick to affected units.  Killed enemies play Vaporize death animation.  Boosted by Focus (damage), Stretch (range), and Continuity (number of ticks).


[2] Decompose - 0 energy

Effect: does 50/60/70/80 laser elemental damage to Negara (yes, it can kill you) in exchange for 200/200/300/400 energy.  Focus boosts only the received energy, making it more efficient.  Streamline reduces damage dealt to Negara.


[3] Power Transfer - variable energy cost

Effect: donates 50/50/100/150 energy to a target ally within 10 meters.  Each use on the same ally within a mission reduces energy donated by 10 (bad Trinity!).  Focus boosts energy given but not energy reduced from Negara's reserves. Stretch boosts range.


[4] Annihilate - 500 energy

Effect: targets a single enemy up to 30 meters away, causing them to glow white, dealing 500 laser elemental damage before triggering an explosion that does 800 laser damage to everything within a 10/10/20/30 meter radius (including the initial target).  Stretch boosts both the target range and the AoE radius.  Focus boosts both damage values.


The resulting frame would end up playing very differently from existing frames because of its uniquely high energy values. Because of its abilities, it is then a burst caster itself with the option to forgo its own destructive powers to instead allow allies to keep up the bombardment with theirs.  Operating at such high values also means that the frame will find energy orbs or even Energy Siphon of much less value.  Adjust values as needed, but I think the general idea fits well within the idea of antimatter and fills a unique role in the game.

Edited by Volt_Cruelerz
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heres an idea, considering this is a matter frame maybe the powers should focus on particle style stuff maybe one power (uber) could be to dissasemble a group of enemies atom by atom. ability 


second ability maybe the second ability could be to plant a bomb somewhere that explodes after a certain amount of time releasing radiation as well as a big KABOOM! that will slowly poison any enemy outside the blast radius.


third: relating to the gravity idea, release a blast of antimatter that deflects and repels all matter with such force that it blows enemies to shreds.


and the final ability could be some sort of spacial rift of imploding matter and anti antimatter that first pulls enemies in and damaging them over a period of time only to then explode due to the inbalance of matter sending the corpses right into the living shells of corpus/grineer/infested.


how do you like them particles?

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The only special thing about antimatter (aside from some very technical differences that aren't going to change anything) is that if it comes in contact with matter it annihilates releasing energy according to E=mc^2.  No spatial rifts or gravity disruption or anything like that.  It basically just works as an incredibly dense form of energy storage (or a bomb).

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I think powers based around explosion and disintegration would be well suited. Here are my ideas.

1. Disintegration Ray - Fires a beam of antimatter that destroys matter it comes into contact with. This power would do damage similar to other frame's first power, but can do headshot damage or disarm a target (literally).


2. Antimatter Clone - The frame leaves a shadowy image of a warframe where it was standing. If an enemy hits it, the clone explode and all beings (or enemies) in the immediate area take damage. This power could be used to stop a massive rush of infested or to lay a trap for other enemies.


3. Pinpoint Barrier - The frame creates small fields that float along it's skin randomly. These fields absorb incoming ranged attacks, but are weak against melee attackers.


4. Antimatter Ring - The frame creates a ring around himself (after all if he sends out a large aoe wave of antimatter it would hurt friendly frames). The ring stays active based on rank and mod. From the ring, antimatter spikes frequently reach out to hit enemies dealing large damage. Also touching the ring deals damage too.


These aren't meant to be the 4 frames the power has. They are just some ideas I had that seem to fit the theme.

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well if we are gonna run with lazers.... 1 finger laser 2 shadow rush 3 shield blast 4 disco doom....(mind you ideas for skils names can change if needed)

1 finger laser....pretty self explanitory

2 shadow rush.... uses anti mater to shroud him/herself in shadows increaseing speed + leaveing a trail that  damages enemys persueing

3 shield blast .... crystalizes and detonates shielding of target for heavy ap damage

4 disco doom.... combine skill 1 +3 an have the lazer bounce and split off the shattered crystalized shield fragments  heavy ap aoe simmaler to volt's overload

Edited by DragoXXVIII
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3: Space-time Distortion - the warframe can be in 2 places "at once".

              -- This will create a clone of the frame where aimed at. The player cannot move while in this state, but can switch between the two copies of himself at leisure (g-button?)


4: Antimatter field - Whenever an enemy enters the field, a random bodypart will degenerate/implode.

              -- Hand/arm: enemy loses his gun. + dmg

              -- Legs: enemy can no longer move. + dmg

              -- Head: Dead

              -- Everwhere else: stun + dmg

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Funnily enough, Masters & Grandmasters are currently building the skill list(s). You'll see. ;)

Stop tempting me into spend $50! I'm already broke!

I'd personally love to see a lot of abilities that mess with enemies. Minor damage and a massive push, stuns, holds, things like that.

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I'd like to see something with time and space, as well. Maybe something along these lines:


Name: Shadow

Health: 60 -> 110

Armour: 13

Shields: 340 -> 980

Energy: 200 -> 950



Astral Distort: Slow or stop time, leaving enemies suspended in the air while you and your squad move freely. -25 Energy


Astral Rewind: Reverse time, bringing deceased enemies back to life, giving you all ammo and energy that was spent/used during the time. -50 Energy


Shadow Walk: Walk as a shadow, invisible and deadly, dealing extremely lethal damage, and stop time while active. -75 Energy


Big Bang: Deal massive damage to all enemies within a 40 meter radius, killing most enemies instantaneously, while each enemy drops massive quantities of Energy Orbs, Ammunition Boxes, Resource Boxes, and Health Orbs. -100 Energy


Detailed Explanation of the last three abilities:

Astral Rewind allows you go back in time, with you and your squad. You will see everything that happened while you use this ability, and will be able to make different choices as to have a different effect on the mission. This allows you to redo a part of the mission if you mess up. Example: You play stealthily, having three Ashes and a Shadow. One of the Ashes is detected and you're all on the radar. Shadow's Astral rewind takes you back in time to "redo" the part in which you were detected. Kind of like a second chance.


Shadow Walk allows you to kill all enemies (except bosses) with one strike with a melee attack or one bullet/arrow/Kunai. However, you can only attack 10 enemies before you will be visible again, and this wears off, or if the ability's time limit runs out.


Big Bang is what it sounds like. It's a big bang similar to the one that created the universe, and all the materials we have today. So, when used and the enemies die, they drop things at an extremely high rate. This also affects rare resources. Rare resources will have a drop rate similar to uncommon, uncommon similar to common, and common will be found in MASSIVE quantities. The only enemies it will not insta-kill are bosses, all others are at the mercy of the Shadow.


Overview of the Shadow:

The Shadow Warframe is a stealthy, celestial character who is a very high damage dealer, but frail once the shields run out. The shields are very excessive, but the health is minute in comparison. The shadow's defenses are high for a reason: to protect the fragile little body inside. If the shields are depleted, expect imminent death unless someone comes to help, or an ability is used. Shadow would be very overpowered, but would be VERY expensive. The most expensive Warframe to date, and would be for quite a while. Shadow's blueprints would also be very elusive, being the rarest type of blueprints in the game, due to the overpowering nature of the frame.


Tell me if this is a good idea. ^.^


NOTE: I have taken into concideration how these abilities could be potentially spammed for killing everything on the map instantly. As a result of that, I have decided to suggest a cooldown on these abilities. A cooldown of at least 3-5 minutes for the weakest ability. I have concidered suggesting an excruciatingly slow shield regen. It could potentially be the slowest the game will ever have, so that way the Shadow is actually kill-able. Also, while it has an armour rating of 13, that would only apply to melee attacks. Meaning, it would be resistant to melee, and weaker to any projectile. The projectile armour rating could be, say, 2. This would mean that getting shot would hurt. A lot. Now, shields are unaffected by Armour. However, when those shields are down, you are at the mercy of your armour rating. So, think about it. It is kill-able. It'll just take a while. Also, as stated previously, cooldowns would be really important. They should be very long periods of time. That's the key to balancing this out. Also, seeing as how Shadow would be incredibly overpowered still, it should NOT be purchaseable. Having Shadow for sale is a HORRIBLE idea. You can buy the Shadow FRAME blueprint, but nothing else. The items required to make it should be at least 300 Morphics, 5,000 Rubedo, and 50 Orokin Cells. For each part. Which is why it is the ultimate reward, but comes at the ultimate price. Unless your Mit Romney with all your materials, you aren't getting this any time soon. ;)


EDIT: See note.



Edited by SethA007
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Dark matter - 25 energy

Throws a black ball similar to Embers fireball but instead stuns a enemy and leaves a pool of purple ooze to slow that enemy and other enemies down

Upgrading causes longer stun and bigger pool

Add continuity for lasting effects

Add stretch for longer range

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No lasers on this warframe this isnt about :FIRIN MY LASAR!: yet, but the blowing up part yes that seems to be the most likely possibility.

And if they were to make it lasers my "imagination warframe" that uses lasers like a boss would be completely destroyed (sad face).

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#2 Antimatter Field: Cost 75


Cast a thin layer of anti-matter around yourself, you are invulnerable for the duration but you cant shoot (your own bullets will be destroyed by the antimatter shield), you cannot be poisoned but you are NOT immune to CC effects, adds "Antimatter damage" to your meele weapon, acts like another elemental damage, duration 8-8-10-12 seconds, increased by continuity.


If you had a layer of anti-matter around you, and someone shot it. Wouldn't it just explode due to matter coming in contact with anti-matter?


The following part is unrelated to your post.


While anti-matter does sound like a cool concept, I'm kinda skeptical of how it's going to turn out.

When most people think of anti-matter, it's just explosions. And if we get a Warframe whos 4 skills are just explode this, explode that, I'll be rather disappointed.

Having another 'Frame that's just there to obliterate everything is pretty boring.


The thing with the Design Council choosing the skills brings me to my next point.

Reading through the thread, 90% of the suggestions have absolutely nothing to do with anti-matter at all.

Most of them are just random skills with the word anti-matter thrown in. :p


Ah well, that's just my 0.02, I think it'll all turn out pretty well.

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Anti-matter Armorbreak - 25 - Wraps an enemy a small bubble of anti-matter reducing their armor rating by 5/6/7/8% of max value per second up to 100% max reduction for 8/10/12/14 seconds. If the enemy has zero armor rating at any time, they are stacked 2/3/4/5% vunerability to damage per sec up to 50%. All attacks on that enemy causes an explosion which deal 30/40/50/60% of damage in a small set radius to nearby enemies. Explosion radius not affected by Stretch. Not affected by Focus.


Anti-matter Sentinel - 50 - Summons a sentinel at the ground target location which bombards enemies with a controlled stream of anti-matter. The sentinel affects all enemies in range with a red beam as opposed to shield osprey blue beam which reduce enemy shields to 0 and reduce armor rating by 10/15/20/25%. It also affects allies with a blue beam that regens shields. It has normal aggro and takes 5% less damage for each enemy it links with. Has health but lasts for 9/10/11/12 seconds.


Anti-matter Burst - 75 - Creates a large blast dealing moderate damage to enemies and stunning them for 3/4/5/6 seconds. Gives 25/35/45/55 energy to allies in range. You know.. because anti-matter can be used to generate energy for a weapon or to have energy for other uses. :P


Anti-matter Flood - 100 - Using his/her mastery of anti-matter, the warframe floods the area with a manipulated stream of anti-matter strengthening allies' protection and weapons and generating energy for them. Allies take 30/40/50/60% reduced damage and do 10/15/15/20% more damage. They also constantly regenerates shields at 5/10/10/15 shields per sec and regenerates energy at 4/5/6/7 energy per sec(Energy regen does not affect you). Lasts 9/10/11/12 seconds. Does not scale with Focus.


Anyone can post any part of this suggestion in the design council post as they wish. Just don't take credit for it. :P

Edited by Stygi
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I think of either a large, beam of swirly dark grey and purple particles smashing down on an opponent, or a small projectile or beam and when it hits an opponent it covers their body as they take damage, slowly disintegrating them.

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