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Ignis Isn't A Flamethrower


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The flamethrower from Blacklight: Retribution has no AoE cone, it's a straight line shooter, but does go through every enemy no matter how many there are behind one another. Same with the flamethrower from TF2 altough it looks like it has a small cone AoE, can never tell cause everyone moves around too much, I think the Ignis was just pieced together and thrown into the game, not sure if they also got lazy with the design to make it look like a Grakata with a little tank and a hose to make it look like a flamethrower.


DE needs to take a look at the flamethrowers from Blacklight or TF2 or any game that knows what a true flamethrower is supposed to do and overhaul the Ignis accordingly.

Edited by __Kanade__
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Gentlemen, may be there is another solution? How about remaking the stream itself. Since the engulfing part is pretty hard for programming, may be something like a burning gas stream would work?


I think K_Shiro suggested an easy approach above.  Just make the flame have complete puncture within its (short) range and make the projectiles very big (maybe 2 feet wide).

BAM! Now it hits in a wide area and all the enemies in that area.

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Most games never do flamethrowers justice. I've played so many damn shooters and not a single one strikes me out as "oh snap that was a hell of a flame thrower". They all tend to suck.


A good shotgun? Soldier of Fortune.

A good rocket launcher? Half-Life, Duke Nukem, Serious Sam, UT2k4

A good sniper? S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (gauss rifle), Quake 3 Arena, UT2k4

A good pistol? Half-Life, dat Colt Python


etc etc. I can never think of a game where I was, oh hey that was so good I actually wanted to use it. Even in far cry I couldn't be bothered.

Fallout: New Vegas did justice to the Flamethrower, it was the weapon that fired globs of napalm and you could end up just covering an entire battlefield in burning death, especially if you were on an elevated position.
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Yea, i really disliked the flamethrower mechanics that we have now. I even started the thread but havent mentioned this one. Well, i can only say that already been said. Its not a flamethrower now, its shorter range, lower damge, bad damage type bugged beamgun which engulfs entire screen in useless flames.



This will probably have some problems cuz i've never seen a source game with flowing liquid mechanics or AoE damge except blasts. So probably source have only pinpoint hitscan like bullets and shotgun pellets.

Making Ignis a shotgun would make it sacrifice so much damage at longer ranges cuz of spread and make it very damaging at lower ranges.

Making in-built metal auger will make it shoot through walls which is also not so "flamethrowery".

AoE like ogris is also not so good cuz then you can hit yourself or/and shoot enemies behind corners



I had an idea of making the large number of pellets per "shot" and a maximum number of pellets hit per shot that can damage enemies. Maybe extra number at closer ranges but this will make it just a bad shotgun. That way we will have the fuel dispersion effect, multitargeting without altering its damage in some way, making particulary hit enemies hurt less than fully covered in flames, AoE without making it shotgun (shotguns are much more powerfull than assault rifles at close range so that will require a buff in order not to make it worst shotgun).


It will also help if there will be a "Damage over Time" effect like acrid. (Maybe split the damage in "hit" and "DoT" parts in order to make short bursts more usefull to conserve ammo, and makes a little bit worse idea to roast already burning enemies)  That will add some "fire and forget" effect and increase efficiency of short bursts aka fuel burns on enemies for some time. Those burning effects are too colorfull and intense to be so useless.


And the last idea is little AoE around enemies hit. That way we will have the effect of flame engulfing (not just hit 1st enemy and stop), more crowd control efficiency and making it look like penetrating first enemy without making it shoot through walls like with metal auger it will be.



P.S. Im not familiar with source but judging from what i've seen in source game that sounds to me like a easily made idea :P

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Do not compromise to make a flame shotgun, make a AoE flamethrower. Even if you have to used angled continuous mechanics, like the flux rifle except you put hundreds of those clustered in a AoE mechanic.


Basically, a flux rifle that has like 1000 beams and a flame effect.

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Really hit the nail on the head on this thread. The Ignis should match up with other endgame content, and this thing requires a decent mastery rank to boot! I'd take a Sobek or a Hek anyday over this, though I've potatoed/30'd this gun. It just doesn't FEEL like a mastery locked weapon.

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The Ignis is more of a re-purposed propane torch that you'd use for deicing than a flame thrower, and I don't necessarily see a problem with it. If anything this is more plausible, not less. Why? Because much of this game takes place in space.


People *@##$ about the Gorgon being too quiet. My response: It's supressed, so you don't deafen yourself or your comrades when firing it inside a metal structure.


The Ignis isn't a real flame thrower, it's a modified propane deicing torch. Leaving flaming gelled gasoline all over to foul your limited atmosphere and drip into who-knows-what is probably a really bad idea even on a very large spacecraft.

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I think there is more of a wh40k meltagun ur talking about. Just not so anti-armor.


And ignis was buffed pretty good. So no butthurts for now. Its still inferior (i think) to all other assault rifles except braton mk1 but it is now playable. Could still use some tweaks or at least some bugfixes. Its now usable in almost all the situations. And the worst parts are now covered with new mods. I also forma'ed it 3 times and made it shiny :3

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And ignis was buffed pretty good. So no butthurts for now. Its still inferior (i think) to all other assault rifles except braton mk1 but it is now playable. Could still use some tweaks or at least some bugfixes. Its now usable in almost all the situations. And the worst parts are now covered with new mods. I also forma'ed it 3 times and made it shiny :3

What were the buffs exactly and when were they implemented?

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I think the "being on fire", fire status mechanic is the broken one anyway, fire consumes fuel, it damages things over time. No question at all about it.


I dont care if venom/poison/toxicity is already in the game as a damage over time component, thats direct to health anyway.


Fire doesnt ignore armor, but it should still deal damage over time.


There's also the pain component of being on fire should debuff a target in it's effectiveness while it's burning.

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