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Shadow Stalker Tips?



Ok I cave, so how the hell are you meant to deal with this guy he's just plain annoying the crap out of me.


I'm currently farming t4 void solo to farm some missing parts, and this guy has decided to come ruin the party.

From what I can gather after he receives a portion of damage he goes into 99% damage immunity mode. The only way I can kill this guy is in valkyrs hysteria however I don't wish to be forced to run this just incase he appears.

I have attempted to prepare for him (since he's now appeared 8 times in the last 2 hours) However I just can't bloody kill him! Had no problems with this guy in the Second Dream.
I'd link my gear but I'm on console so


Currently running Loki to speed hunt caches in Sab


Rakta Cernos

Serration, Hammershot, Split Chamber, Point Strike, Malignant Force, Stormbringer, Hellfire

(all of these mods are max rank bar Serration at rank 9)

Its hitting for around 1k impact and heat with over 2k corrosive



Lex Prime

Hornet Strike, Barrel Diffusion, Lethal Torrent, Pistol Gambit, Frostbit, Convulsion, Pistol Pestilence

(again all maxed however Hornet strike is only rank7)

Hitting for 1200ish puncture with 600 toxin and around 1500 magnetic



Galatine (Tempo Royale)

Presure Point, Jagged Edge, Fury, Spoiled Strike, North Wind, Fever Strike, Volcanic Edge, Shocking Touch

(all maxed)

Hitting for 700odd slash with 600 radiation and 700odd viral (spin attack is hitting for over 4k damage)



Now all these are different elements, and each weapon has a different base damage type. So how the hell do I kill this bloody &#!. I literally fire 1 arrow... just 1! and he drops to around 1/3 of his health. The guy instantly meditates and all of a sudden I can't hit decent damage on him with anything. He laughs at my warframe abilities stating they don't work and constantly yanks me out of stealth. That is assuming his disco ball doesn't insta-kill me which ever state I'm in.


I just don't understand how to kill this guy.

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17 answers to this question

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Dodge his moves. A lot of his attacks are very telegraphed. Also, some of his moves may leave him in an invulnerable state for short period of time (i.e. when he channels his explosion attack).

Bring a multi-elemental loadout helps a lot.

Dueling him becomes very easy once you get used to it.

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Ok I cave, so how the hell are you meant to deal with this guy he's just plain annoying the crap out of me.


I'm currently farming t4 void solo to farm some missing parts, and this guy has decided to come ruin the party.

From what I can gather after he receives a portion of damage he goes into 99% damage immunity mode. The only way I can kill this guy is in valkyrs hysteria however I don't wish to be forced to run this just incase he appears.

I have attempted to prepare for him (since he's now appeared 8 times in the last 2 hours) However I just can't bloody kill him! Had no problems with this guy in the Second Dream.

I'd link my gear but I'm on console so


Currently running Loki to speed hunt caches in Sab


Rakta Cernos

Serration, Hammershot, Split Chamber, Point Strike, Malignant Force, Stormbringer, Hellfire

(all of these mods are max rank bar Serration at rank 9)

Its hitting for around 1k impact and heat with over 2k corrosive



Lex Prime

Hornet Strike, Barrel Diffusion, Lethal Torrent, Pistol Gambit, Frostbit, Convulsion, Pistol Pestilence

(again all maxed however Hornet strike is only rank7)

Hitting for 1200ish puncture with 600 toxin and around 1500 magnetic



Galatine (Tempo Royale)

Presure Point, Jagged Edge, Fury, Spoiled Strike, North Wind, Fever Strike, Volcanic Edge, Shocking Touch

(all maxed)

Hitting for 700odd slash with 600 radiation and 700odd viral (spin attack is hitting for over 4k damage)



Now all these are different elements, and each weapon has a different base damage type. So how the hell do I kill this bloody !. I literally fire 1 arrow... just 1! and he drops to around 1/3 of his health. The guy instantly meditates and all of a sudden I can't hit decent damage on him with anything. He laughs at my warframe abilities stating they don't work and constantly yanks me out of stealth. That is assuming his disco ball doesn't insta-kill me which ever state I'm in.


I just don't understand how to kill this guy.


He's quite easy tbh, my soma prime (which is weaker than ur rakta cernos) can kill him in a few seconds. Of course when he goes invincible for a little while and starts running/teleporting around it takes longer, but he's quite easy. And also, when he goes 10% health or lower, he teleports away (if he hasn't killed anyone).

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He appeared a lot on me when I was farming for Ivara.
What I did was bring a Warframe Specter (Excal or Rhino is good) with good weapons like Hek or Tigris

They will give you a little boost. Clem or Syndicate specters like corrupted or ancient/charger ones are good distraction

If you cant get one. is all okay.


- Dont shoot him one time tho.. Keep shooting until he is inmmune to that weapon dmg. (You will see if he is inmmune. appears next to his hp bar)

- Be on a large room. you are ded if you are in a small one.

- Be on the moves. keep running in circles if you are in a big room, attack him always at distance.

- Dont attack him when he is doing his floating movements.

- only use melee if you are out of options.

- Your sentinel also should have different elemental dmg. (extra boost)


Recently he attacked me when I was doing some t3 caps. I killed him with an low rank sacti tigris. so you can do it. its not impossibru.

Edited by NeptunePH
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I thought he'd be more difficult, but the 2-3 times I've encountered him solo he hasn't been that difficult.


First time he was dead in under 15 seconds. I only used Rakta Cernos with my Loki. (There was one other guy also as Loki, but didn't do much). He hit me twice with his energy waves after he was dead and my Loki (w/o Redirection) only lost 60 health.


Second time was using an Ember with just Tonkor and level 15 Lacera. Tonkor brought him down halfway before he became immune. I just jogged away from him and kept hitting him with the Tonkor for ~100 dmg a shot. It still killed him pretty easily, but took 5 minutes or so.


Honestly the "rework" didn't do a lot I don't think. Just changed his abilities to where they have even more travel time to be more easily dodged than his Dread-shots and don't do as much damage.


Edit: As far as tips, all I can say is just be aware of what his abilities do and when to dodge them. Keeping some distance from him by jogging away constantly (without sprinting) seemed to be pretty good. Just avoid his hits and make sure your shots land on him. One of his moves has him "charging up" or something that he's invincible during. Just jogging away then gets good enough distance and shoot him once he's finished that animation.

Not even sure about his "immunity" because it didn't seem to be as effective for him as the regular Sentient's immunity.

Edited by Maicael
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Usually when stalker comes after me I have a soma or sancti tigris with 2 elementals and my rakta with viral. I just shoot him with the tigris/soma until he has resistance to 3 damage types (2 elements and slash), then I unload as much of the rakta as I can very quickly to take him out. 


I guess the key is to use weapons with different elemental combos and IPS spread


Btw does anyone know how well pheonix gate works against him?

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Wow thankyou everyone for the replies, Will try a few of these next time he appears. Just to clear things up, I don't stop shooting him he just does his weird meditate thing that fast. Also the immunity his meditation grants... this isn't a permanent thing it's a temporary state?


I gave up with trying to gain distance I get any more than 5mtrs away and he spams some sort of "Yoink" ability and I'm on the floor next to him getting exalted blade waved.

The damage your mentioning, is this on PC? On my console Loki, his abilities hit like a truck. I've not seen a great deal of what he can do because he tends to keep doing the same chain, he throws some sort of energy Bomb (that's a 1 shot and very fast), he then exalted blade waves (i can survive 1 of these), then Disco ball (insta kill). Rinse Repeat unless I'm a distance away from him and then "Yoink"

Edited by (PS4)FaintAffiliate
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I'm not 100% sure, but I'd be willing to put money on it, that when he shows up in T4 he gets the 300% damage boost everything else does.  Was there two days ago on my Ice Chroma, and he one shot me, while every other time I've run into him lately, I've wiped the floor with him.  I've been dragging his health down with Simulor (Mag/Rad/Toxin) stacks from the moment he stands up, then when he gets resistant, finishing him off with my Furis (Viral/Heat).  It's worked stunningly effectively everytime since I started carrying that as my general loadout, except that one.


Also, Ancient Healer Specters are extremely helpful.

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I tend to sleep on the ancient healers, I really need to think to bring them along either that or copy my Trinity onto a few Phase Spectors. Thankyou for mentioning that Cwellann, will make sure I chuck them into my loadout now ^_^. 

On an update although I haven't killed him in the void yet he seems to have stopped picking on my Loki so going to enjoy finishing farming these parts before his lunch break is up :P

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Weapons that don't require precise aim (like the Sonicor and other explosives) or that deal a lot of damage in a single shot are rather helpful against the Shadow Stalker. I've managed to defeat him with only a Sonicor (my primary was an Ignis with the same elemental combination, talk about unprepared) simply by jumping around all over the place and aiming in the Stalker's general direction.



Wow thankyou everyone for the replies, Will try a few of these next time he appears. Just to clear things up, I don't stop shooting him he just does his weird meditate thing that fast. Also the immunity his meditation grants... this isn't a permanent thing it's a temporary state?


That's him using Nyx's Absorb. It absorbs all incoming damage and releases it against you when it ends. Stop firing and walk away.

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